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BSEB Bihar Board Class 6 English Book Solutions Chapter 4 Do Animals Share Ideas ?
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Bihar Board Class 6 English Do Animals Share Ideas ? Text Book Questions and Answers
A. Warmer
Class 6 English Chapter 4 Bihar Board Question 1.
Have you ever thought of how animals communicate with each other ? Think and discuss with your friends.
Yes, Animals also can communicate with each other through their body posture, smell, scent and with their special sound.
B. Comprehension
B. 1. Think and Tell
Bihar Board Class 6 English Solution In Hindi Question 1.
What do we express ?
We express our thoughts.
Class 6 English Chapter 4 Questions And Answers Bihar Board Question 2.
What do animals do with their sense of smell ?
They use it to send messages.
Class 6 English Chapter 4 Summary Bihar Board Question 3.
Tell any three ways the animals send messages.
- They leave a scent so that enemies can be frightened.
- They also use their sense of smell to find partners.
- Animals use special sounds to share their emotions including fear. Some of them also serve as warning to others.
B. 2. Think and Write
B. 2. 1. True or False
Bihar Board Class 6 English Book Solution Question 1.
Based on the story write true or false next to each sentence given below.
(a) Animals show their feelings and share information.
(b) No animal can smell their partner from a distance.
(c) Body posture is one of the ways by which animals send messages.
(d) The way animals show their feelings and share information is more complex than human language.
(a) True
(b) False
(c) True
(d) False
B. 2. 2. Tick the answers to each of the questions given below
Class 6 English Chapter 4 Solution Bihar Board Question 1.
What do animals not use to send message ?
(a) words
(b) sounds
(c) smells
(d) body movements
(a) words
Bihar Board Class 6 English Solution Question 2.
If an animal raises its hair what do we know ?
(a) It’s angry
(b) It’s sad
(c) It’s happy
(d) It’s afraid
(a) It’s angry
Class 6 English Chapter 4 Question Answers Bihar Board Question 3.
What do animals do to show friendship ?
(a) They raise their hair
(b) They bare their teeth,
(c) They come close to each other.
(c) They come close to each other.
B. 2. 3. Answer the following questions
Class 6th English Chapter 4 Bihar Board Question 1.
How do animals use their sense of smell to send message ?
Animals have 3 strong sense of smell. They use it to send message. They leave a scent so that their enemies can be frightened. They also use their sense of smell to find their partners even from kilometers away.
English Ch 4 Class 6 Bihar Board Question 2.
Why is human language complex compared to the way animals communicate?
Human language can produce infinite sentences. It can construct and communicate new ideas. Whereas animals communicate through only smell and sounds. So, human language is more complex compared to the way animals communicate.
Word Power
C. 1. Think of words related to communicate. Now fill in the web chart with those words
C. 2. Find the odd one out in each list. Explain why it is out of place.
- feeling, idea, thought, table, emotion
- teeth, mouth, mobile, nose, ear
- dance, sing, talk, book, laugh
- smell, hear, friend, see, taste.
- ‘table’ – is the odd one as the other words – feeling, idea, thought and emotion are related to one category – ‘communication’.
- ‘mobile’ – is the odd one as the other words – ‘teeth’, mouth, nose’ and ‘ear’ are related to ‘parts of body’.
- ‘book’ – is the odd one as the other words – ‘dance’, ‘sing’, ‘talk’ and ‘laugh’ are action words, the verbs while the word ‘book’ is an object, which is a noun. So, odd one in this series is ‘book’.
- ‘friend’ – is the odd one in this series. The other words ‘smell’ ‘hear’, ‘see’ and ‘taste’ are again the action words or the verbs whereas ‘friend’ is not an action word but a noun. So, here ‘friend’ is the odd word.
D. Grammar
D. 1. Prepositions Example
They also use their sense of smell to find partners.
The words of and to are prepositions.
The word ‘preposition’ means that which is placed before.
Prepositions are also known as ‘Position words’. Some, commonly used prepositions are given below:
Example 1:
Tick the correct prepositions:
- Rita is going to/for school.
- I bought this pen of/for Rs. 10.
- My mother is not at/in home
- The frog jumped in/into the ponds.
- India became independent on/in 15th August, 1947.
- The school bus will come on/at 7.30 am.
- A fat man was sitting among/between my friend and me in the train.
- The police man ran after/before the thief..
- to
- for
- at
- into
- on
- at
- between
- after
Example 2:
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:
- Rounak is throwing the ball _______ the playground to his sister.
- Rounak jumped _______ the water.
- Rounak went _______ the uncel.
- Rounak is sitting _______ his parents.
- Rounak has an umbrella _______ his head.
- Rounak walked _______ the river to come out of the jungle.
- in
- into
- in
- with
- on
- across
E. Think and Write
Class 6 Chapter 4 English Bihar Board Question 1.
Think what do you do to show that you are angry, happy, sad or afraid ? What kind of messages do you send with your hands?
I slop talking or shout in a loud voice to show that I am angry. I make my face pleasant with a smile to show that I am happy. I make of my face dull and sit aloof or in a corner to show that I am sad. My eyes go broad and body shiver when 1 feel all aid. I can send many messages through my hands. 1 shake my hands with fingers open to say no. 1 can call a person or an animal by my hand with’fingers coming towards my palm. To show anger towards a person I point only one finger towards the person with other fingers closed towards inwards the palm; etc.
Message Questions For Class 6 Bihar Board Question 2.
Describe some of important similarities and differences between the ways people talk to each other and the ways in which animals send messages to each other.
Similarities: Animals show anger through their red going face bursting into anger. People too do the same. Animals and people both come closer to someone to whom they want to show friendship. Animals use special sound to share their emotions including fear and also to serve as warning to other animals. People to shriek or make special sound to show fear and to warn others.
Differences : Animals can raise their hair which people can not do. Animals bare their teeth to frighten their enemies that people don’t do. Animals have a strong sense of smell that people don’t have. Animals leave a scent so that their enemies can be frightened. This people can’t do.
F. Translation
Translate the paragraph beginning with ‘Many Animals ………. into Hindi.
Many animals have a strong sense of smell ……. some of them also serve as warning to others.
हिन्दी अनुवाद – ‘Hindi Translation of the Chapter’ में दिये गये अनुवाद का तीसरा अनुच्छेद (पैराग्राफ) देखें । वहाँ पर इस पैराग्राफ का हिन्दी अनुवाद दे दिया गया हैं।
Do Animals Share Ideas ? Summary In English
Animals also share feelings and ideas among themselves like humans do. They can not use words and sentences the way human beings do, still they show their feelings and share informations. For this they use their strong sense of smell, scent and special sounds. They also send messages through their body posture. But none of these is as complex as the human language. The human language can produce infinite sentences. It can construct and communicate new ideas. But animals can share their feelings and ideas within their limited capabilities.
Do Animals Share Ideas ? Summary In Hindi
जानवर भी मानवों की तरह अपनी भावनाओं और विचारों को व्यक्त कर सकते हैं, मानवों की तरह । वे मानवों की तरह शब्दों और वाक्यों का प्रयोग तो नहीं कर सकते हैं फिर भी वे अपने मनोभावों और विचारों को व्यक्त कर सकते हैं। इसके लिए कुदरत ने उन्हें एक विशेष प्रकार की शक्तिशाली सँघने की शक्ति प्रदान की है, वे विशेष प्रकार की महक छोड़ते हैं और विशिष्ट ध्वनियाँ निकालकर अपने विचारों और भावनाओं को व्यक्त कर सकते हैं। वे अपने शरीर की भाव-भंगिमाओं का भी इस कार्य के लिए प्रयोग किया करते हैं। किन्तु, इनमें से कोई भी मानव-भाषा की तरह जटिल नहीं है। मानव-भाषा अपरिमित वाक्यों की रचना कर सकता है। यह नये-नये विचारों का निर्माण और उनकी अभिव्यक्ति कर सकता है। फिर भी, जानवर अपनी सीमित क्षमताओं के तहत अपनी भावनाओं और विचारों को व्यक्त कर सकते हैं।
Do Animals Share Ideas ? Hindi Translation Of The Chapter
We know that …………………..Animals talk? Word Meanings : Know (v) [नो] = जानना । Human beings (n) [ह्यूमन बीईंग्स] = मानव, आदमी । Share (v) [शेयर) = बाँटना Feelings (n) [फीलिंग्स] = भावनाएँ । Ideas (n) [आइडियाज] = विचार | Express (v) (एक्सप्रेस] = व्यक्त करना । Thoughts (n) [थॉट्स] = विचार | Talk (v) [टॉक] = बात करना ।
हिन्दी अनुवाद – हम यह बात जानते हैं कि मानव जाति के लोग अपनी भावनाओं और विचार को एक-दूसरे से बाँट सकते हैं। हमलोग बातें कर सकते हैं और हमलोग अपने विचारों को एक-दूसरे से बाँट सकते हैं। पर क्या जानवर भी आपस में एक-दूसरे से इसी प्रकार से विचारों और भावनाओं को बाँट सकते हैं? Animals cannot use ………. share information. Word Meanings : Way (n) [वे] = तरीका, प्रकार | Still
Many animals have …………………………. warning toothers.
Word Meanings : Many (adj) [मेनी] = बहुत । Strong (adj) [स्ट्राँग] = शक्तिशाली । Sense (n) [सेन्स] % समझ, सूझ | Smell (n) [स्मेल] = गंध | Use (v) [यूज] = इस्तेमाल, व्यवहार करना Message (n) मेसेज] = संदेश | Leave (v) [लीव] = छोड़ना । Scent (n) [सेन्ट] = खुशबू, महक | So that (phr)[सो दैट) = ताकि । Enemies (n) [एनेमीज] = शत्रु, दुश्मन I Can (v) [कन] = सकना । Frightened (adj) [फ्राइटेन्ड] = डरा हुआ, भयभीत । Also (adv) [ऑलसो] = भी । Partner (n) [पार्टनर] = साथी । Some (adj) [सम] = कुछ । Smell (v) (स्मेल] = सूंघना | Away (adv) [अवे] = दूर । Sounds (n) [साउन्ड्स ] = ध्वनियाँ । Special (adj) [स्पेशल) = खास, विशिष्ट । Emotions (n) [इमोशन्स] = भावनाएँ। Including (v) [इनक्लूडिंग] = शामिल करना | Fear (n) [फीयर = भय, डर । Serve (v) [सर्व] = सेवा करना, कार्य करना । Warning (n)/वार्निंग] = चेतावनी | Others (pron) [अदर्स) = अन्य, दूसरे।
हिन्दी अनुवाद – कई जानवरों के पास सूंघने की बहुत ही शक्तिशाली समझ होती है। वे अपनी इस शक्तिशाली समझ का इस्तेमाल अपने संदेशों और सूचनाओं को एक-दूसरे तक प्रसारित करने के लिए करते हैं। वे एक ऐसी प्रकार की महक फैलाते हैं ताकि उनके शत्रु उनसे डर सकें । वे अपनी इस महक का इस्तेमाल अपने दोस्तों को ढूंढने के लिए भी करते हैं। कुछ जानवर तो ऐसे भी होते हैं जो कि अपने दोस्तों को कई मील दूर से भी संघ लेते हैं। जानवर अपनी ध्वनियों का इस्तेमाल अपनी बातों को एक-दूसरे तक पहुँचाने के लिए भी किया करते हैं। वे विशेष प्रकार की ध्वनियों का इस्तेमाल अपनी भय की भावनाओं को व्यक्त करने के लिए भी करते हैं। कुछ जानवर इसका इस्तेमाल दूसरों को चेतावनी देने या सजग-सावधान करने के लिए भी करते हैं।
Another way of ……………… ideas.
Word Meanings : Another (pron) [अनअदर] = अन्य पदार्थ या व्यक्ति, दूसरा, दूसरा कोई । Way (n) [वे] = तरीका | Sending (v)[सेन्डिंग] = भेजना । Through (prep) [थू] = द्वारा । Posture (n) (पोस्चर] = हाव-भाव, मुद्रा । Raise (v)[रेज] = उठाना, खड़ा करना । Bare (v)[बेयर] = दिखाना, प्रकट करना । Frighten (v) [फ्राइटेन] = डराना | Prey (v) [] = शिकार करना । Friendship (n) [फ्रेन्डशिप] = मित्रता | Complex (adj) [कम्प्लेक्स] = जटिल | Human language (n) [यूमन लैंग्वेज] = मानवी भाषा । Produce (v) (प्रोड्यूस] = पैदा करना | Infinite (adj) [इनफिनिट] = अपरिमित, अनन्त, नि:सीम । Construct (v) [कन्स्ट्रक्ट] = रचना करना, निर्माण करना । Communicate (v) [कम्यूनिकेट] = व्यक्त करना । Ideas (n) [आइडियाज] = विचार ।
हिन्दी अनुवाद – अपने संदेशों को जानवर अपने शरीर की भाव-भंगिमा अथवा हाव-भाव या मुद्रा द्वारा भी भेजते हैं अथवा व्यक्त करते हैं। जानवर अपने बालों को खड़ा कर सकते हैं और अपने दाँत भी दिखाकर अपना संदेश व्यक्त करते हैं। ऐसा वे अपने शत्रुओं को भयभीत करने के लिए करते हैं और अपना शिकार करने के लिए भी किया करते हैं। वे मित्रता के भावों को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए एक-दूसरे के निकट भी आते हैं। किन्तु ये सब मानव की भाषा जितना जटिल नहीं हुआ करता । मानव-भाषा अपरिमित वाक्यों की रचना कर सकता है। यह नये विचारों की रचना कर सकता है। मानवी भाषा कई नये विचारों को व्यक्त कर सकता है। सारांश यह कि जानवरों की भाषा मानव की भाषा जितनी पेचीदा अथवा जटिल न होकर अत्यंत सरल हुला करती है और इसके द्वारा वे अपने मनोभावों को सरलता से व्यक्त कर सकते
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