Bihar Board Class 6 English Book Solutions Chapter 12 The Talking Potato

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BSEB Bihar Board Class 6 English Book Solutions Chapter 12 The Talking Potato

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Bihar Board Class 6 English The Talking Potato Text Book Questions and Answers

A. Warmer

Question 1.
What will be your reaction if a flower start stalking to you ?
Will you be glad or sad ?
If a flower starts talking to me, at first I will be afraid. Later, on I will be glad to talk to the flower.

B. Comprehension

B. 1. Think and Tell

Question 1.
What does a farmer do ?

Question 2.
Where did the farmer live ?
In a village.

Question 3.
Was the farmer lazy ? How ?
Yes, He did not water or cared his field.

Question 4.
What did the vine say to the farmer ?
The vine said to the farmer to hang it back on the tree.

Question 5.
Who said, “A potato that talks”?
Mukhiya’s chair said it.

B. 2. Think and Write.

B. 2. 1. True of False

Question 1.
Based on the story write ‘true’ or ‘false’ next to each sentence given below.
(a) The farmer had sown potatoes in his garden.
(b) The farmer became frightened when his dog spoke to him ?
(c) The farmer wanted to tell the fisherman what he had heard.
(d) The tailor was sewing a pant.
(e) The Mukhiya believed what the three men told him.
(a) False
(b) True
(c) True
(d) False
(e) False

B.2.2. Tick the right answers to each of the questions given below.

Question 1.
The farmer became pale with fear when he heard the vine talking. What happened just after that ?
(a) He ran back home.
(b) He wanted to tell the Mukhiya what he had heard.
(c) He threw the vine on the rock and the rock said ‘Get the vine away from me.’
(c) He threw the vine on the rock and the rock said ‘Get the vine away from me.’

Question 2.
The fisherman dropped the net and ran to the village with the farmer because
(a) He became afraid after hearing the farmer’s story.
(b) The fisherman’s net spoke up.
(c) He saw a ghost.
(b) The fisherman’s net spoke up.

Question 3.
‘You fools!’ said the Mukhiya angrily because ?
(a) The Mukhiya did not believe the story of the farmer, fisherman and the tailor.
(b) They must have heard the potato vine, rock, net and the shirt speaking.
(a) The Mukhiya did not believe the story of the farmer, fisherman and the tailor.

B. 2. 3. Answer in not more than 50 words.

Question 1.
Why was the farmer frightened ?
The farmer heard the potatoes talking to him. Hearing potatoes talk he got afraid. Then he heard his dog talking to him, then a vine and.a rock talked to him. Listening them talking the farmer got frightened.

Question 2.
Why did the tailor run with the farmer ?
The tailor’s shirt said to him that he was right. Hearing the shirt talking the tailor got frightened. So, he too ran away with the farmer.

Question 3.
Why was the Mukhiya angry ?
Mukhiya didn’t believe on the words of the farmer, the fisherman and the tailor. He told them that they were talking nonsense and got angry with them for talking as fools to him.

Question 4.
Which six things spoke that frightened the farmer, the fisherman, the tailor and the Mukhiya ?
The potatoes, a dog, a vine and a rock talked to the farmer. The net talked to the fisherman that made him afraid. The shirt lalkfed to the tailor and the chair talked to the Mukhiya, making them frightened.

Question 5.
Why did the potato complain to the farmer ?
The farmer was lazy. He did not water his field. He did not care for the potatoes. So, the potato complained to the farmer

Question 6.
What would have the Mukliiya done hearing the chair’s voice ?
I think that the Mukhiya would have become surprised hearing his chair’s voice. Being frightened he would have run before the farmer, the fisherman and the tailor. Getting them, he would have said to them about his talking chair. Then, all of them would have run to or a temple or a saint or a tantrik to save them from the Ghosts in village and all around. They would have spread the bad news to all the villagers. All villagers would have been frightened of the ghost story.

C. Word Power

C. 1. Match the occupations with the instruments.

Question 1.
farmer – saw
fisher man – awl
tailor – net
cobbler – sewing machine
carpenter – sickel
farmer – sickel
fisher man – net
tailor – sewing machine
cobbler – awl
carpenter – saw

C. 2. Find out the words of opposite meaning

Question 1.
(Town, wrong, pick, wise, evening)
Town – Village
Wrong – Right
Pick -Throw
Wise – Fool
Evening – Morning.

D. Grammar

Question Making.
Example : “Why are you running farmer ? Is any lion chasing you ?” asked the fisherman. You have notice the words like who, why, what and when in your text.

They are called ‘whol’ words and arc used to ask question. Some other ‘who’ words are given below :
(whose, whom, which, how, where)

Now use the words given in the box to complete the following dialogue:
(What, When, Where, Why. Who, Which, How)

Soham as student of class VI of Delhi meets Pankaj another student of Class VI while travelling by train to Patna.
Solium : What is your name ?
Pmikaj : My name is Pankaj Kumar.
Soliain : Which class do you study ?
Pankaj : 1 study in class VI.
Soham : How’ far is your school from home ?
Pankaj : My school is 1 km. away from my house.
Solium : Where are you going ?
Pankaj : I am going to Patna.
Soham : Who arc you travelling with ?
Pankaj : I am travelling with my parents.
Soham : Where is your home town ?
Pankaj : My hometown is in Patna.
Solium : When will you reach Patna ? .
Pankaj : 1 will reach Patna by 5.30 in the morning.
Solium : Who else slays in Patna along with you ?
Pankaj : My grand parents and uncles stay along with us.
Soham : Nice to meet you.

E. Let’s Talk and Write

Question 1.
Discuss with your friends what will you feel and behave, if the desk in your classroom shares talking to you. Then write a parag on it.
If the desk in my classroom shares talking to me and. my friends. We will all be afraid. I think, then we will have to leave the classroom. Then, we will have to report to our class teacher an,d then to our principal.
Discuss with your friends on the matter yourselves.

E. 1. What would you do your book started talking to you ? Discuss, in pairs.

Discuss in pairs yourselves.

E. 2. “Imagine !” said the Mukliiya’s chair. “A potato that talks!”

Question 1.
Now w’hat do you think the Mukhiya would have done ? Imagine and write a few sentences on what the Mukhiya would have done alter his chair started speaking.
The Mukhiya would have become frightened hearing the chair’s voice. Being frightened he would have run before. the farmer, the fisherman and the tailor. Getting them, he would have said to them about his talking chair. Then, alt of them would have run to or a temple or a saint or a tantrik to save them from the Ghosts in village and all around. They would have spread the bad news to all the villagers. All villagers would have been frightened of the ghost story. They all would live many days and nights frightened shivering with fear.

F. Translation

F. 1. Translate into English

  1. तुम आज देर से क्यों आये ? कुत्ते ने रामू से पूछा।
  2. कुत्ते का प्रश्न सुनकर रामू डर गया।
  3. क्या कुत्ता भी हमारी आवाज में बोल सकता है ?
  4. रामू डरकर वहाँ से जाने लगा।
  5. कुत्ते ने उसे फिर पुकारा ‘मत जाओ।’ मेरी बात सुनो।


  1. “Why did you come late today ?” The dog asked to Ramu.
  2. Ramu got afraid listening the question of the dog.
  3. Can a dog too speak as us ?
  4. Ramu went off from there being afraid.
  5. he dog again told him, “Don’t go. Listen to me.”

G. Language game

G. 1. Hidden Sentence Game

Question 1.
This is a very interesting game which you can play with your partner. Write a sentence and hide it by adding an unwanted letter at as many places as you like. For example, you write “I LOVE MY INDIA.” Now hide it by adding an unwanted letter D.

The sentence will now look like this: “DIDIXWEDMYDINDIAD” Write a sentence”, hide it, and aks your partner to find out the word.

The Talking Potato Summary in English

In a village lived a farmer. Once, he went to his field to dig the potatoes. Suddenly, he heard a potato saying to him that he had not watered or cared, for him. The potato told him to go away and leave him alone. Then his dog said to him that the potato was right as he was lazy. Hearing the potato and the dog talking to him, the farmer got frightened. He went to cut a vine to tic the dog. Then, the vine said to him to hang him back on the tree. Then the rock on which he had thrown the sine told him to get the vine away from him.

The frightened farmer ran and told a fisherman about all that. He didn’t believe. Then, the net told the fisherman that the farmer was right.

Now, the fisherman too got frightened. He ran with the farmer and reached to a tailor and both of them told them the ghosty happening. The tailor denied their story. Just then, the tailor’s shirt said that he was right.

Now, the three of them went and told to the Mukhiya the whole story. The Mukhiya got angry and shouted them to run back to their work. Just then, the chair on which the Mukhiya sat, said to him, “Imagine that a potato talks !” Now, the Mukhiya too got afraid.

The Talking Potato Summary in Hindi

उसने खेत में न पानी दिया न ही उनकी देखभाल की। उस आल ने उसे भाग जाने को कहा। तब उसका कुत्ता उससे बोला कि आलू सही बोल रहा है क्योंकि वह आलसी है। आलू और कुत्ते को बोलता सुनकर वह किसान भयभीत हो गया । वह अंगूर की एक लता को तोड़ने गया ताकि कुत्ते को बाँधा जा सके। तब उस लता ने उससे कहा कि वह उसे वापस पेड़ पर टाँग दें। तब वह पत्थर बोला कि इस लता को मेरे पर से हटाओ जिस पर उस किसान न लता को फेंका था।

तब वह किसान वहाँ से डरकर भागा और एक मछुआरे को सारी बात बताई। उसने विश्वास नहीं किया उन बातों पर तो उसके जाल ने कहा कि किसान सही बोल रहा है। अब वह मछुआरा भी डर गया । वह किसान के साथ भागता हुआ एक दर्जी के पास पहुँचकर उसे सारी बातें उन दोनों ने बताई । दर्जी ने उनकी कहानी को नकार दिया तो उसकी सिल रही कमीज ने कहा कि किसान सही बोल रहा है।

अब, वे तीनों भागते हुए मुखिया के पास पहुँचकर उसे सारी बातें कह सुनाए । मुखिया क्रोधित होकर उन्हें भागकर अपने काम पर लौट जाने को कहा। तब वह कुर्सी जिस पर वह मुखिया बैठा हुआ था, उससे बोली कि ‘, गना करो कि एक आलू बोल भी सकता है।” अब, वह मुखिया भी डर
Word Meanings : Sow (v)[सो] = बीज बोना या जमाना । To weed (v)/टूक = निराना | Dig up (v)[डिग अप] = खोदना I Care (v) केयर) = ध्यान ना | Alone (adj) [अलोन) = अकेला । Lazy (adj) |लेजी) = आलसी | frighten (v) [फ्राइटेन) = डराना | Pale (adj) [पल] = फीका । Vine (n) |वाइन) = अंगूर की लता । Terrible (adj) |टेरीबल) = भयानक । Explain (v) एक्सप्लेन] = समझाना । Believe (v)[बीलिव = विश्वास करना । Joke (m) |जोक) = मजाक | Sewing (v) |सीविंग] = मिलाई करना । Chase (v)|चेज = पीछे पड़ना । Dream (n) ड्रीम]= स्वप्न, Dare (v) [डेयर] = हिम्मत करना । Imagine (v) [इमैजिन] = कल्पना ।

The Talking Potato Hindi Translation of The Chapter

O Now read this story: 0 अब इस कहानी को पढ़ो :
There was a………………………leave me alone!”.
Word Meanings : Farmer (n) [फॉर्मर) = किसान | Waited (v) वेटेड) = इंतजार करना । Watered (v) [वाटर्ड] = पानी पटाया।
हिन्दी अनुवाद-एक किसान था। वह गाँव में रहता था। उसने अपने – खेत में आलू बोया था। लेकिन उसने निराई करने और आलुओं को पटाने (पानी देने) के लिए समय नहीं दिया था। दो महीनों के बाद वह आलुओं को खोदने के लिए गया था। जैसे ही वह खोदना शुरू किया, एक आवाज आई, “मेरे खेत में आने में तुमने इतना इंतजार क्यों किया? तुमने मुझे पानी नहीं पटाया न ही मेरा ध्यान रखा। चले जाओ और मुझे अकेला छोड़ दो।

“Who’s speaking?”……….fish with anet.
Word Meanings :Spoke (v)[स्पोक) = कहा | Answered(v) |आन्सर्ड = उत्तर दिया । Decided (v) [डिसाइडेड] = निर्णय लिया । Tie (v)/टाई] = बाँधना | Rock (n)[रॉक = चट्टान I Net (n)[नेट] = जाल । हिन्दी अनुवाद-“किसने कहा?” किसान ने अपने चारों ओर देखकर । कहा।

“यह एक आलू था” कुत्ते ने जवाब दिया । “और वह सही है, तुम जानते हो। तुम आलसी थे।” किसान डरा हुआ था। वह विश्वास नहीं कर पा रहा था कि उसका कुत्ता बोल रहा था। उसने उस कुत्ते को अंगूर की एक लता से बाँधने का निश्चय किया । उसने एक, अंगूर की लता काट ली पेड़ से। “मुझे वापस पेड़ पर लटका दो,” लता ने कहा।

जब उस लता को किसान ने बोलते हुए सुना तो वह भय से पीला पड़ गया। उसने उस लता को एक चट्टान पर फेंक दिया । “इस लता को मुझसे दूर करो” चट्टान ने कहा। किसान बुरी तरह डर गया। वह गाँव की ओर जितनी तेजी से भाग सकता था, भाग पड़ा। वह मुखिया को बताना चाहता था जो उसने सुना था। शीघ्र ही वह एक मछुआरे के पास पहुँचा जो कि एक जाल से मछली पकड़ रहा था।

Why are you……………………get the vine away?
Word Meanings : Explained (v)[एक्सप्लेन्ड] = समझाया । Hang (v)[हँग) = टाँगना । Spokeup (v)[स्कोप अप) = बोल पड़ा । Threw (v) [थ्रीउ] = फेंका। हिन्दी अनुवाद-“तुम दौड़ क्यों रहे हो किसान? क्या कोई शेर तुम्हें दौड़ा रहा है?” मछुआरे ने पूछा। ‘ऐसा नहीं है,” किसान ने स्पष्ट किया । “इस सुबह एक आलू ने कहा : ‘मुझे अकेला छोड़ दो।’ मेरे कुत्ते ने कहा : ‘वह सही है।’ जब मैंने अंगर की एक लता तोड़ी तो उसने कहा : ‘मुझे वापस पेड़ पर टाँग दो ।’

मैंने लता को चट्टान पर फेंका तो चट्टान ने कहा : ‘इस लता को मुझसे दूर हटाओ।’ अब मैं मुखिया से कहने जा रहा हूँ कि मैंने क्या सुना है।’ “क्या कोई आलू बोल सकता है ?” मछुआरे ने कहा । वह इस कहानी पर विश्वास नहीं कर पा रहा था। “तुम अवश्य मजाक कर रहे हो।” . मछुआरे का जाल बोल पड़ा : “क्या किसान ने लता को दूर हटाया था?” मछुआरा डर गया। उसने जाल को फेंक दिया और उस किसान के साथ गाँव की ओर दौड़ पड़ा। शीघ्र ही वे एक दर्जी के पास आ गये जो सिलाई कर रहा था।

मछुआरा डर गया। उसने जाल को फेंक दिया और उस किसान के साथ गाँव की ओर दौड पड़ा। शीघ्र ही वे एक दर्जी के पास आ गये जो सिलाई कर रहा था। “तुमलोग इतनी तेजी से क्यों भाग रहे हो?” क्या कोई ” तुम्हारा पीछा कर रहा है ?” दर्जी ने पूछा । “ऐसा कुछ नहीं है,” किसान न स्पष्ट किया। “इस सुबह एक आलू ने कहा : ‘मुझे अकेला छोड़ दो। मेरा कुत्ता बोला : “वह सही है।’ जब मैंने एक लता को काटा, तो उस अंगूर की लता ने कहा : ‘मुझे वापस पेड़ पर लटका दो।’ मैंने उस लता को एक चट्टान पर फेंक दिया और चट्टान ने कहा : ‘लता को मुझसे दूर हटाओ।’ “और तब,” मछुआरे ने कहा, “मेरे जाल ने कहा, ‘क्या किसान ने लता को दूर हटाया ?”

“You must have…………………would have done?
Word Meanings: Dreaming (v)[ड्रीमींग] = सपना देखना/देख रहा है। Tailor (n)/ टेलर] = दर्जी | Angrily (adv)|ीली] = गुस्से से I Non sense (n) [नौनसेन्स] = बकवाद, बकवास । हिन्दी अनुवाद-“तुम अवश्य सपना देख रहे होगे।” दर्जी ने कहा। “तुम सही हो,” दर्जी के कमीज ने कहा । अब दर्जी डर गया । वह भी किसान और मछुआरे के साथ भागने लगा। वे मुखिया के पास पहुँचे । वह एक कुर्सी पर बैठा हुआ था। “बोलो,” मुखिया ने कहा । “मुखिया जी,” किसान ने कहा, “इस सुबह एक आलू ने कहा : ‘मुझे अकेला छोड़ दो।’ मेरे कुत्ते ने कहा : ‘वह सही है।’ जब मैंने अंगूर की एक लता काटी तो लता ने कहा : ‘मुझे वापस पेड़

पर लटका दो।’ मैंने अंगूर की लता को चट्टान पर फेंक दिया तो चट्टान ने कहा : ‘इस लता को मुझसे दूर हटाओ।’ “और तब,” मछुआरे ने आगे कहा, “मेरे जाल ने कहा : ‘क्या किसान ने लता को दूर फेंका?” “और मेरी कमीज ने मुझसे कहा : ‘तुम सही हो।” दर्जी ने कहा।

“तुम मूर्ख लोग!” मुखिया ने गुस्से से कहा, “इतना बकवास करने की तुम लोग में साहस कैसे हो गयी। अपने काम पर वापस जाओ नहीं तो मैं तुमलोगों को दण्डित करूँगा।” फौरन तीनों व्यक्ति वापस भाग गये। “कल्पना करो !” मुखिया की कुर्सी ने कहा, “एक आलू जो बोलता है।” अब तुम क्या सोचते हो कि मुखिया ने क्या किया होगा?

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