Bihar Board Class 12th English Book Solutions Grammar Idioms and Phrases
Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Idioms and Phrases
(परीक्षाओं में प्रायः पूछे गए phrases का संकलन)
प्रयोग के अनुसार phrase कई प्रकार के होते हैं –
1. जो phrase noun का काम करते हैं, वे noun phrase कहलाते हैं। इनका प्रयोग subject, object या complement के समान होता है। जैसे –
He has seen many ups and down in life.
Birds of a feather flock together.
2. जो phrase adjective का काम करते हैं वे adjective phrase कहलाते हैं । वे noun या pronoun की विशेषता बताते हैं। जैसे –
I dislike your hole-and-corner policy (secret policy – गुप्त नीति)
3. जो phrase verb का काम करते हैं, वे verbal phrase कहलाते हैं । जैसे –
To be about-To be engaged in (व्यस्त होना, व्यस्त रहना)- What is he about ? (वह किस काम में व्यस्त है ?)
To be after-to desire (प्राप्ति की इच्छा करना)- What is he after ? What does he want to have ?
4. जो phrase adverb का काम करते हैं वे adverbial phrase कहलाते हैं। जैसे-
He left the city bag and baggage.
He threw himself into the work heart and soul.
Note – विद्यार्थी अक्सर भूल से ‘bags and baggage’ के पहले या ‘heart and soul’ के पहले ‘with’ का प्रयोग करते हैं। उन्हें यह ख्याल रखना चाहिए कि ‘bag and baggage’
का अर्थ ही होता है ‘with all belongings’, उसी प्रकार ‘heart and soul’ का अर्थ होता है ‘with all heart’.
5. जो phrase preposition का काम करते हैं वे prepositional phrase कहलाते हैं। Prepositional phrase के बाद सदा noun या pronoun का प्रयोग होता है। जैसे –
He is superior to me in point of age.
6. जो phrase conjunction का काम करते हैं वे conjunctional phrase कहलाते हैं।
जैसे – He fled away as soon as he saw the police.
7. जो phrase interjection का काम करते हैं ये interjectional phrase कहलाते हैं।
जैसे – Woe to me ! Well done !
Some Noun Phrase in Common Use
A lame excause – unsatisfactory (असन्तोषजनक बहना) – Headache is a lame excuse for absence.
A man of letters – a scholar (बिद्वान आदमी) – Radhakrishna was man of letter.
A man of spirit – courageous (उत्साही आदमी) – Shivaji was a man of spirit.
All in all (सर्वसर्वा)- The headmaster is all in all in the school.
Bed of roses – comfortable place (सुखद स्थान) – A thorn is not a bed of roses.
Hue and cry – noise (हल्ला – गुल्ला) – The villagers raised a hue and cry at the sight of the robbers.
Ins and outs – details (सभी बातें) – I know the ins and outs of the matter.
Jack of all trades – One who knows something of eveything (हरफन मोला) – A Jack of all trades is generally the master of none.
Pros and cons – Everything in favour of or against (पक्ष एवं विपक्ष की सभी बातें) – I thought over the pros and cons of the matter.
Ups and downs – rise and fall (उस्थान और पतन) – He has seen may ups and downs in his life.
Up and doing – busy, active (व्यस्त,फुर्तीला) – One should be always up and doing.
Some Adjective Phrases in Common Use
At sixes and sevens – in a disorderly manner (अवयव स्थित दशा में) – He keeps his books at sixes and sevens.
High and low – everywhere (हर जगह) – He searched for his cycle high and low.
In black and white – in writing (लिखित रूप) – Give your statement (en) in black and white.
In vogue – in force (प्रचलित) – Purda system is still vogue among the Muslims.
Null and void – Invalid (बेकार,नाजायज) – The old rules becomes mull and void when are replaced by new ones.
Right or wrong – whether the action is right or wrong (उचित हो या अनुचित) – I must do it, right or wrong.
Slow and steady (धीमा और अविचल व्यक्त) Slow and steady wins the race.
Through thick and thin – through difficult and easy obstacles (कठिनाईयों में) – My friend has helped me through thick and thin.
Some Adverbial Phrases in Common Use
Above all – before any other consideration (सर्वपरि) -Above all, be careful about your studies.
After all-in spite of every fact to the contrary (सब कुछ विपरीत होते हुए भी) – After all, he is a good man. (यद्यपि उसमें कुछ दोष है, फिर भी वह अच्छा आदमी है)
Again and again इन तीनों phrases का एक ही अर्थ है
Over and over again These three phrases mean ‘very often’ ‘बार – बार’
Time and again – Boys should pronounce difficult words time and again.
As a matter of fact – really (वात्सव में) – He lives in a fine style, but as a matter of fact, he is mean fellow.
As far as (जहाँ तक) – As far as I know, he is an honest man.
As it were – मानो (यह adverbial clause है) – A teacher is, as it were, the father of a child.
Asif – मानो – यह conjunctional phrase है । As if के बाद subject और verb से बना हुआ clause लिखना आवश्यक है ।
Sometimes she weeps and sometimes she laughts, as if she were mad.
At all-in the least (जरा भी)- Negative sentence को जोरदार बनाने के लिए बहुधा इसका प्रयोग होता है He does not read at all.
At once- immediately (शीग्र) – He came at once.
At present – (वर्तमान समय में) – At present he is living in Bihar.
At random – without any aim (बिना लक्ष्य के) – He fired at random.
By and by – after an interval; after a time (कुछ समय के बाद) – You will feel better by and by.
By far- decidedly (निशचित रूप से) – He is by far the best in the class.
By all means – in every possible wasy (हर तरीकेसे) – Do it by all means.
By no means in no way (किसी भी तरह से नहीं) – You can, by no means. take away my cycle.
By the by incidentally (किसी भी बात के सिलसिले में अचानक) – by the by our English teacher told us something about planets and stars.
Hither and thither – to and fro (इधर – उधर) – A mad man was moving hither and thither on the road.
Far and away beyound all comparison; decidedly (निर्व्वाद रूप से) – He is far and away the best speaker in the province
Far and wide/Far and near – इन दोनों phrases का एक ही अर्थ है – everywhere (सर्वत्र)
His fame spread far and wide.
He searched for his lost son far and near.
For good and all – for ever (सदा के लिए) – The Englishman left India for good and all.
Heart and soul – whole – heartedly (दिल और जान से) – He threw himself into the work heart and soul.
In fact – really (वास्तव में) – He weres a fine look, but in fact he is a rogue.
In the long run – eventually (अंततोगत्वा) – You will succeed in the long run.
In time, at proper time, not late (ठीक समय पर) – We should go to school in time.
In vain – with no tangible result (निष्फल) – He laboured hard to pass the examination but in vain.
Little by little gradually (धीरे – धीरे) – He is progressing little by little.
Now and then- occasionally (बहुध) – He comes to my house now & then.
Of course, naturally (जैसा स्वाभाविक है) – He failed at the examination and, of course, he was sorry for it.
Off and on – irregularly (अनियमित रूप से कभी – कभी) – He read English off and on.
On and on- continuously, regularly (नियमित रूप से लगातार) – He worked on and on for many years.
Once for all (सदा के लिए) – I tell you once for all that you should never smoke again.
On the contrare rather (प्रत्युक इसके विपरीत) – I do not admire him; on the contrary I hate him. इसका प्रयोग Conjunction की तरह भी होता है।
On the whole – (taking everything into consideration (वस्तुत सब प्रकार से) – on the whole, he appears to be a good man (considering all his merits and demerits he appears to be a good man)
One and all – apeveryone (सभी) – One and all did not accept this leadership.
Over and above – in addition to; besides (अतिरिक्त) – He lost his book and was beaten over and above for his carelessness. इसका प्रयोग Prepositional Phrase की तरह भी होता है Over and above what he lost, he was beaten for his carelessness.
Over and over again – same as ‘again and again’.
So far as (जहाँ तक) – So far as I know, he is poor,
Sooner or later-eventually (कालक्रम से) – A thief will be caught sooner or later.
The other day – not long ago – इसका प्रयोग भूतकाल में होता है इसका अर्थ है ‘कुछ दिन पहले, हाल ही में किसी दिन अभी – अभी उसी दिन’ – He came to my house the other day.
Time and again-Same as ‘again and again’.
Through and through – fully (पूर्णतया) – He read the book through and through. He was drenched through and through.
To and frombackward and forward (आगे पीछे) – He was moving to & fro.
Some Adverbial Phrases (Idioms with Adverbs)
As usual (पहले जैसा) – The train was late today as usual.
At any rate (किसी भी हालत में) – It is bad; at Any rate, not good.
At times (कभी – कभी)- Even a sinner feels ashamed of himself at time.
At most (अधिक – से – अधिक) – I can give you at most ten rupees.
Far and near (Far and wide) (सर्वत्र) – This news has spread far and near (far and wide).
For long (बहुत दिनों तक) – A good man is remembered for long.
Once again or, over again or, once more (एक बार और) – Can you do it once again (over again, once more).
Prepositional Phrases (Idioms with Preposition)
By way of (रूप में) – I told you by way of advice.
In keeping with (मेल से) Your action should be in keeping with your speech.
In accord with (अनुसार,समान) – Your news is not in accord (accordance) with us.
In harmony with (मेल से, सौहार्दपूर्ण)- Your attitude is not in harmony with us.
In agreement with (अनुकूल, एकमत)- What can I do if he does not act in agreement with me.
In search of (खोज में)- I am in search of knowledge.
In proportion to (अनुपात में) – He is not paid in proportion to his labour.
On the eve of (कुछ पहले)We had a dinner on the eve of the Pujas.
On the ground of (आधार पर) – You are excused on the gound of ignorance
Owing to (कारण से), He is absent owing to his illness.
With an eye to (ध्यान में रखकर), Let us work with an eye to future.
Some Verbal Phrases in Common Use
To be after – tobe in pursuit of (किसी वस्तु की प्राप्ति के फेर में रखना) – What is he after ? (वह किसी चीज़ की प्राप्ति केलिए परेशान है ?)
To be at home in to be expert in (निपुण होना) – He is quite at home in English.
To be at home to be at ease (घर की तरह आराम से रहना – I am quite at home in his house.
To be at large – to be free from restraint (बंदनामुख्त होना) – His dog is chained in the daytime, but it is at large in the night.
To be in fault – to be guilty (दोषी होना) The accused was in fault.
To be at fault – to be puzzled (घबड़ा जाना) – My memory was in fault, so I could not recite the poem correctly.
To bring out – to publish (प्रकाशित करना) – The Anjana Prakashan of Patna will bring out its new edition next year.
To cut short (काम होना) – His life was cut short due to cholera.
To come across – happen to meet or find by chance (अचानक मुलाक़ात होना, अचानक पा जाना) – I came across an old friend of mine in the park.
To fall short of – to become less (काम होना) – His income falls short of his expenditure. (उसकी आमदनी खर्च से काम है)
To fall flat on – to have to effect (प्रभाव नहीं डालना) – His speech fell flat on the audience.
To get rid of –to be free from (छुटकारा पाना) – A man can get rid of temptations (प्रलोभन) by practising virtue (सद्गुण).
To get by heart – to memorize (याद करना) – You must get you lesson by heart.
To hold good to be applicable to (लागू होना) – This rule holds good in this case.
To look down upon – to look with contempt (घृणा की दृष्टी से देखना) – We should not look down upon the poor.
To make room – to accommodate (स्थान देना) – The gentleman moved a little and made room for me in the compartment.
To pur up with (सहना) – I cannot put up with such an insult.
To run short-to be exhausted (घाट जाना) – Food ran short in my house.
To take care of -to be careful (सावधान होना) – Take care of your money, otherwise you will repent.
To take hold of – to catch (पकड़ना) -The police took hold of the robbers in the den.
To take place to happen (होना) – His marriage will take place tommorrow.
Attend to (ध्यान देना)-You must attend to your work.
Blow out (फुंक कर बुजाना) – Blow out the candle.
Break away (भाग जाना) – I saw the thief but he broke away.
Breaks in (ट्रैनिंग देना) – He breaks in his horse.
Break into (अचानक) – A thief broke into my house.
Bring forth (जन्म देना)-Trees bring forth new leaves in spring.
Bring up (पालन पोषण होना या किया जाना) – I was brought up by my mother.
Call in (बुला भेजना) – Call in a doctor at once.
Call up (याद करना) – I cannot call up that old incident.
Carry on (आगे बढ़ना) – It is useless to carry on this business.
Deals in (व्यापार करना) – The merchant deals in rice.
Dwells in (रहना निवास करना) – He dwells in a dirty house.
To fall in (एक ख़तार में खड़ा होना) Boys were asked to.
Fall out (झगड़ा करना)Sometimes even fast friends fall out.
Fall flat (असर ना होना) – All my appeals fell flat on the mob.
Get over (विजय पाना) – I got over the difficulty at last.
Give up (पूर्ण रूप से छोड़ना) – One must give up bad habits.
Give way (गिर जाना) – The house gave way during rain.
Go through (सभी संकटों का सामान करना) – I am prepared to go through fire and water to help my friend.
Hanker after (for) (तीव्र इच्छा , आकांक्ष होना) – He always hankers after (for) money.
Held in (रोख कर रखा जाना) – The spirited horse was held in.
Keep off (अलग करना) – Keep off bad company.
Look into (जांच करना) – He is looking into the case.
Look after (देखभाल करना) – A mother looks after her children.
Make up (i) (पूरा करना) – The enemy was asked to make up.
(ii) (तय करना) – You should make up your mind soon.
Put off (i) (स्थागित करना) – Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
(b) The meeting was put off.
(ii) (छोड़ देना) – You should put off these dirty clothes.
Run after (पीछा करना) – Do not run after money.
Run short (ख़त्म हो जाना) – My money has run short.
Set free (मुख्त करना छोड़ देना)-All Ithe prisoners were set free.
Take after (सदृश होना) – Children take after their parents.
Take up (आरम्भ करना) – You should take up the work now.
Turn out (i) (एकचित्र होना) – The whole village turned out to welcome her.
(ii) (बन्ध करना) – Please turned out the tap.
(iii) (निकाल दिया जाना) – He was turned out of the examination hall.
Some Prepositional Phrases in Common Use
As to – regarding (विषय में)As to whether he will consent, it is too early to say.
At home in-expert (निपुण) in – I am at home in mathematics.
At the bottom of (के मूल में) – The eldest son was at the bottom of all the quarrels in the house.
According to (के अनुसार) – The police acted according to the orders of the officer.
Because of owing to (के कारण) – He did not go to school because of his illness.
By dint of – with the help of (आधार पर) – He got success over the river by means of a boat.
By force of की सहायत से) – He regained his health by force of regular exercise.
By means of – by the use of (के प्रयोग द्वारा) – He crossed the river by means of a boat.
By virtue of – on the ground of (आधार पर) – He deserves free-studentship by virtue of his merit.
By the side of – beside (के बगल में) The child was sitting the side of his mother.
For the sake of – to earn (उपार्जन करना) – He labours hard for the sake of money.
For want of – due to the shortage to (की कमी के कारण) – Crops failed for want of rain.
In accordance with according to (के अनुरूप) – Your actions are not in accordance with your words.
In case of – in the state (event) of (की हालत में) – Do not lose heart in case of failure.
In common with along with (साथ – साथ) -The monitor was fined in common with other boys.
In connection with (के सम्बन्ध में) – I went to my friend’s house in connection with my brother’s marriage.
In course of – while progressing (के सिल सिले में) – The leader said many things in course of his speech.
In defence of – in projection of (के बचाव में) – The pleader argues in defence of his client.
In defiance of – in violation of (के विरुद्ध) – The sepoys rebelled in defiance of law.
In face of – against, in the presence of (बावजूद सामना करते हुए) – He kept on making progress in face of difficulties.
In favour of – on the side of (के पक्ष में) – Our leaders are in favour of compulsory primary education.
In front of-opposite (के सामने) – There is a tank in front of my house.
In honour of – as a mark of respect (के विचार से) – The school was closed for two days in honour of the Governmer’s visit to the schvol.
In honour of as a substitute for (के बदले में) – He gave me a watch in liew of the money lent out to him.
In point of – in resepect of (के विचार से) He is superior to me in point of age or in respect of age.
In quest of (की खोज में) – He is in quest of a good job.
In spite of – notwithstanding (बावजूद होते हुए भी)-In spite of hard labour he failed at the examination.
In stead of – in place of (के विजय) – He wasted his time instead of working hard.
In view of – considering (के विचार से) – He deserves help in view of his poverty.
In sight of (दृष्टिगोचर होना) – He came in sight of ariver, i.e., he saw a river.
In the event of -in case of (की हालत में) – Try again in the event of failure.
In the guise of – In false dress (के बनावटी वेश में) -The robbers entered the house in the guise of policemen.
In the teeth of – again (विषम स्थति के बावजूद) – He moved the resolution in the teeth of opposition.
In order to – to (के लिए) – Labour hard in order to get through the examination.
In regard to – in connection with (के सम्बन्ध में)-I have nothing to say in regard to this matter
On account – due to (के कारण) – He did not go to schol on account of his illness.
With a view to – with the aim of (के उद्देश्य से) – He joined college witha view to getting higher education.
(स्मरण रहे कि with a view to के बाद verb में ing का व्यवहार होता है)
With an eye to keeping in view (को ध्यान में रहते हुए) – He lays by something with an eye to the future.
With reference इन तीनों phrase का अर्थ है “In connection with’
With regard to (के सम्बन्ध में) Have you got any thing to say with
With respect to reference to his conduct, or with regard to his conduct ?
Some Conjunctional Phrases in Common Use
As soon as (ज्यों ही) – The bell rang as soon as I reached the school.
As well as -and (और) – He as well as Hari is in fault.
In as much as – because (क्योंकि)-He must be punished inasmuch as he has neglected his task. [Inasmuch को तोड़-तोड़कर in much नहीं लिखें]
In case-if (यदि)-Try again, in case you fail.
In order that – so that (जिससे की) – it denos purpose-He work in order that he may pass the examination.
No less than (कम नहीं) – He is no less quality than you are.
No sooner than (ज्यों ही) – No sooner had I reached the school than the bell rang.
So long as या as long as (जब तक) – It never denotes ‘time before’ -You will get money as long as you work. So long as the world lasts, the sun will shine over us.
Miscellaneous Idioms and Phases in Common Use
As usual -as in the ordinary practice (सदा की भांति) – I went there in the morning, as usual.
At best (अधिक-से-अधिक) – At best he is only a moderate speaker.
All in all – vested with all power (सरसावा सभी अधिकारों से युक्त) – The headmaster is all in all in his school.
At the eleventh hour – at the last moment (अन्तिंम क्षण में)-A doctor was called in at the eleventh hour when the patient was dying.
All the same – (i) of equal importance (एक ही बात) – It is all the same whether it is done by you us by me.
In all – total (सब मिलाकर) – There are, in all, 620 students in my school.
Let loose -to free (बंधनमुक्त करना)- He lets his dog loose at night.
Make good to compensate (क्षतिपूर्ति करना) – You will have to make good the loss I have incurred owing to your negligence.
Nick of time at the opportune moment (ठीक समय पर) -A doctor came in the nick of time.
Out of temper -angry (क्रुद्ध) – This man seems to be out of temper.
Of no avail – usless (निरर्थक)-Your excuses are of no avail.
Over head and ears (पूर्णतया) – He is over head and ears in debt.
On no account – in no case (किसी भी हालत में नहीं) – School fees, once deposited, can on no account be refunded or cannot be refunded on any account.
On all hands-by all (सभी के द्वारा)-It is admitted on all hands that honesty is the best policy.
On an average – taken as an average (औसत रूप से) – On an average, he earns Rs. 40/- a month.
On one’s account – for one (कि की खातिर) – I am ready to undergo difficulties on your account.
On the strength of – on the ground of (के बल पर) He was awarded a scholarship on the strength of my recommendation.
Part and parcel portion (भाग)-Kashmir has long been a part and parcel of India.
Rhyme or reason valid cause (ठोस कारण)-He turned out his servant without rhyme or reason.
Red-hunded while committing crime (अपराध करते समय) – The thief was caught red-hunded (चोरी करते समय).
Somehow or other – anyhow (किसी तरह)-He managed somehow or other to purchase a motor car for himself.
To learn by heart -to get by heart (याद कर लेना) – He learnt all the lessons by heart.
To rain cats and dogs -to rain heavily (मूसलधार पार बरसाना)-It was raining cats and dogs when he came.
To build castles in the air. – to imagine (हवाई महल बनाना) – It is no use building castles in the air.
To end in smoke – to have no effect (निष्फल होना)-All their attempts to reform the society ended in smoke.
To fall flat-have no effect (बेअसर) – His speech fell falt on the audience,
To go a long way – to do much (बहुत कुछ करना) -The reconmmendation of the headmaster went a long way in securing him a good service.
To hold water to be valid (जायज होना) – Your arguments do not hold water (are not sound or valid).
To lay stress-to emphasize (जोर देना) – The congress leaders laid streass on the need of basic education.
To nip in the bud -to destroy in the beginning (आरम्भ में ही नष्ट कर देना)-All his plans were nipped in the bud owing to his sudden illness.
To poison the ears of-to give false reports (कान भरना, झूठी शिकायत करना) – They were poisoning the ears of the Secretary against that man.
To call to order-(अनुशासित करना) – The teacher called the boys to order when they were making a noise.
To be at one-to agree (सहमत होना) – am at one with him on this point.
Upon one’s sweet will – on one’s own desire (अपनी इच्छा पर) -It depends upon my sweet will whether I do it today or tomorrow.
Micellaneous Phrases
Bed of roses (आनन्दप्रद वस्तु)-Life is not a bed of roses.
A bird’s eye view (सरसरी नजर) – I took a bird’s eye view of the whole place.
Cast Iron will (दृढ़ जो मुड़ना सके)-Sardar Patel was a man of cast iron will.
Chicken hearted (कायर)-A Soldier must not be chicken hearted.
A fair hand (साफ लिखावट)-A candidate gets credit for a fair hand.
A fool’s paradise (झूटी आशा में) -If you hope to pass, you are in a fool’s paradise.
French leave (बिना आज्ञा सा सूचना की अनुपस्थिति)-The student was fined for taking french leave.
With an iron hand (कढ़ाई से)-The riot was supressed with an iron hand.
Jack of all trades (किसी काम में निपुण नहीं, किन्तु सभी कार्यों में हाट डालना)-If · you are a jack of all trades you are master of none.
Maiden speech (जीवन में प्रथम सार्वजनिक भाषण) – The M.P.’s maiden speech was not impressive.
Nick of time (एन मौके पर)-He reached in the meeting at the nick of time.
An open secret (जो गुप्त बात सबको मालूम हो)-It is an open secret that casteism is a key to success in Bihar.
Pandora’s box (वरदान के रूप में अभिशाप)-Several inventions have proved to be a pandora’s box for mankind.
Rank and file (साधारण जनता) – Necessary steps should be taken by the government for the welfare of the rank and life.
Tall talk (घमण्ड भरी लम्बी चौड़ी बातें करना)-One must work, for more tall talk won’t do.
Up to mark (उचित योग्यता के अनरूप) – Most of the students were quite up to the mark.
White elephant (लाभ के स्थान पर हानि की वस्तु)-A motor car is a white elephant for teacher.
Yellow journalism (समाचार पत्रों में सस्ती तथा सनसनी पत्रकारिता, पीत पत्रकारिता) Yellow journalism cannot be appreciated.
Important Questions Solved
Question 1.
Use three of the following idioms and phrases in sentences as to bring out their meaning. [Sample Paper 2009 (A)]
Take after, Make out, Apple of discord, Broken reed, Bring up.
Take after – The son takes after his father.
Make out – The police could not make out anything from the available information.
Apple of discord – The house is an apple of discord between the two brother.
Broken reed – Don’t realy on him, he is a broken reed between the two brothers.
Bring up-After his father’s death he was brought up by his uncle.
Question 2.
Use the following idioms and phrases in sentences of your own so as to bring out their meaning clearly. (Sample Paper 2009 (A)]
Ups and downs, Rainy day: Vook and corner.
Ups and downs – He has seen many ups and donws in his life.
Rainy day – One must lay be something against rainy day lest one should suffer.
Nook and corner – I looked into every nook and corner of my room but I could not find my pen.
Question 3.
Identify idioms and phrases in the composition given below. [Sample Paper 2009 (A)]
(a) Old habits die hard.
(b) Seeing the police, the thief took to his heels.
(c) There is an old lady at the door asking for you.
(a) die hard
(b) took to his heels
(c) asking for.
Question 4.
Identify idioms and phrases in the composition given below: (Sample Paper 2009 (A)]
(a) She is intelligent, labourous and above all honest.
(b) By and by every one left the place.
(c) He is a Jack of all trades but master of none.
(a) above all
(b) by and by
(c) Jack of all trades.
Question 5.
Use any three of the following idioms and phrases in sentence : (Sample Paper 2009 (A)]
At hand, At any cost, Apples of one’s eye, Look for, Part and Parcel.
At hand-My examination is at hand.
At any cost-I have to do it at any cost.
Apples of one’s eye-She is apple of her mother’s eye.
Looks for–He is looking for good job.
Question 6.
Use three of the following idioms and Phrases in sentences of your own : [Board Exam. 2009 (Art)]
ups and downs, tum over, without fail, off and on, above all.
Ups and downs-Mohan has seen many ups and down in his life
Turn over – Vikas turned over everything of his room.
Without fail – We must do our duties without fail.
Off and on – He goes to the market off and on.
Above all-Above all we should be kind to poor.
Question 7.
Use the following idioms and phrases in sentences of your own so as to bring out their meaning clearly : [Board Exam. 2009 (Sc. & Com.)]
Ups and downs, Rainy day, Nook and courner.
Ups and downs – We should not be disheartened by ups and downs in our life.
Rainy day – We should make necessary arrangement for rainy day in order to avoid inconvenience.
Nook and corner – Every nook and corner of my house is neat and clean.
Question 8.
Use the following Idioms and Phrases in sentences of your own as to bring out their meaning clearly : (Sample Paper 2010 (A)]
(a) call off
(b) come accross
(c) look after.
(a) The strike was called off after almost all theiremands were coneded.
(b) While going to the market came across an astrologer who to me lost of things about my past.
(c) Ram looks after the business of his father after his death.