Guys who are planning to learn the fundamentals of English can avail the handy study material Bihar Board Class 10 English Reader Solutions Letter Writing Questions and Answers here. Refer to the Bihar Board English Solutions for Class 10 PDF available and score better grades. Simply click on the quick links available for Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions and prepare all the concepts in it effectively. Take your preparation to the next level by availing the Bihar Board Class 10 English Book Solutions Letter Writing prepared by subject experts.
Bihar Board Class 10 English Letter Writing
Do you feel the concept of English difficult to understand? Not anymore with our Bihar Board Solutions for Class 10 English Letter Writing Questions and Answers. All the Solutions are given to you with detailed explanation and you can enhance your subject knowledge. Use the Bihar Board Textbook Solutions PDF free of cost and prepare whenever you want.
Bihar Board Letter Format Class 10 1.
In about 100 words, write a letter to your friend inviting him to attend your birthday party. [2005(S)]
Patna, 800006
9th February, 2012
My dear Rakesh,
It’s since long we met.’ I have not heard anything from you for a month. I am afraid you are angry with me. Perhaps you remember that my birthday falls on Februrary 26th. I have decided to celebrate my birthday. A party will be held on the occasion. I have – invited to the party some of my friends who are good musicians. They will present a musical programme. You will surely enjoy the party and the musical programme. Please do attend my birthday party. If you don’t come, I shall miss you badly. With best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Rakesh Kumar
Ramana, Arrah
Letter Writing In English For Class 10 Bihar Board 2.
Your uncle has sent you a beautiful gift Write a letter to your friend describ¬ing the gift and your feelings in about 100 words. [1995(S) (BM)]
Station Road
20th Feb. 2012
I celebrated my birthday on Feb. 15.1 got lots of presents on that happy occasion. My uncle sent me a beautiful gift. Of all the presents I liked it most. It is a Titan watch. Ifs- : price is Rs. 1200. 1 was very happy to receive this gift as I needed it badly. Without a watch, I usually got Sate for my school on several days. This watch has a beautiful dial. It is fully automatic and runs on a tiny battery. It keeps accurate time. I am proud of it. I am very grateful to my uncle for this nice gift.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Ranjan Kumar ‘ Kadamkuan, Patna-800 003
Letter Writing For Class 10 Bihar Board 3.
In about 100 words; write a letter to your friend describing the match you have witnessed.
Station Road,
8th March, 2012
Dear Ashok,
1 was so glad to receive your letter. 1 want to tell you about a football match that I saw yesterday.
The match was played between our school team and that of Patna High School. It began at 2.30; p.m. A large number of people had gathered to witness the match. At first the match was boring but gradually, it became interesting when both the teams tried their best to score a goal. After the interval, within five minutes our school team scored a goal. Then the players of the other side tried their best to equalise, but their efforts went in vain andwe won the match. The match gave us a good deal of joy.
Yours sincerely,
Arjun Singh
Nala Road, Patna-800003
Class 10 Letter Writing Bihar Board 4.
Your younger brother lives in a hostel. You have come to know that he devotes more time to games than to studies. Write a letter advising him to pay due attention to his studies.
Kadamkuan, Patna
13 February 2012
My dear Vivek,
You have not written any letter to me for a long time. Prakash came home from Buxar yesterday. From him I came to know about you. It is distressing to know that you are spending most of your time in games and sports thus neglecting your studies. Your annual examination is not very far off. I shall advise you toprepare hard for your examination. Otherwise, you will get a shock by getting plucked. Always take care of your future career and try to be an ideal student. I hope you will pay due attention to your studies. I hope to see you soon.
Yours affectionately,
English Class 10 Letter Writing Bihar Board 5.
In about 100 words, write a letter to your friendiit Delhi, describing about your school. [1995A, 2006A]
Patna 800006
23rd March, 2012
Dear Suresh,
Thank you for your letter. Today I am going to describe about my school. I study in R. M. R. Seminary, Patna. It is one of the oldest schools of Bihar. It has a glorious past. The building of my school is magnificent There are about forty teachers in the school. All of them are qualified and efficient. There are different teachers for teaching different subjects. There are more than two thousand students in this school. They are well-disciplined.
My school is one of the best schools in Bihar. I .am proud of studying in this school.
Yours sincerely,
Letter Writing Class 10 Bihar Board 6.
In about 100 words, write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success at the examination. [1999 S]
26th May, 2012
Dear Prakash,
I am very glad to learn that you secured first position in the annual Secondary School Examination. My heartiest congratulations on your brilliant success in the examination. ‘You have achieved a rare distinction, I .was sure you must achieve this distinction.’ Your regular studies and hard labour has been crowned with success. You have brought glory not only to yourself but to all of your friends. I am proud of being your intimate friend. Your grand success gives me inspiration. I hope you will achieve similar distinc¬tions in future. Inform me of the date you are arranging a dinner to celebrate your success? With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Formal Letter Class 10 Bihar Board 7.
In about 100 words, write a-letter to your father telling him what you wish to do after your Board Examination is over.
Fraser Road
Patna 800001
17 th January, 2012
My dear Father,
My Board Examination begins on February 14th. It will be over on February 22nd. I have been labouring hard. I hope to secure first division. After the examination is over I shall go to Shimla. It is full of beautiful scenery. I also intend to go on sight-seeing tour to Kulu and Manali. I am sure you will not grudge it, and will permit me to undertake the journey, I need some money for expenditure in the journey. I will be very kind of you if you send Rs. 900 tome.
Yours affectionately,
Formal Letter Format Class 10 Bihar Board 8.
Write a letter to your younger brother in about 100 words, advising him . to read newspapers daily. [2000 S]
Station Road
24th Feb. 2012
I was glad to receive your letter last Monday. But I am sorry to know that you do not read newspapers at all. You must read newspapers regularly. You will learn many things of history, geog¬raphy, language and general knowledge through newspapers. They also tell us what is happening in different parts of the world. They help us to form the opinion on matters of national and international importance. Besides, you are interested in games and sports too. So you see that newspapers have a great importance in our life and for the nation as well. Please do start reading newspapers from today itself. With blessings,
Your loving brother.
Ravi Ranjan
Letter Format Class 10 Bihar Board 9.
In about 100 words, write a letter to your father telling him about the visit of a very important person to your school. [1995 S]
Patna High School
Patna 800001
13th March, 2012
My dear Father,
I was so glad to receive .your letter last Monday. The Education Minister visited our school recently. I want to tellyou about his visit. ‘ The Education Minister came to our school on March 7th. He was welcomed by everyone ir. the school. The Headmaster of our school introduced the teachers to him. A mass drill by the school boys was done. The Education Minister took interest in the mass drill. Some boys also presented a variety entertainment programme. The Education Min¬ister was impressed and he praised us in his speech.
Your affectionate son
Formal Letter Example For Class 10 Bihar Board 10.
Your friend is ill. In about 100 words, write a letter of cheers to him.
Nehru Nagar
20th March, 2012
Dear Ravi Ranjan,
I am very sorry to hear of your iiiness. I got a letter from Anubhav who has written about your illness. Perhaps you are feeling lonely. I think your friends are there and they are attending on you. Don’t lose heart. It is not serious at all. Don’t be sad, cheer up. You will recover in a few days as you are taking medicines regularly. You have to take rest and be particular about your diet as well. Your, trouble is sure to end in a few days. 1 hope to hear about your recovery very soon. With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Formal Letter In English For Class 10 Bihar Board 11.
You have just received the progress report of your younger brother who. is very weak in English. In about 100 words, write a letter to him, advising him to pay more attention to English.
Exhibition Road
Patna 800001
10th January, 2012
My deaf Rajendra,
1 have just received your letter and your progress report. It is distressing to find that you are awfully weak in English. You must remow your deficiency in English as soon as possible. Self-help is the best help. Instead of engaging a private tutor you should yourself take steps to come up to the mark in this subject. You must pay more attention to it from now. Read your textbooks carefully. Think of the probable questions that may be asked. Write their answers and let them be cor¬rected by a competent teacher of English.
With lots of love,
Yours affectionately.
Letter Writing Format Class 10 Bihar Board 12.
An educational tour has been organized by your Headmaster. Write a letter in about 100 words to your father, seeking permission to join the tour and requesting him to send you money for this.
5th, March, 2020.
My dear Father,
I received your kind letter yesterday. The Headmaster of our school has organized an educational tour during the Puja vacation. About twenty-five students of the school will participate in the tour. A senior teacher of my school will accompany the students. They will visit Varansi, Allahabad, Kanpur, Agra, Fatehpur Sikri, New Delhi and Chandigarh. The student wishing to join the tour will have to deposit Rs. 500. I want to join the tour because I feel that it will be very pleasant and educative. Please permit me to join the tour and send me a sum of Rs. 800.
With best regards,
Yours affectionately,
Letter Writing In English For Class 10 Pdf Bihar Board 13.
Write a letter to your friend in about one hundred words describing your daily life. [1996 S, 1997S, 2000A]
Rajendra Nagar, Patna
12th February, 2012
Mydear Amit,
I am well and hope you also the same. Ramesh had come to see me. He was telling about you and Bhupesh. I am happy to know that you are labouring hard these days to get success in the coming examination. 1 am also preparing for examination. Every day I get up at 4 O’clock in the morning. After getting fresh, I start reading. I take up my breakfast at 6.30. After breakfast again, I start study. I take my lunch at 9.30 A.M. and get up ready for school. I reach school in time. The school breaks at 4.30 P.M. After coming from school I take some refreshment and go to play cricket. In the evening 1 start my study at 7 P.M. and read up to 10 P.M. After taking my meal at 10.30 P.M. I go to bed. Amit, this is my life’s daily routine which I maintain daily. Rest in’ the next letter. Convey my ‘Pranam’ to Uncle and Aunti and blessings to the youngers.
Yours Sincerely
C/o Sunil Singh, Vill., Badiha
P.O.—Ranibari, Dist—Siwan.
Class 10 English Letter Writing Bihar Board 14.
In about 100 words write a letter to a friend describing him about a picnic you have enjoyed recently.
25th Jan. 2012
My dear Mohan
1 received your letter. It pleased me much. Well, lam narrating regarding a picnic which we arranged recently, in this letter. We enjoyed it near Prem nagar. We started in the morning. The sun was not yet up. There was pin drop silence everywhere. We got’ down safely to Prem nagar. First we had a bath. We felt hungry. We had some breakfast. But it was a drop in the ocean. Ram cooked rice and chappati. We had a hearty meal. We had a darshan of Paramhansjee. We returned in the evening. We reached home before dusk.
Your sincerely,
Formal Letter Questions Class 10 Bihar Board 15.
In about 100 words write a letter to your sister describing her about your experience of life in a hostel.
Patna Collegiate school Hostel
Patna 800004
14th March, 2012.
Dear Rita,
It’s long since we met. I am having a nice time here. I find this place quite comfortable. I get my meals at fixed hours. There are two teachers in the hostel. They are very helpful to me. They guide me in my studies. We have a common-room. We all sit and play indoor games here. There are a number of magazines and newspapers available for us. In the evening we play volley-ball and hockey under the direct supervision of our P.T. teacher, Every Saturday We have a film show in the hostel compound. With regards to elders and love to dear children. Awaiting an early reply.
Your affectionate brother
Miss Rita Kumari
C/o Shri.B. K. Sinha
Kalambagh Road, Muzaffarpur
16. Write a letter to your friend about the serious accident you have met with. [1996 A, 2008A]
Khazanchi Road, Patna-4
14th Feburary, 2012.
Dear Gobind,
1 got your letter. I am very sorry because I could not reply to your letter. I am hospitalised because I met a serious road accident. About a week back, I was going to school on my bicycle. A motorcycle collided with me. I lost my balance and fell on the road. I became unconscious for a while. When I came to my sense I found myself in the hospital. I am lucky enough; by the grace of God that I suffered minor head injury with few scratches on the body. Now, I am recovering. Do not worry about me.
Your loving friend
With love from Balram
17. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to take part in school activities. [1996 S]
Examination Hall
4th February, 2012
Dear Ramesh,
Yesterday, I got a letter from, Suresh. He has written that these days you have become a book-worm. Your health is not so good. You do not take care of your health. This is very bad. You must have heard a popular proverb, All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy. So, you should take part in your school activities. To keep good health you should take part in games and sports. For this I advise you to take part in your school acti vities I hope you will follow my advice and do accordingly.”
‘With test wishes from Your elder brother,
Address :
18. In aboQMOO words write a letter to a pen-friend describing him about an important festival of your country. _
20th March, 2012
My dear John,
The postman handed over your letter today, I read it. I was glad to read it. You want to know about the most important festival of India. You know India is a religious country. No month of the year is without festival. But Holi is the most important festival of the Hindus. It is a festival of joy. It is celebrated in spring. People eat, drink and make merry. They beat drums. They sing high sounding songs. They go from house to house. They use colour and abir. They embrace each other. The rich and the poor, the high and the low are mad of joy. This festival makes the victoiy of good over evil. Thus this festival is the most important festival of our country.
Rest is O.K. Reply soon.
Your’s sincerely,
Formal Letter Writing Class 10 Bihar Board 19.
Write a letter in about 100 words to your friend describing a historical place of India. [2007(A)]
14th February, 2014
Dear Mohan,
I am well with all the members of my family. Here I describe a historical place of India. Agra is the best historical place of India. It is ‘worth-seeing’. Here we can see the Agra fort and the Tajmahal, The Tajmahal is one of the seven wonders of the world. People from far and wide daily come to see it. Its beauty is beyond description. The Agra Fort is too beyond description. It is not less than the Tajmahal.
With my best regards and love.
Your’s sincere friend
20. Write a letter to your father describing the prize giving ceremony held in your school in about 100 words.
Mahendru, Patna-6
12th Sept. 2013
My dear father.
I have received your letter yesterday. I am quite well here. I think you along with mother, Nitish and Nisha will be doing well with Sound health and spirit. I was busy in the prize giving ceremony for a week. The ceremony held on 8th September. The education minister presided over the ceremony and distributed the prizes to the winning students. There was a very fine arrangement under the guidence of the Headmaster. Students, guardians and the distinguished persons attended the function. The education minister addressed the students and the audience. He advised the students to build their career by hard labour and sincere study. He distributed the’ prizes and the ceremony performed nicely.
I am awfully busy in my studies. My best regards to mother and love to doar youngers.
Your affectionate son,
Yash Raj
Formal Letter Questions For Class 10 Bihar Board 21.
Write a letter to your guardian seeking his permission to live in the school hostel.
5th February, 2015
Respected Uncle,
I got your letter. I became very glad to read it. I am also quite well here. 1 am putting on well with my studies. I have a mind to live in the school hostel. It is the abode of peace. We live a social life here. Here every student has to live in perfect discipline. Here is a ‘good time and space for learning. Some teacher of my school also live here. They must help mein my studies. So I want to get your permission. Waiting for your reply.
Your’s loving nephew
Amjad Ah
Class 10 Letter Format Bihar Board 22.
Write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend the “Summer Vacation” with you. (100 words) [2003(A)]
6th March, 2015
I am very much anxious to know your welfare, as for the last few months I haven’t received any letter from you. I think you might be doing well with yow studies and members of your family might also be enjoying good health and spirit as well. It is my hearty desire to spend the Summer Vacation with you. I shall be much pleased if you will agree to my proposal and come to enjoy the holidays together, fulfiling my long cherished desire. Convey my best regards to your parents and elders and love to dear children. Awaiting your loving reply.
Yours affectionately
Formal Letter Writing In English For Class 10 Bihar Board 23.
Write a letter to your father about the school subjects which interest you most in 100 words. [2006(A)]
7th July, 2014
My dear father,
I have received your letter today. I am quite well here. Now a days. I was busy with my studies. I want to stand first in the class. It will be helpful in my mission in the college. You have asked in your letter about the school subject I like most. Economics is my favourite subject. In this subject I leant much about the economical condition of our country and detailed study to develop our agriculture and industries. There are so many important topics like export, inport, international trade etc. I can serve my country with the help of this subject. I”want to pass my M.A. Examination in economics and Ph.D too. I think my selection of favourite school subject will please you. Please convey my best respects to mother and other- elders and love to dear children.
AWaiting your affectionate reply.
Your obedient son
Informal Letter Writing In English For Class 10 Bihar Board 24.
Write a letter to your friend in England telling him some important things of your country. [1997(A)]
Examination- Hall
14th February, 2015
My dear Robert,
I received your letter yesterday. Many thanks for your letter. You want to know about some important things of my country. Dear friend, our country has many important things. It is a country with a number of places of historical importance. It has seen the rise and fall of a number of empires. Here are historical cities like Delhi, Agra, Lucknow, Rajgir, Nalanda and others. They abound in historical monuments. Every stone of Delhi has a tale to tell. The Red fort and the Qutub Minar of Delhi, the Taj and the fort of Agra are-matchless monuments. The gardens of Lucknow are peerless. The valley of Kashmir is heaven upon earth. In short our country is indeed a land full of beauty and mystery. ‘
I hope you will now plan to visit this tod of historical importance. With best wishes. ‘
Your’s Sincerely
Ajay Kr.
25. You have to cover a long distance going and coming from school. Write a letter to your father (mother) to send you some money to purchase a bicycle. [1997(A), 2003 (S)]
10th March, 2015
Respected Father,
I am very glad to receive your letter. You have advised me to work hard. But I have some difficulty. My school is four miles from home. I go to school on foot. It takes much of my time. I get tired in reaching the school. Sometimes I am late. I am fined for that. So, I want to purchase a bicycle. It will cost two thousand rupees. It will help me. It will solve my many difficulties. Therefore, 1 request you to send me Rs’. 2500/-for bicycle. Rest is O.K. Please convey my best regards to mother and good wishes to youngers.
Your Obedient Son
26. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you some money to buy books. [1998 (S), 2005 (A)]
Respected Father, 16th March, 2014
I got your kind letter. I am very glad to go through it. Father, my classes are going on. I have to buy some books. So I need some money. Please send me Rs. 700/- as soon as possible. Please.convey my love to mother. Ask her to write more and more letters
Your’s Loving son
v Rajeev
27. Write a letter to your friend describing a religious place of India.
26th January, 2015
Dear Anita,
My joy knew no bounds to get your letter. I am also quite well here. Here are a number of temples. They are grand and attractive. The temple of Bishwanath jee Is famous all over India. The Hindus want to die here. A number of the dead bodies of the Hindus are burnt here. It is a thickly populated 36 ENGLISH GRAMMAR -X town. It is worth visiting. Here are a number of old monuments.
With love.
28. Write a letter to your friend telling him how you have celebrated the Golden Jubilee of the Independence Day in your School. [1998 (S)]
10th February, 2015
My dear Suresh,
I got your letter and became very glad to read it. I am also quite well here. I am very happy to inform you that the Golden jubilee of the Independence Day was celebrated recently iii my school. The Education Minister of Bihar was the chief guest of the function. Our school was decorated with colourful lights. Our Headmaster presided over the meeting’of the function. All the students were engaged in preparation. A band party was also managed; We celebrated the Golden Jubilee of the Independence Day very successfully.
Rest is O.K.
Your friend
29. Write a letter to your friend telling him about your preparation for the S.S. Examination Annual. [1998 (A), 2002 (A), 2004 (S), 2002 (S)J
20th Match, 2015
Dear Dilip,
Your letter is just to hand. 1 am also putting on well with my health and studies. My Board Exam is just in hand. I am preparing hard for it. It is very near completion. I am sure that I must secure high marks in all papers. I am not so satisfied in Math. I am labouring hard for it also. May God fulfil my desire with love.
Waiting for reply.
Your’s sincere friend
30. Write a letter to your friend describing how a koel though black in appearance stands for the sweetness of the koel. [2011(C)]
Gaighat, Patna
8th February, 2015
My dear Shobhit,
Your sweet note is just to hand. I became, very glad to read your letter. You wanted to know what made koel to be loved by mankind. Well, I hereby narrate the reason behind it. Koel though black in appearance is known for the sweet notes it preserves. People become enchanted by its admirable voice. The continuous calling of koel attracts our attention and its musical notes creates pleasure in our hearts. Beauty does not become the reason for the popularity of a man. Of course, certain qualities like cordial behaviour, and sweet tongue in a man make him popular and being loved by all. As such ‘Koel’ is the symbdl of love and affection. Rest is O.K With best compliments to your parents and good wishes to children.
Yours Loving Friend
31. Write a letter to your friend describing a village market. [2012(A)]
12th Feb, 2014
Dear Rahul,
After a pretty long time I received your letter yesterday. In your letter you have enquired about “a Village-market”. I am glad that you wanted to know about the market in a village. Well, I am describing about a village-marke in this letter. The village market is a place where people gather to buy and sell things. People from nearby village also visit this market. There are a few permanent shops in the market. But we find a good number of temporary shops there. Most of the shop-keeper, lipe their articles like grains, vegitables, fish, coarse cloth, utencils, sweets, agricultural implaments; stationary etc; to sell them. There is a lot of noise in the villae-market. There is much bargaining relating to price in the market. A person who visits the market for the first time may be easily cheated. Though the market is full of noise, dust and disorder, it is very useful to villagers. I would be glal if you will personally come here to visit the market. With best regards.
Your’s sincerely
32. Write a letter to your friend, inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony of ypur sister, (or elder brother) [1999 (A)]
12th March, 2015
I got your letter, became very glad to read it. I am also quite well here. The marriage ceremony of my elder sister is going to be held on 25th of the current month. The preparation is going on. YoV presence here is badly needed. You must have some problems. Please don’t wait for my invitation card. Reach my home with mother and others as early as possible. You and I shall go together to make some necessary purchases. With my best regards and love.
Awaiting your arrival very soon.
Your friend
33. Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to take part in games and sports. [2009 (A)]
‘Dev-Ashram’ Mahendru, Patna
24th Jan. 2015
Dear Anil,
I am glad to receive your letter just now. But at the same time I feel sorry to learn through your letter that you are spending all of your time in your studies. You have become book-worm. It is really not good. You should at least take part in sports and games for sometime during the monring or evening, which ever suits you most. I know that there is good arrangements of games and sports in your school. Thus, participating in these activities, will improve your health. It will also increase your intelligence and keen insight and will be rather helpful in preparing your courses of studies. I think you would follow my sincere advice. Reply soon. With blessings.
Your loving brother
34. Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to provide yhu with books from the Book Bank of your school. [2012 (C)]
The Headmaster
R.M. R. Seminary, Patna
I have the honour to state that I am a very poor student. My father is an employee in a medical store. He gets a very little amount as his monthly salary. He can not afford to bear the family’s affairs and the expenditure over the education of three children including myself, properly. I, therefore request you to kindly provide me books from the Book- BankoftheSchool, which will help me in my studies. For this act of your kindness I shall be ever remain grateful to you.
Your most obedient Pupil,
35. Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to grant you four day’s leave to attend a marriage party. [1998 A]
Or, Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to grant you leave’ to attend the marriage function of your sister. [2007 (S)] Ans.
March 10, 2015
The Headmaster,
R.M.R. Seminary Patna
Most respectfully I beg to request you that marriage ceremony of my elder sister will be solemnized on 26th March, 2007. My presence on the occassion is highly essential, relating to necessary arrangements during the marriage. I therefore request you to be kind enough to grant four days leave with effect from 24th March 2007. For this act of your kindness I shall ever remain grateful.
Your most obdient pupil,
36. Write an application to your Headmaster to grant you “Full-Free- Studentship.” . [1999 A] [2012(A)]
Or, Write an application to the Principal of your school asking him to grant you fee-concession. [2007 (S)]
8th March, 2015
The Headmaster,
T. K. Ghosh’s Academy Patna
Respected Sir, .
Most humbly I beg to request the following for your kind consideration and sympathetic action over my present financial condition. My father being working in a private concern receives a very poor salary. He has to look-after the family consisting of my mother, three sons and two daugters with this meagre amount (income). As such to continue my studies is not possible in the present situation. I am a good student of the school and stand second in the class. I therefore, request your goodself to kindly grant me full “Free-studentship”, so that I may continue my studies in future. I shall ever remain grateful for your favourable consideration in the matter.
Yours obediently,
37. Write an application to the Headmaster for issuing “Character Certificate”. – [2001(A)]
The headmaster,
Zila School, Gaya Sir,
Respectfully I beg to submit the following for your necessary action ‘ over my problem I am seeking admission in Gaya College and I have submitted my application form for the purpose there. I have to Lodge the character certificate at the time of admission. I, therefore request your honour to issue my character certificate at the earliest, so that I may be able to fulfil the requirement of the college. In case the same is not submitted, my admission in the college will not be possible. I shall be highly obliged if you will kindly favour me with my character certificate.
Yours obediently
15th Jan. 2015.
38. Write an application to headmaster to issue a transfer certificate. [2003 (A), 2003 (S); 2014 (A) Set-II]
The Headmaster,
Sri Ganesh High School, Bakhtiyarpur, Patna
Sub: Request for the transfer certificate ‘
Most humbly and respectfuly I beg to state thatl am a student of class IX. . My father was working in the local branch of a bank. He has been transferred to Kolkala. I am also going with my family. So, I need the transfer certificate. Kindly issue me the transfer certificate so that I may continue my studies in a school at Kolkata. For this act of kindness I shall remain grate ul to you.
The 6th March, 2014
Yours obediently
Ravi Kumar
39. Write an application to the Headmaster or to the Principal of your school or to your head of the institution requesting him for some help from the Poor Boy’s Fund of the School. [2002 (A), 2002 (S), 2005 (A), 2008 (A), 2011 (A)]
The Headmaster,
Patna High School, Patna Through ‘The class teacher
Sub: For some help from the Poor Bov’s Fund of the School.
1 beg to state that I am a student of class, X, Sec. B. I stand first in my class. My father is a teacher in a lower school. He has to maintain a big family. I need some necessary books. I cannot buy them for want of money. So 1 want help, from P. B. Fund of the- school.
Your most obedient pupil
Ram Bilash Prasad
Class X
20th March, 2015
40. Write an application to the Headmaster for ten days leave. [2007 (A), 2012(A)]
Or, Write an application to the headmaster requesting him to grant you leave for ten days as you are suffering from typhoid. [2007 (A)]
The Headmaster,
Patna Collegiate School
As 1 have been suffering from typhoid since last Monday. I can’t attend school for ten days more. I feel much weakness. The doctor advised me complete rest for ten days at least. I badly feel headache too. I have to take medicines every hour. I there fore, request you kindly to cram me ten days leave from today the 15th of Jan, 2015.
Yours most obedient
Ravi, Class—X,
15 Jan. 2015.
41. Write an application to your Mukhiya for an approach road to your village in 100 words. [2004 (A)]
The Mukhiya
Sub: An approach road in our village.
Most humbly and respectfully I want to draw your kind attention on behalf of the resident of my village, towards the pitiable condition of our approach road connecting it from main road at present. Practically there is no approach road at all. The aforesaid road really has turned into most undevelop stape, and quite unfit for communication. In rainy season it becomes muddy with many a pits their in. The administration is not taking care of the problem in spite of our repeated reminders. therefore request you to take necessary action in the matter and I am con, aer.t to get your favour, so that the poor villagers will get relief. With regards.
Yours faithfully,
Rajesh Ranjan
10 Feb. 2015.
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