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BSEB Bihar Board Class 6 English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Madhubani Painting
Candidates who are looking for English Chapter 8 Madhubani Painting topics can get them all in one place ie., from Bihar Board Class 6 English Solutions. Just click on the links prevailing over here & prepare all respective concepts of English properly. By viewing/practicing all Bihar Bihar Board Class 6 English Chapter 8 Madhubani Painting Text Book Questions and Answers, you can clear any kind of examinations easily with best scores.
Bihar Board Class 6 English Madhubani Painting Text Book Questions and Answers
A. Warmer
Madhubani Art For Class 6 Bihar Board Chapter 8 Question 1.
Bihar is famous for many things. Can you name some of them ? Have you ever seen Madhubani Paintings ? If so, discuss it with your friends.
Bihar is famous for many things. Among them some are:
Famous Tourist Centres : The historical memorials of Patna, Nehru Planetarium, Biological Park Sanjay Gandhi Jaivik Udyan, Gurudwara of Patna City, Golghar; Vikramshila University in Bhagalpur and Nalanda University at Nalanda. Kakolat Waterfalls, Pawapuri (place of death of Mahavir), hot springs of Rajgir, an important centres of Jains in Nalanda district Pawapuri, Odantpuri in Bihar Sharif, Mandar hill of Bhagalpur etc.
Yes, I have seen Madhubani paintings. They are very beautiful to look at.
B. Comprehension
B. 1. Think and Tell.
Madhubani Painting For Class 6 Bihar Board Chapter 8 Question 1.
Where are Madhuabni paintigs seen ?
Madhubani paintings are seen on paper clothes, on sarees, dupattas, rumals cheadwear, table clothes, wood, pots and other bases.
Bihar Board Class 6 English Book Solution Bihar Board Chapter 8 Question 2.
What are the raw materials used for this painting ?
The raw materials used by artists of Madhubani for their paintings are from natural colours made by flowers and other natural materials.
B. 2. Think and Write
B. 2. 1. True or False
Bihar Board Class 6 English Solution Bihar Board Chapter 8 Question 1.
Based on the story write ’true’ or ‘false’ next to each sentence given below. Correct the false sentences:.
- Bihar is famous only for Madhubani paintings.
- Around 50-60 years ago, Madhubani paintings were used for decorating the house walls in the villages.
- The raw materials used by artists for their paintings are both natural and fabric colours.
- A few of the Madhubani people depend on their art for living.
- All Madhubani artists are women.
- False
- True
- True
- False
- False.
B. 2. 2. Tick the answers to each of the questions given below.
Bihar Board Class 6 English Solution In Hindi Bihar Board Chapter 8 Question 1.
Many of the Madhubani people depend on this art for their living means.
(a) The Madhubani people cannot live without painting.
(b) The Madhubani people paint only because they love doing it.
(c) The Madhubani people sale their paintings to earn money.
(c) The Madhubani people sale their paintings to earn money.
Madhubani Painting Class 6 Bihar Board Chapter 8 Question 2.
Some of the artists are household names in their regions and coasidered to be exceptional at the national forums as well means
(a) Some of the artists are famous only in their regions.
(b) Some of the artists are famous in their regions and also at the national level.
(c) Some of the artists are famous in their own
(b) Some of the artists are famous in their regions and also at the national level.
B. 2. 3. Answer the following questions in not more than 50 words.
Painting For Class 6 Bihar Board Chapter 8 Question (a)
What was the use of the Madhubani paintings around 50-60- years age ?
Madhubani paintings is one of the things Bihar is famous for. Around 50-60 years ago Madhubani paintings was used for decorating the house walls in the villages.
Madhubani Painting Book Bihar Board Chapter 8 Question (b)
What are the bases on which artists now paint Madhubani ?
Madhubani paintings can be seen on sarees, dupattas, rumals (head-wears), table clothes, wood, pots and other bases.
Class 6 English Chapter 8 Bihar Board Question (c)
What is the theme of Madhubani paintings ?
The themes of the Madhubani paintings are natural scenes of the villages, flora and fauna or from religion.
Painting Questions And Answers In Hindi Bihar Board Chapter 8 Question (d)
How can one say that people are interested in the Madhubani paintings ?
People are seen very much interested in the Madhbani paintings. At present many centres conduct training programmes on Madhubani paintings. Many people other than village artist are also take keen interest in this traditional art.
C. Word power
C. 1. Making new words
Match occupations on the left with their descriptions on the right.
- architect (a) is concerned with politics, especially as an elected member of parliament
- politician (b) composes music, especially classical music
- engineer (c) designs buildings
- teacher (d) completes in outdoor sports and games
- athlete (e) designs and builds engines, machines, roads, bridges etc.
- composer (f) paints and draws pictures.
- artist (g) teaches students.
- architect (c) designs buildings.
- politician (a) is concerned with politics, especially as an elected member of parliament.
- engineer (e) designs and builds engines, machines, roads, bridges etc.
- teacher (g) teachers students.
- athlete (d) competes in outdoor, sports and games.
- composer (b) composes music especially classical music.
- artist (f) paints and draws pictures.
C. 2. Make as many as words possible from the word
Class 6 English Chapter 8 Question Answer Bihar Board Question 1.
- Nation
- Inter
- Internal
- National
- Ration
- Lion
- On
- Rate
- Net
- Ton
- Tint
- Note
- Iron
- Near
- Tear
- Later
Painting For 6th Class Bihar Board Chapter 8 D. Grammar
Read the following sentences carefully:
(a) These paintings are generally seen on walls.
(b) It was used for decorating the house walls in the. village.
Mark how aux. verbs (are/was) in these sentence are followed by verbs in past participle (seen/used). These sentences can be written as.
(a) People generally see these paintings on walls.
(b) People in the village use it for decorating the house walls.
Mark the use of aux V as well as other differences in the two sets given above. This is because the sentences in the first set are in the passive voice whereas the sentences in the second set are in the Active voice. Now change in voice of the following sentences.
- Sonu is taught English.
- Pragya is reading a book.
- Ankita called her mother.
- Rimjhim told everything.
- Aman was given a prize.
- English is taught to Sonu.
- A book is being read by Pragya.
- The mother is Ankita was called by her.
- Everything had been said by Rimjhim.
- A prize had been given to Aman.
Madhubun Books Answers For Class 6 English Bihar Board Chapter 8 E Let’s Talk and Write:
E. 1. Class activity
Does anyone in your class do these things ?
How often and how well do they do them ? Go around the class’and find one person for each activity.
Then fill in blanks.
Painting Class 6 Bihar Board Chapter 8 Model question answer:
A. Do you dance ?
B. Yes, I do.
A. How often do you go dancing ?
B. Every weekend.
A. And how well do you dance ?
B. Very well.
E. 2. Group work
Tell your group what you found out.
Class 6 English Chapter 8 Summary Bihar Board Do it yourselves.
F. Translate into English:
- बिहार में प्रतिभा की कमी नहीं।
- यहाँ के लोग मेहनती हैं।
- लगन और समर्पण से काम करना कोई बिहारियों से सीखें।
- जरूरत है सिर्फ उचित माहौल बनाने की।
- जरूरत अपनी विरासत को बढ़ाने की भी है।
- There is no lack of talent in Bihar.
- Here, people are laborious.
- Someone learns from the Biharis to work with attachment and dedication.
- Only the need is to make a right atmosphere.
- The need is to increase the inheritance.
Madhubani Painting Summary in English
Madhubani paintings is one of the famous things of Bihar. People of Madhubani use natural colours for this painting art. Nowadays, Madhubani paintings is very popular in not only national but international level too. Many of the artists are women. They use this art for their livelihood. Nowadays, many people are interested in learning this traditional art. In Madhubani, even children as young as five year old learn this art with their mothers.
Madhubani Painting Summary in Hindi
सारांश-मधुबनी पेंटिंग बिहार की कई प्रमिद्ध चीजों में से एक है। मधुबनी के लोग अपनी इस पेंटिंग के लिए प्राकृतिक रंगों का प्रयोग करते हैं। वर्तमान में, मधुबनी पेंटिंग न सिर्फ राष्ट्रीय पैमाने पर बल्कि अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर भी बेहद लोकप्रिय है। कई मधुबनी पेंटिंग के कलाकार औरतें हैं। वे इस कला का प्रयोग अपनी आजीविका अथवा अपने भरण-पोषण हेतु करते हैं। हाल-फिलहाल ढेर सारे लोग इस पारंपरिक कला को सीखने के इच्छुक दिखते हैं। मधुबनी के गाँव में पाँच वर्ष तक के छोटे बच्चे अपनी माँओं के साथ इस कला को सीख रहे हैं।
Word Meanings : Decorating (v) [डकोरेटिंग] = सजाना Raw (adj) [0] = कच्चा Flora and fauna (n) [फ्लोरा एण्ड फाउना] – पेड़-पौधे एवं जन्तु household (n) [हाउसहोल्ड] = घर एवं परिवार Exceptional (adj)/एक्सेपशनल] = अनोखा, अलौकिक।
Madhubani Painting Hindi Translation of The Chapter
One of the things. ……………………..and other bases.
Word Meanings : Things (n) [थिंग्स! = चीजें, वस्तुएँ ! Famous (adj) [फेमस] = प्रसिद्ध । Painting (n) [पेन्टिंग = चित्रकारी ! Generally (adv) [जेनरली] = प्रायः, आमतौर पर । Seen (v) [सीन – देखा जाना] Walls (n) [वॉल्स) = दीवारें] Decorative (adj) (डेकोरेटिव) – सजावट वाले, सुसज्जित । Pots (n)[पॉट्स] = बर्तन । Wood (n) [वुड] % लकड़ी। Till (adv) [टिल] = तक, पर्यन्त | About (adv)[अबाउट] = लगभग Ago (adj) [अगो] = पूर्व, व्यतीत, बीता हुआ। Artists (n) [आर्टिस्ट्स] = कलाकारगण] Paint (v) [पेन्ट] = रंगना । Other (adj) [अदर = अन्य, दूसरा, भिन्न] Bases (n) [बेसेस] = पेंदी, मूल, नींव, आधार, तल]
हिन्दी अनुवाद-बिहार जिन चीजों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है, उनमें से एक है मधुबनी पेंटिंग। ये पेंटिंग अथवा चित्रकारी प्रायः दीवारों, कागजों, कपड़ों, सजावटी बर्तनों और लकड़ी के सामानों पर दृष्टिगोचर होते हैं। आज से 5060 साल पहले तक इस पेंटिंग का इस्तेमाल गाँव के घरों की दीवारों को सजावट करने के लिए किया जाता था। पिचले पचास सालों में, गाँव के कलाकारों ने कागज और कपड़ों पर भी अपनी विशिष्ट पेंटिंग करना शुरू कर दिया है। अब तो वे साड़ियों, दुपट्टों, रूमालों, पगड़ी, टेबल क्लॉथ (मेजपोश), लकड़ी, बर्तन और अन्य चीजों के आधार अथवा पेंदी पर भी पेंटिंग करना शुरू कर दिये हैं।
The raw materials……………….use fabric colours.
Woriasists : Materials (n) मटेरिअल्स = सामग्री, वस्तु] Used (v) [पूज्ड] इस्तमाल किया जाना] Coloured (v) [क्लड] = रंगा हुआ। Natural (adj) [नेचुरल] = स्वाभाविक, प्राकृतिक । Fabric (n) [फेब्रिक) = रचना, बुना हुआ वस्त्र, कपड़ा। हिन्दी अनुवाद….. पेंटिंग करने के लिए मधुवनी के कलाकार जिन रंगों का इस्तेमाल करते हैं उनमें जो कच्ची सामग्री होती है, उनको वे फूलों से और दुसरे प्राकृतिक चीजों से बनाते हैं। लेकिन दीवारों और कपड़ों पर वे कृत्रिम रंगा का इस्तेमाल करते हैं।
The themes of these …………………..forums as well.
Word Meanings : Theme (n) [थीम] = विषय, प्रकरण, प्रसंग। Scene in) सीनादृश्य] Religion (n)[रीलिजन] = धर्म । Depend (v) (डिपेन्ड। – निर्भर होना या करना] Art (n) [आर्ट] = कला । Living (n) लिविंग = आविका, भरण-पोषण। Great (adj) [ग्रेट] = महान । Participate (v)[पार्टिसिपेट] = भाग लेना National (adj)[नैशनल] = राष्ट्रीय International (adj) |इन्टरनेशनल) = अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय । Programmes [प्रोग्राम्स] = कार्यक्रम । Household (n) [हाउसहोल्ड) = कुटुम्ब, परिवार, कुनव! | Regions (n) [रीजन्स] = क्षेत्र ! Considered (v) [कनसिडर्ड] = माना जाना । Forum (n) [फोरम] = बाजार, हाट, अदालत
As well (phr) [एज वेल] = भी। हिन्दी अनुवाद-इन पेंटिंगों का जो विषय होता है, वह गाँवों के प्राकृतिक दृश्यों, पेड़-पौधे एवं जन्तु अथवा धर्म से जुड़े हुए होते हैं। मधुबनी के कई निवासी अपनी आजीविका अथवा भरण-पोषण के लिए अपनी इस कला पर निर्भर होते हैं। कई महान कलाकार हुए हैं। मधुबनी में जिन्होंने राष्ट्रीय और अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय पैमाने पर इस कला के प्रयोग द्वारा अपनी उपस्थिति दर्ज किये हैं। इनमें से कई कलाकार तो औरतें हैं। कुछ कलाकार तो इनमें से ऐसे हैं जो पारिवारिक जीवन जीते हैं यानी बेहद साधारण लोग हैं फिर भी वे राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर जाने जाते हैं।
At present many ……………….. with their mothers.
Word Meanings :At present (phr) (एट प्रेजेन्ट] = हाल, फिलहाल, वर्तमान में] Many (adj) [मेनी] = कई Centres (n) सेन्टर्स] = केन्द्र। Conduct (v)[कन्डक्ट] = व्यवहार करना, प्रबन्ध करना । Training (n) ट्रेनिंग] = प्रशिक्षण | Programme (n) [प्रोग्राम) = कार्यक्रम । Keen (adj) [कीन] = गहरा, काफी | Interest (n) [इन्टरेस्ट] % रुचि | Traditional (adj) [ट्रेडिशनल] = पारस्परिक । However (adv) [हावएवर] = किसी प्रकार से, किन्तु । Young (adj) [यंग] = जवान, छोटे Learn (v) [लन] = [सीखना]
हिन्दी अनुवाद–हाल-फिलहाल में मधुबनी पेंटिंग को सिखाने के लिए। ढेर सारे प्रशिक्षण केन्द्र खुल गये हैं जो कि इस कला को प्रशिक्षणार्थियों को सिखाते हैं। मधुबनी के गाँव वालों के अलावे कई अन्य लोग भी इस पारंपरिक कला को दूसरों को सिखाने में गहरी रुचि ले रहे हैं। मधुबनी के गाँवों में पाँच वर्ष तक के बच्चे भी अपनी माँओं के साथ-साथ इस कला को सीखने में गहरी दिलचस्पी ले रहे हैं।
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