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Panorama English Book Class 9 Solutions Chapter 1 Dharam Juddha
If you are eager to know about the Bihar Board Solutions of Class 9 English Chapter 1 Dharam Juddha Questins and Answers you will find all of them here. You can identify the knowledge gap using these Bihar Board Class 9 English Solutions PDF and plan accordingly. Don’t worry about the accuracy as they are given after extensive research by people having subject knowledge alongside from the latest English Textbooks.
Bihar Board Class 9 English Dharam Juddha Text Book Questions and Answers
A. Answer the following questions very briefly.
Dharam Juddha Class 9 Question Answer Bihar Board Question 1.
What was the question that the Padma wanted to know from her parents?
The Padma wanted to know from her parents what the identity of a woman was and how she was different from others.
Dharam Juddha Question Answer Bihar Board Class 9 Question 2.
How many brother and sister did the Padma have?
The Padma was the only child of her parents. She had no brother and sister.
Dharam Juddha Bihar Board Class 9 Question 3.
Why was the Padma unhappy with her father?
The Padma was unhappy with her father as she thought that he cared more for money than for her.
Dharam Juddha In Hindi Bihar Board Class 9 Question 4.
For whom is life hell according to Padma’s mother?
According to Padma’s mother, life is hell for the women whose husband is dead.
Panorama Class 9 Solutions Bihar Board Question 5.
What, according to the Padma, is the identity of the human race?
According to the Padma, the identity of the human race is the identity of women.
C. Long Answer Questions
Panorama English Book Class 9 Solutions Bihar Board Question 1.
‘Father cares more for money than for me’. Why does the Padma say so? Have you felt like the Padma? Explain.
The Padma says so because she feels her father lacking in emotion towards her. He is always behind earning money. She feels unhappy with him for her neglect. According to Padma her father gives more importance to money than to her. Occasionally I feel like the Padma when my parents do not listen to my talk and they do not give proper care and attention. I find that my demand is ignored and I feel that I am no more than a commodity to my parents and an object to gratify their sense of achievement. They lack personal feelings and emotions for me.
Question 2.
What, according to Padma’s father, is the identity of a woman? Do you agree with him?
According to Padma’s father marriage lends identity to a woman. A woman’s identity depends on the identity of her husband. I do not agree with this point. Women play a complementary and important role in the life of men. Nature has gifted them with special attributes so that the human race would continue to grow to prosper. Thus while men have been endowed with virile strength, women are endowed with human sensibilities and emotion like love. Compassion and caring. These are extremely vital for the upbringing of the future generation. Who is the hope of tomorrow? Their contribution to the field of education, doctors, nurses or a social worker. They provide health care facilities to the community. Their contributions are indeed their identity.
Question 3.
What question did the Padma ask that her mother calls senseless? Why did Padma’s mother call it senseless? Explain.
The question that the Padma asked her mother, “what if one does not get married?” Padma’s mother was a devotee lade. She knew’ that for a woman husband is everything without a husband a woman life is like a hell so when the Padma asked the question repeatedly she called it senseless.
Question 4.
What is the injustice that the Padma talked about?
The Padma calls it an injustice when her mother tells that life is hell for the woman whose husband is dead. She hates such idea of woman’s identity.
Question 5.
Sketch the character of Padma.
The Padma is a young girl with a modem outlook. She is observed of all observers. She is the centre of the play. She is educated and advanced she is independent in thinking and has a strong personality. She does not suffer from any sense of inferiority or fear complex that is why she feels aggrieved and agitated by the uncharitably orthodox attitude of the society towards women. She repeatedly questions her parents and her teacher about the right and the identity of a woman and asks them whether her identity is subject to her marriage. She wants equality and justice for the woman.
Question 6.
Padma’s mother is the true image of a typical traditional woman. Elaborate,
The word tradition, however, means, unwritten beliefs and customs handed down from generation to generation, which we all knowingly or unknowingly adhere to in our daily lives. It is the emotional fabric, which binds us to our fore-lather and makes us distinct from one another.
Padma’s mother is the true image of a typical traditional woman. She loves her daughter and her husband truly. She does not believe in the independent identity of a woman without her husband she does not think herself different from her husband, she thinks, that her identity is linked with her husband and she cherishes the bond. She strongly believes that a woman without a husband has no existence and for a widow life is a hell. She also believes that a woman has no right to ask odd questions from her husband. Thus, Padma’s mother proves herself a complete Indian traditional woman.
Question 7.
Discuss the main idea contained in the text?
The main idea contained in the text is an enquiry into the identity of the woman and search for justice and the right of equality for her. The Padma is a young girl and a feminist with the modern outlook. She opposes traditional beliefs and questions to her parents about the identity of a woman. She is progressive in her thinking. She wants to enjoy equal rights and should have identity of her own. She does not want to be dependent on marriage or her husband for her identity.
Question 8.
Why is the lesson culled “Dharam Juddha”? Give reasons.
The lesson has been titled Dharam Juddha which reminds the Mahabharata war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. Lord Krishna encouraged Arjuna to fight against his Guru and grandfather for his rights. It was called Dharam Juddha a war for righteousness. Here is also a war of justice and rights of equality of a woman. The Padma fights for a woman in modern ways whereas her parents are of on traditional path. The Padma wants woman’s independent… identity in society. So It is just like a war of right and equality. So the title is ‘Dharam Juddha’ is correct.
A. Work in small groups and discuss the following:
Question 1.
What forms the identity of a woman in society?
I think the woman in free India enjoys perfect equality with man. She is no longer a slave. She is no longer at the mercy of a man. She has a voice in shaping the destiny of the nation. We have women in different roles as administrators, ambassador, governors, leaders, minters, doctors teachers, officers, educationists and even in defence services. They are proving good in every field of work. They have on their side brain beauty and personality. They are sweet, soft and peace-loving. You may see them in the forms, said above.
Question 2.
How is marriage related to the identity of a woman?
The present social, customs and practices also determinate against her I thus after marriage, she has to adopt the surname of her spouse and move in with him. What title she had of her identity, is also lost after marriage. She is also divided her share in parental property. But she only was known as the housewife of a particular house and the wife of a particular person of a family, she is considered the builder of the nation. She enriches society. and help in the growth and development of the country. Cheat men are known to their mothers. All great men and their autobiographies have acknowledged the fact that behind every successful man there is a woman. Thus it is clear that marriage is related to the succession of men. It is her great identity.
Question 3.
An unmarried man is venerated and called a saint, while an unmarried woman is called immoral and wanton. Is it justified?
If a man decides to remain unmarried, he is considered a saint and is also regarded as a sacred man, his character is also considered sacred. He now becomes a holy man. On the other hand, if a woman remains unmarried she is called immortal and wanton. Her character is suspected in society. She is not respected Gdike a holy man. It is not justified according to the author. So he pleads for equal treatment.
Question 4.
Both men and women are equally important for human society. Do you agree?
Yes, I wholeheartedly agree that both men and women are equally important for human society. Behind every successful! man, there is a woman. All great men in their autobiographies have acknowledged this fact. Woman today play a complementary and important role in the life of men and thus in human society. Nature has gifted them with special attributes so that the human race would continue to grow and prosper. Thus while men have been endowed with virile strength, women are endowed with human sensibilities and emotion like love, compassion and caring. These extremely vital for the upbringing of the future generation, who are the hope of tomorrow. They are the fulcrums around which the family and our lives revolve. Thus a wife, mother, sister they play an indispensable part in the life of men. So like men, they are equally important for human society.
Question 5.
‘Man and women should have equal rights’. Discuss.
Undoubtedly, men and women should have equal right in all respects. The need of the hour is not to question this reality, but to devise ways and means to ameliorate their lot. The Government has taken many steps to give women a fair deal. Marriage customs are rapidly changing. A social atmosphere is being created to abolish dowry. It must, however, be admitted that freedom has distributed its blessing mainly among the woman belonging to rich classes in society. But the majority of women are still backward and superstitious. By the government, the women have been given the same rights as are enjoyed by men. Some of them are bringing honour and glory to India by serving the country wholeheartedly.
Question 6.
“The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”. Elaborate.
This prover runs regarding women. As a mother, she inculcated spiritual and moral values in the child. Outside home, she moulds the destiny of the children as teacher, counsellor and guide. As doctors, nurses or a social worker, she provides health care facilities to the community. Their contributions are indeed invaluable for the well-being, growth and economic development of society and the country. She played a crucial role in men’s life no doubt, as a mother. Thus in all crucial matters pertaining to property, or ascendance to the throne, it was the son who inherited the property or the throne.
Question 3.
‘Women in India are underprivileged’. Elaborate.
Women in India are underprivileged. We like it or not and no matter what facts and figures we may quote, the facts remain that the fruits of development have not reached them in the measure that it should have. They constitute nearly one half of the population of the country and therefore, no real development can take place without their involvement and participation. It is indeed a matter of concern that after more than sixty years of independence, they continue to live an underprivileged existence more like a second class citizen. We may have done away with Sati Pratha and the Pardah system. But evils like dowry and female infanticide continue to thrive in our society even in age of enlightenment. This is why a girl child is looked upon as a burden for her parents. This discrimination does not anger well for the growth and development of the country. Immediate steps are called for ameliorating their lot, by providing them with free education and ensuring their economic independence.
Comprehension Based Questions with Answers
1. Padma: Mother, what is the identity of a woman?
Maa: Why do you ask that?
Padma: How am I different from others?
Maa: You are my daughter, our only child and your . father’s darling.
Padma: Father cares more for money than for me. It takes a heart to bestow love.
Maa: For whom does he save? He does all this only for your sake. You shouldn’t think that I’ve no heart.
Padma: But I didn’t say it of you.
Maa: I am not in any way different from him. My identity is linked with his and I cherish the bond.
- What is the relation between the talkers?
- Who is the daughter?
- What does she ask her mother?
- Who is darling and whose?
- What does the daughter feel about her father?
- What is the reply of the mother?
- The talkers are mother and daughter.
- The Padma is the daughter.
- She asks from her mother what the identity of a woman is.
- The Padma is darling of her father.
- The daughter feels that her father cares more for money than for her which takes a heart to bestow love.
- The mother replies that her father saves money for her only daughter, Padma.
2. Father: What is this talk about the bond, Padma’s mother?
Maa: Here is your father. Ask him whatever you want to know.
Father: What’s it. my child?
Maa: She wants to know what is the identity of a woman.
Father: You will know it, dear, when you are married.
Padma: Does marriage lend identity to a woman?
Maa: What is a woman without a husband?
Padma: What if one does not get married?
Maa: Why do you always ask such senseless questions?
Padma: What about a woman whose husband is dead?
Maa: Life is hell for her.
Padma: That’s injustice!
- Who enters?
- What does he ask and from whom?
- What does the daughter want to know from her father?
- What do her fathers reply?
- Find out from the lesson which means ‘unjust’.
- Padma’s fathers enter.
- He asks from Padma’s mother what that talk is about the bond.
- The daughter wants to know from her father what the identity of a woman is.
- Her father replies that she would know the fact when she is married.
- Injustice.
3. Maa: You needn’t talk of justice and injustice here.
Padma: Why?
Maa: Over here women don’t have the right to ask questions.
Padma: What right do they have then?
Father: Rights are for equals, dear.
Padma: Why is a home considered a place for bargain¬ing? One shouldn’t live in such a place.
Father: You will get the same replies to these questions wherever you go.
Padma: But the identity of a woman is the identity of the human race. A society sans women…
Father: That’s why they say that marriage lends this identity.
Padma: So if a girl does not get married she has no identity! Why is it that an unmarried man is venerated and called a saint while an unmarried woman is called immoral and wanton?
- ‘A home is like a’… What type of place is, according to the Padma?
- Is she considering the house a living place?
- What is the identity of the human race?
- What is the difference between an unmarried man and an unmarried woman?
- Find a word in the passage which means ‘unchaste’.
- According to Padma a home is considered a place for bargaining!
- No, such a home is not a living place for the Padma.
- The identity of a woman is the identity of the human race.
- An unmarried man is venerated and called a saint but an unmarried woman is called immoral and wanton.
- Wanton.
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