Bihar Board Class 6 English Book Solutions Chapter 2 The Boy Who Lost His Appetite

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BSEB Bihar Board Class 6 English Book Solutions Chapter 2 The Boy Who Lost His Appetite

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Bihar Board Class 6 English The Boy Who Lost His Appetite Text Book Questions and Answers

A. Warmer

The Boy Who Lost His Appetite Bihar Board Class 6 Question 1.
What food do you find tasty ? If you are told to sit at home and enjoy yourself tasty food without any activity would you enjoy it? Give reasons.
I like many food tasty such as pulav, puri, manchoorian, pua etc. If I were told to sit at home and enjoy the tasty food without any activity I would not enjoy it as activities or labour arise appetite. When one doesn’t do labour or don’t go with activities in his life, he or she becomes lazy and loses his or her appetite.

B. Comprehension

B. 1. Think and Tell

The Boy Who Lost His Appetite Ka Hindi Bihar Board Class 6 Question 1.
Why did Sham lag behind other friends ?
Sham was a rich young man. He ate rich folk in bed all day. As a result, he had become very lazy. So, A a he went to hunt in woods with his friends, he lagged behind his other friends as he was not used to ride fast ought of his laziness

The Boy Who Lost His Appetite In Hindi Bihar Board Class 6 Question 2.
What kind of life did he live after his father’s death ?
Sham’s father passed away early. Then, he became the owner of all his father’s property. He had become rich without any labour. Now, he started living a luxurious life. He used to eat rich food and lay in bed all day. For this, he became very lazy and did not find any food tasty. He had lost his appetite.

B. 2. Think and Write

B. 2. 1. True or False

क्लास ६ इंग्लिश चैप्टर २ Bihar Board Class 6 Question 1.
Based on the story write ‘true’ or ‘false’ next to each . sentence given below.
(a) Sham was a young boy.
(b) Sham lay in bed all day because he became sick.
(c) Sham rode very slowly.
(d) The peasant offered Sham roti and vegetables.
(e) Sham was lost in the woods when he was returning home from the peasant’s house.
(a) False
(b) False
(c) True
(d) False
(e) False

B. 2. 2. Tick the answers to each of the questions given below

Class 6 English Chapter 2 Bihar Board Question 1.
Why did Sham find the food tasteless?
(a) The food was prepared badly.
(b) He felt sad for his father.
(c) He did not feel much hungry because he passed his day without any activity.
(d) He was sleeping.
(c) He did not feel much hungry because he passed his day without any activity.

Class 6 English Chapter 2 Summary Bihar Board Question 2.
Why did Sham like the dal and roti ?
(a) It was cooked in a special way.
(b) Sham had not eaten roti and dal for many days.
(c) Sham was tired and hungry.
(d) Sham liked the huts.
(c) Sham was tired and hungry.

B. 2. 3. Answer the following questions in not more than 50 words

Class 6 English Chapter 2 Question Answer Bihar Board Question 1.
How did Sham spend his life after his father died ?
Sham’s father had died early. After his father’s death, Sham became the owner of all his father’s property. Then on wards, he started living a luxurious life. He used to eat rich food and lay in bed all the day. As a result he soon became quite lazy. Not doing any labour, he lost the taste of food and so lost his appetite.

Class 6 English Chapter 2 Question And Answer Bihar Board Question 2.
What made Sham lose his way in the woods ?
Sham had agreed to go to hunt in woods with his friends, in spite of his laziness. He was not used to riding fast so he found himself lagging behind other friends. He got lost and wandered away in the woods.

Class 6 English Chapter 2 In Hindi Bihar Board Question 3.
Who helped Sham when he lost his way ? How ?
Sham had lost his way in the woods and wandered for long. Then, he saw a peasant’s hut. He rode up to the hut and reached to the peasant. The peasant gave his dal, roti to eat. Then, he helped Sham guiding him the right path towards his home.

Class 6 English Chapter 2 Questions And Answers Bihar Board Question 4.
What made the food tasty or tasteless for Sham. Give reasons for your answers
Labour had made the food tasty, for Sham. He had been wandering for long riding on his horse. For a long time, he hadn’t eat anything, so he felt hungry. Due to labour’he got hungry and so he felt the simple food dal, roti tasty to eat. But, back to home, he again got involved in his daily routine to only sleep in bed and eat rich food. Due to no labour, he lost his appetite and this made the rich food tasteless for Sham.

C. Vocabulary

Think of words related to luxurious and food. Now fill in the web chart with those words.
The Boy Who Lost His Appetite Bihar Board Class 6

D. Grammar

D.1. Conjunctions

He ate rich food and lay in bed all day.
We can break this sentence into two sentences.
1. He ate rich food.
2 He lay in bed all day.

We use ‘and’ to join two or more words or group of words. We also use ‘but’, ‘when’, ‘because’ and ‘Or’ to join two or more words or group of words.

Now break the following sentences into two sentences as shown in the example above.

Bihar Board Class 6 English Solution In Hindi Bihar Board Question 1.
He rode up to it and asked for a little food.
(i) He rode up to it.
(ii) He asked for a little food.

Class 6 Chapter 2 English Bihar Board Question 2.
I have only roti and dal, sir.
(i) I have only roti.
(ii) I have only dal, sir.

Class 6 English Chapter 2 Summary In Hindi Bihar Board Question 3.
He went back to his rich food and lazy ways.
(i) He went back to his rich food.
(ii) He went back to his lazy ways.

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box

(But, when, because, and, so, on)

  1. The boy opened his umbrella _________ it started raining.
  2. Mukul _________ Arti will bring the book to school.
  3. Rahim had high fever _________ he could not come to school.
  4. Munna ran very fast _________ could not win the race.
  5. Ram _________ Pawan went to see a film yesterday.
  6. Lalit had high fever _________ he got wet in the rain.


  1. when
  2. and
  3. so
  4. but
  5. and
  6. because

E. Let’s Talk and Write

Meaning Of Loss Of Appetite In Hindi Bihar Board Class 6 Question 1.
Discuss your daily routine in groups. Also, share your food habits with your friends.

I get up early morning at six a.m. Then, I prepare to go to school. I reach to my school at eight a.m. After school break at three p.m. I move to my home. In evening, from five to six p.m. I play with my friends in the nearby field. I sit to study at seven p.m. to eight thirty p.m. Then, I watch T.V. programmes for an hour, take my dinner and go to bed. I eat all kind of food but I prefer to fresh green vegetables, fruits and simple food. Oily, spicy and junk food are not good for health so I keep a distance with them. Its not so that I never eat them, but I eat them very casually, only to have a change.

Question 2.
Write 6 sentences about the food you like to eat and why you like that food.

  1. I like to eat rod.
  2. It is made of wheat.
  3. It is easy to digest.
  4. It keeps me healthy.
  5. It is not a rich diet.
  6. It is easy to make.

F .Translation

Translate the first paragraph into your mother tongue/ Hindi.

Question 1.
First paragraph of the chapter:
Sham was a rich young man. His father had passed away very early. After his father’s death, he became the owner of all his father had. Now, he started living a luxurious life. He ate rich food and lay in bed all day. As a result, he  became very lazy and lost his appetite and didn’t find any foo tasty
हिन्दी अनुवाद – शैम एक अमीर युवा आदमी था। उसके पिता जब जल्द ही गुजर गये तब शैम उनकी सारी जायदाद का मालिक बन बैठा । अब उसका जीवन बिल्कुल ही शानो-शौकत वाला हो गया था। वह खब बढ़िया-बढ़िया खाना खाता था और सारा का सारा दिन बिस्तर पर लेटा रहता था। परिणाम के तौर पर, उसे अब कोई भी खाना स्वादिष्ट नहीं लगता था।

Question 2.
A little Bit of Nonsense.
There was an old man with a beard Who said.’It is just as I feared’
Two owls and a hen.
Four larks and a wren.
Have all built their nests in my beard
अ लिटिल बिट ऑफ नौनसेन्स .
देयर वाज एन ओल्ड मैन विथ अ बीयर्ड हू सेड, ‘इट इज जस्ट एज आई फीयर्ड’
टू आउल्स एण्ड अ हेन।
फोर, लार्क्स एण्ड अ रेन ।
हैव ऑल बिल्ट देयर नेस्ट्स इन माई बीयर्ड।

The Boy Who Lost His Appetite Summary In English

Sham was a rich young man. His father had passed away very early. After his father’s death, he became the owner of all his father had. Now, he started living a luxurious life. He ate rich food and lay in bed all day. As a result, he  became very lazy and lost his appetite and didn’t find any foo tasty

Once, he went to hunt in woods. He was not used to ride fast so he lagged behind his friends and got lost. After six to seven hours of roaming he felt tired and hungry. He reached to a peasant’s hut and asked for some food. The poor peasant gave him dal, rod which he found very tasty to eat. The peasant guided him the right way. Back to home he got back to his rich food and lazy ways. Again he found his rich food tasteless. He wondered why the simple dal-roti tasted so nice.

The Boy Who Lost His Appetite Summary In Hindi

शैम एक अमीर युवा व्यक्ति था। उसके पिता जल्द ही गुजर गये । अपने पिता की मृत्यु के बाद वह अपने पिता की जायदाद का स्वामी बन गया । अब, वह एक शान-शौकत भरा जीवन व्यतीत करने लगा। वह खूब बढ़िया और कीमती खाना खाता था और सारा दिन बिस्तर पर पड़ा रहता था । परिणामस्वरूप, वह बहुत आलसी बन गया। उसकी भूख मिट गयी और उसे कोई भी खाना स्वादिष्ट नहीं लगता था। एक बार, वह जंगल में शिकार खेलने गया । वह तेज घुड़सवारी करने का आदी नहीं था, ‘ अपने दोस्तों से पीछे छूट गया और रास्ता भटक गया।

छह-सात घंटे इधर-उधर भटकते रहने के बाद वह बेहद थका हुआ और भूख महसूस कर रहा था। वह एक किसान की झोंपड़ी के पास पहुँचा और उससे कुछ खाने को माँगा । गरीब किसान ने उसे खाने को दाल-रोटी दिया जो उसे बहुत स्वादिष्ट लगा। उस किसान ने उसे सही रास्ता बता दिया । घर वापस आकर वह फिर से अपने पुराने जीवन के ढर्रे पर लौट आया । बढिया-बढिया खाना खाना और सारा दिन बिस्तर पर पड़े रहना । फिर से उसे अपने बढ़िया खाना में स्वाद नहीं लगने लगा। वह आश्चर्य से सोचता कि वह साधारण दाल-रोटी उसे इतना स्वादिष्ट क्यों कर लगी थी।

The Boy Who Lost His Appetite Hindi Translation Of The Chapter

Sham wasa……………………………..any food tasty.
Word Meanings: Rich (adj) [रिच] = अमीर | Young (adj) [यंग] = युवा, जवान | Passed away (phr) [पास्ड अवे] = गुजर गये, मृत्यु को प्राप्त हो गये। Early (adj) [अर्ली] = जल्दी । Became (v) [बीकेम] = बन गया । Owner (n) [ओनर] = मालिक | Luxurious (adj)[लक्जरिअस] = शान-शौकत वाला । Life (n) [लाइफ] = जीवन | Ate (v) [एट) = खाया । Rich (adj) [रिच] = (यहाँ) गरिष्ठ, बढ़िया । Food (n) [फुड] = भोजन । Lay (v)[ले] = पड़ा होना | Allday (phr)[ऑल डे] = सारा दिन | Result (n)[रिजल्ट] = परिणाम | Tasty (adj)[टेस्टी] = स्वादिष्ट ।

हिन्दी अनुवाद – शैम एक अमीर युवा आदमी था। जब उसके पिता जल्द ही गुजर गये तो वह उनकी सारी जायदाद का मालिक बन बैठा । अब उसका जीवन बिल्कुल ही शानो-शौकत वाला हो गया था। वह खब बढ़िया-बढ़िया खाना खाता था और सारा का सारा दिन बिछावन पर लेटा रहता था। आराम फरमाता रहता था। इसका यह अंजाम हुआ कि धीरे-धीरे उसे कोई भी खाना स्वादिष्ट नहीं लगता था । खाने में उसकी रुचि ही खत्म होने लगी थी।

Months passed ……………………………………..tired and hungry.
Word Meanings : Passed (v) [पास्ड] = बीता। Inspite of (prep) [इनस्पाइट ऑफ] = के बावजूद | Laziness (n)[लेजीनेस] = आलसपन । Agreed (v) [एग्रीड] = सहमत अथवा राजी होना । Take part (phr) [टेक पार्ट] = हिस्सा लेना । Hunt (v) [हन्ट] = शिकार करना । Riding (v) [राइडिंग] = घुड़सवारी करना । Lagging (v) [लैगिंग] = पीछे छूट जाना । Got lost (phr) |गौट लॉस्ट] = खो गया । Wandered (v) [वान्डर्ड] = इधर-उधर भटका । Woods (n) [वुड्स] = जंगल | Roaming (v) [रोमिंग] = इधर-उधर घूमना, निरुद्देश्य भटकना । Tired (adj) [टायर्ड] = थका हुआ। Hungry (adj) [हंग्री] = भूखा । ।

हिन्दी आवाद – पहीनों गुजर गये । एक दिन जबकि वह बेहद सुस्ती का अनुभव कर रहा था, उसने एक शिकार के अभियान में भाग लेना स्वीकार कर लिया था। लेकिन तेज चलने या फिर तेज घुड़सवारी करने की उसकी आदत तो थी नहीं। इसी कारण उस शिकार-अभियान में जब वह घुडसवारी कर रहा था तो वह अपने अन्य शिकारी मित्रों से काफी पीछे छूट गया और इस कारण वह रास्ता भटक गया। फिर तो वह जंगल में इधर-उधर, काफी । देर तक भटकता रहा । इस प्रकार से, चारों ओर भटकते-भटकते छह से सात-घंटे बीत गये । तब वह बेहद थका हुआ महसूस कर रहा था और उसे जमकर भूख लग गयी थी।

Suddenly hesaw……………… tasted so nice.
Word Meanings : Suddenly (adv)[सडनलि] = एकाएक, शीघ्रता से । Peasant (n)[पीजेन्ट] = किसान | Hut (n) हट] = झोंपड़ी) Rodeup (phr) [रोड अप] = सवारी करना, घोड़े का। Asked (v) [आस्ड] = पूछा, माँगा | Welcome (v)[वेलकम] = स्वागत करना । Really (adv) रीयली] = वास्तव में । Like (v)[लाइक) = पसन्द करना | Earlier (adj)[अर्लियर = इसके पहले । Directions (n) [डाइरेक्शन्स] = दिशा-निर्देश । Rested (v)(रेस्टेड] = आराम किया । Tasteless (adj) [टेस्टलेस = स्वादहीन, बिना स्वाद का या बेमजा वाला (भोजन) । Wondered (v) [बॅन्डर्ड) = गंभीरता से सोचा।

हिन्दी अनुवाद – तभी उसे एक किसान की कुटिया दिखाई दी। वह घुड़सवारी करते हुए उस कुटिया तक पहुँच गया और वहाँ उसने कुछ भोजन की मांग की। “वहाँ, उस कुटिया में मौजूद किसान ने उसकी माँग को सुनकर कहा”मैं तो एक गरीब आदमी हूँ। मेरे पास तो सर, केवल रोटी और दाल ही है लेकिन अगर आप इसे खाना चाहें तो आपका बहुत-बहुत स्वागत है।” वह युवा आदमी वास्तव में बहुत ही भूखा था और इस कारण उसे वह खाना बहुत स्वादिष्ट लगा। उसे ऐसा महसूस हुआ कि अपने जीवन में उसने जो भी कुछ खाया है, उससे यह खाना लाख गुना बेहतर है और सबसे ज्यादा स्वादिष्ट है।

तब उस किसान से उसने जंगल के बाहर निकलने का रास्ता पूछा । किसान से सही रास्ता का पता चलने पर उसने किसान को धन्यवाद दिया और अपने घर की ओर घुड़सवारी करते हुए लौटने लगा। वह अपने घर को वापस लौट आया और आराम फरमाने लगा। फिर से वह अपने पुराने जीवन जीने के ढर्रे में ढल गया । फिर से उसे आलस ने घेर लिया। वह सारा का सारा दिन फिर से आलसी-सा पड़ा रहने लगा और कीमती से कीमती खाना खाने लगा और फिर से कुछ ही समय बाद उसे अपना कीमती खाना बेमजा लगने लगा। बिना स्वाद का जब लगने लगा उसे अपना कीमती भोजन तो वह गंभीरता से सोचने लगा कि जो साधारण-सा भोजन, रोटी-दाल उसने उस किसान के यहाँ खाया था, वह क्यूँ कर उसे उतना स्वादिष्ट लगा था।

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