Students who are in search of Class 12 English Answers can use Bihar Board Class 12 English Book Solutions Poem 4 Ode to Autumn Pdf. First check in which chapter you are lagging and then Download Bihar Board Solutions for Class 12 English Chapter Wise. Students can build self confidence by solving the solutions with the help of Bihar State Board Class 12 Solutions. English is the scoring subject if you improve your grammar skills. Because most of the students will lose marks by writing grammar mistakes. So, we suggest you to Download Bihar State Board Class 12 English Solutions according to the chapters.
Rainbow English Book Class 12 Solutions Poem 4 Ode to Autumn
Check out the topics covered in Chapter before you start your preparation. Improve your grammar skills with the help of Bihar Board Class 12 English Poem 4 Ode to Autumn pdf links. The solutions for Bihar State Board Class 12 English Textbook are prepared by the English experts. So, if you follow Bihar Board Class 12 English Textbook Solutions you can cover all the topics in Poem 4 Ode to Autumn. This helps to improve your communication skills.
Bihar Board Class 12 English Ode to Autumn Text Book Questions and Answers
A. Work in small groups and discuss these questions
Ode To Autumn Questions And Answers Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 1.
How do you feel in different seasons? Which is the most enjoyable one?
In summer it is too hot; in the rainy season it is very sultry; in winter it is very cold. I like autumn and spring the most. It is cool and pleasant.
Ode To Autumn Question Answer Bihar Board Class 12 English Question. 2
New leaves and fruits grow on trees in a particular season. Which is that?
In autumn fruits and new leaves appear.
Question Answer Of Ode To Autumn Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 3.
Have you seen a tree bent and loaded with fruits? What feeling does this sight evoke in you?
Yes, I have seen mango trees bent and loaded with fruits. I feel how bountiful nature is.
B. 1.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of what you have studied :
(a) is the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.
(b) fill all fruits with ripeness.
(c) sits carelessly on a granary floor.
(d) The ‘winnowing wind’ softly lifts the hair of.
(e) twitter in the sky.
(a) Autumn, (b) And, (c) He, (d) the poet, (e) And gathering swallows.
B. 1.2. Answer the following questions briefly
To Autumn Questions And Answers Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 1.
Who are depicted as friends in the first two lines?
Seasons of mist and the naturing sun are depicted as friends in the first two lines.
Ode To Autumn Questions Answers Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 2.
What happens in autumn?
All fruits get ripeness and flowers bloom in autumn. All the birds start to sing to see the sweetness of the season.
Ode To Autumn Textbook Questions And Answers Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 3.
In what sense does the Sun conspire with autumn?
The sun conspires with the autumn by offering fruits and flowers. Its ray makes the fruit fleshy and fat and also tasty.
Ode To Autumn Questions Answers Pdf Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 4.
How do the sun and summer help in the ripeness of fruits in autumn?
The sun and summer help in the ripeness of fruits and to make them fleshy or fat in autumn. They fill very much heat and energy.
Ode To Autumn Poem Questions And Answers Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 5.
How are autumn and summer related to spring?
Autumn and summer are related to spring season. It (spring) comes before the arrival of summer. Autumn starts with the departure of summer season.
C. 1. Long Answer Questions
Autumn Questions And Answers Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 1.
What is the central idea of the poem?
The poet John Keats has written this poem ’Ode to Autumn’ which presents a very natural and beautiful picture of autumn. He narrated about the season of different kinds that happen in the world. All seasons are of different kinds and different nature. Every people like a different season. Summer brings hot and sweetest fruit. Some people like Autumn because it is a good season and people can do easily their work in this season.
Ode To Autumn Questions And Answers Pdf Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 2.
What does Keats mean by the following:
‘T was here we loved in summer day and greener.’
Keats was a poet of Nature. He found happiness, solace, and peace of mind in everything of Nature. He loved the wind that blows in summer and helps the fruits to ripe and grows. He calls it a favorable wind. He finds the greenery in autumn very impressive and attractive. It gives him a positive aspect to him.
Autumn Poem Questions And Answers Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 3.
Does the poet convey his love for nature through such lines as given above? If yes give examples.
Yes, the poet conveys his love of nature through these lines. “For summer has ‘O’er brimmed their clammy cells. Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store? Sometimes whoever Seeks abroad may find.” The poet shows his love through nature. It always helps him to convey love.
Ode To Autumn Questions Answers Class 8 Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 4.
Pick out the images related to different aspects Of Nature. Write a note on the use of images in the poem.
The poet says that Autumn spreads beauty and happiness everywhere. It seems as a carrier of harmony. In this poem, images have been well used which makes the poem and the idea present in it, quite clear.
Ode To Autumn Summary Class 12 Bihar Board English Question 5.
What do autumn and spring symbolize in the poem? Explain.
Autumn and spring both the season are good for fruits like mellow and plump. It fills all fruit with ripeness to the core to swell the goud, and plump the hazel shells.
Ode To Autumn Exercises Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 6.
Do you like this poem? Give two reasons?
Yes, I like this poem. It shows the good relationship between two seasons and also shows how these seasons are dependent to each other.
Ode To Autumn Short Questions And Answers Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 7.
What does the poet say about the music of autumn? Do you like music?
The poet says about the music of autumn that when it starts to sing the beautiful birds like Nightingale and cuckoo sing in a very beautiful and melodious voice. It makes everyone happy to their life. It makes a person perfect and the trees, when it listens to it, come out and grows rapidly.
Yes, I like the music of autumn.
Ode To Autumn Bihar Board Class 12 English Question 8.
Write in short the summary of the poem, “Ode to Autumn”. [Board Model, 2009 A]
Or, Write a short note on the poem “Ode to Autumn”. [Board Model, 2009A]
The Odes of John Keats are his masterpieces. The present Ode is his last one. Here the poet has described the beauty and characteristics of Autumn, in a series of memorable pictures. He reveals the principle of beauty in nature in the autumn through this poem. New leaves and fruits come out on trees. There is neither heat of summer nor bitter coldness of winter. Nature looks beautiful everywhere. The wind blows friendly. Birds sing in a fine-tune. Everybody is happy and^their working efficiency increases in this season. Their health has developed sufficiently. The autumn with the assistance of the sun helps in the ripeness of fruits and shaping them flashy as well as tasteful. Nature remains calnymd cool in this pleasant season everywhere. Thus the poem illustrates the vegetable world, then after human activity and in the last the world of animals, birds and insects. The poem also imparts the message that human life also changes in due course like seasons.
C. 3. Composition
Write a paragraph in about 100 words on the following:
(a) Autumn
Autumn is the third season of the year or the season between summer and winter often called the fall. In this season there is neither the heat of summer nor the bitter cold of winter. West wind is the breadth exhaled by Autumn. This means that west wind blows in the Autumn season. The season is favorable for human beings and other creatures. In the Autumn season, the trees are laden with fruits. Autumn is also called the season of fog and sweet fruit. Autumn exhibits the principle of beauty in Nature. Poet finds it highly impressive and inspiring as this season gives us emotion to go beyond imagination.
(b) The relation between seasons and human life.
Seasons have a great impact on human life. Different seasons depict the different moods of human beings as they pass through many stages in life.
Golden Series Passport We have a number of seasons-spring, winter, autumn, summer and rainy. Human beings also pass their life in the same way. Spring is associated with beauty and freshness. Winter is a cool and gloomy time. Rainy season brings beauty-greenness as well as destruction. Summer is the symbol of heat and struggle. As the seasons changes, they bring an impact on the people. People get affected by the season and its effect.
D. Word Study :
D. 2. Word-formation
Read the following line carefully
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.
In the above line, ‘fruitfulness’ is derived from fruit. When ‘-full’ is added to fruit, it becomes fruitful, Again, when ‘-ness’ is added to fruitful, it becomes fruitfulness. Make words by adding ‘-ful-‘ or ‘-ness’ to the following words: happy, beauty, kind, bounty, joy, duty
happy — happiness
beauty — beautiful
kind — kindness
bounty — bountiful
joy — joyful
duty — dutiful
D.3. Word Meaning
Ex. 1. Match the words in Column A with their meaning in Column B :
E. Grammar
Ex. 1. Read the following sentences carefully:
‘Where are the songs of Spring ?’
‘Where’, in the above sentence is an interrogative substitute of an adverb. Find out such interrogative substitutes of adverbs in the poem.
Where, who and while are the interrogative substitutes of adverbs in the poem.
Comprehension Based Questions with Answers
Q.1. Read the following extract of poem and answer the questions that follow: [Board Model, 2009]
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;
To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.
Ode To Autumn Question Answers Bihar Board Class 12 English Questions.
(a) Name the poem and the poet.
(b) Who are the close bosom – friends of the maturing sun?
(c) How the vines seem to look?
(d) What change we notice in all the fruits during the autumn?
(e) What happens with the gourd and hazel at the time?
(a) The poem is, “Ode To Autumn” and the poet is John Keats.
(b) The Autumn with mist and mellow is close bosom friends of the maturing sum.
(c) The vines with their fruits have moved round the thatch-eves (tiled shade) of the cottage and fully covered it.
(d) We notice the ripeness of fruits perfectly during the autumn.
(e) The gourd becomes swell and the hazel-shells fully fleshy and thick.
2. Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;
Or on a half-year’s furrow sound asleep,
Drowsed with the fume of poppies, while thy hook
Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers; .
And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
Steady thy laden head across a brook;
Or by a cider-press, with patient look,
3. Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they?
Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,
While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,
And touch the stubble plains with rosy hue;
Then in a wailful choir, the small gnats mourn
Among the river sallows, borne aloft
Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;
Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft;
And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.
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