Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Reported Speech

Bihar Board Class 12th English Book Solutions Grammar Reported Speech

Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Reported Speech

Direct and Indirect Speech

Narration का अर्थ है कथन । इसे अंग्रेजी में इस प्रकार कह सकते हैं –
Narration means to narrate something said by someone.

अर्थात् किसी की कही गई बातों का वर्णन करना ही Narration कहलाता है।

अंग्रेजी में किसी के कथन को व्यक्त करने के दो तरीके हैं –

  1. वक्ता के कथन को हू-ब-हू उसी रूप में व्यक्त करना
  2. वक्ता के कथन को अपने शब्दों में व्यक्त करना ।

जब हम वक्ता के कथन को उसी के शब्दों में व्यक्त करते हैं तो Direct Narration या Speech कहते हैं। जब हम उसे अपने शब्दों में न व्यक्त करते हैं तो उसे Indirect Narration कहते हैं।

इन वाक्यों को पढ़े और देखें कि इनमें क्या अन्तर है –
Ramesh said, “I am going home.”… (Direct speech)
Ramesh said that he was going home. (Indirect speech)

यहाँ पहले वाक्य में Inverted Commas (“”) के भीतर वक्ता के कथन को ज्यों-का-त्यों उसी के शब्दों में रखा गया है। इसलिए यह Direct Narration में है। दूसरे वाक्य में वक्ता के कथन को उसके शब्दों में नहीं व्यक्त कर हमने अपने शब्दों में व्यक्त किया है, अतः यह Indirect Narration में है।

Direct Narration वाले वाक्य के दो हिस्से होते हैं। जो भाग Inverted commas के भीतर होता है उसे Reported speech तथा जो भाग बाहर होता है उसे Reporting verb कहा जाता है। लेकिन, Inverted commas के बाहर का सब हिस्सा verb नहीं है सिर्फ said ही . verb है।

Direct Speech से Indirect Speech में बदलने के नियम –

Rule (i) यदि Reporting verb Present या Future tense में हो तो Reported speech के tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है; जैसे –

(a) He says, ” I want to play in the morning.”
He says that he wants to play in the morning.

(b) He will say, “I am listening to radio.”
He will say that he is listening to radio.

Rule (ii) यदि Reporting verb Past tense में है और Reported speech का Present या Future tense उसी form में Past tense में बदल जाता है ; जैसे –

(a) He said to me, “I am going home.”
He told me that he was going home.

(b) He said to me, “I shall help you”.
He told me that he would help me.

(c) The boy said to me, “I have come just now”.
The boy told me that he had come just then.

(d) He said, “I have been talking for two hours”.
He said that he had been talking for two hours.

(e) I said to him, “I am glad to see you here”.
I told him that I was glad to see him there.”

Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Reported Speech

Rule (iii) यदि Reporting verb Past tense में हो और Reported speech में कोई Universal truth (शश्वत सत्य) हो तो Indirect Narration में उसका tense नहीं बदलता जैसे –

(a) He said, “The earth is round.”
He said that the earth is round.

(b) He said, “Man is mortal.”
He said that man is mortal.

ऊपर के दोनों वाक्यों में हम देखते हैं कि Indirect Narration में बदलने के बाद भी tense में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं हुआ।

Rule (iv) यदि Reporting verb Past tense में हो तथा Reported speech भी Past tense में हो तो Reported speech का Past indefinite Past perfect में बदल जाता है। Past continuous, Past perfect continuous में बदल जाता है । अर्थात् पहला form तीसरे form में चला जाता है और दूसरा form चौथे form में Past perfect और Past perfect continuous में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता; जैसे –

He said, “I went home yesterday.”
He said that he had gone home the previous day.
He said, “I saw him going to cinema yesterday.”
He said that he had seen him going to cinema the previous day.
He said to me, “I was playing cricket in the morning.”
He told me that he had been playing cricket in the morning.
I said to him, “I was listening to radio.”
I told him that I had been listening to radio.

Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Reported Speech

Past perfect और Past perfect continuous Reported speech में रहने पर कोई परिवर्तन tense में नहीं होता है; जैसे –

He said, “I had met him long ago.”
He said that he had met him long ago.
He said, “I had been living in Patna for four years.”
He said that he had been living in Patna for four years.

जब Reporting verb Past tense में रहता है तब Reported speech में केवल verb का tense ही नहीं बदलता वरन् Reported speech में जिगने भी निकटतासूचक Verbs, Adjectives और Adverbs रहते हैं, उन्हें दूरीसूचक शब्दों में बदल दिया जाता है; जैसे –
Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Reported Speech 1
Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Reported Speech 2

He said, “I will go tomorrow.”
He said that he vould go next day.
He said, “I have been living here since last night.”
He said that he had been living there since the previous night.

Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Reported Speech

Special Rules

Special Rules : भिन्न-भिन्न प्रकार के वाक्यों के लिए भिन्न-भिन्न हैं।

Sentence कई तरह के होते हैं, जैसे-Assertive, Interrogative, Imperative, Optative और Exclamatory हैं Interrogative sentence को Indirect speech में नेम्नलिखित ढंग से बदला जाएगा :

Interrogative sentence में दो तरह से प्रश्न किए जाते हैं। कुछ प्रश्नों के आरम्भ में Auxiliary verbs रहते हैं और कुछ प्रश्नों में Question words रहते हैं।

1. सबसे पहले Auxiliary verbs.से आरम्भ होनेवाले प्रश्नवाचक वाक्यों को Indirect speech में बदलने के नियम –

Auxiliaries से शुरू होनेवाले Questions को Direct से Indirect speech में बदलते समय General rules के अनुसार Verb का tense तथा Pronoun का person आदि बदलने के बाद कछ और नियमों का पालन किया जाता है।
(i) Said को asked में बदल जाता है।
(ii)Reported speech को that से शुरू नहीं किया जाता है, बल्कि if या whether से शुरू किया जताा है।
(iii) If या whether के बाद subject और तब verb रखा जाता है अर्थात् Indirect Narration में Interrogative वाक्य Assertive हो जाता है।
(iv) प्रश्नवाचक चिह्न (Mark of Interrogation) को हटा दिया जाता है और प्रश्न के चिह्न की जगह Full stop दिया जाता है; जैसे –

He said to me, “Are you going away today?”
He asked me if I was going away that day.
He said to me, “Can you do the work ?”
He asked me if I could do the work.
He said to his friend, “Are you well today?”
He asked his friend if he was well that day.

Interrogrative sentences beginning with question words in reported speech –

कुछ Questions who, which, why, how, where, what से शुरू होते हैं ऐसे वाक्यों को Indirect speech में बदलने में if या whether नहीं लगता परन्तु said को asked में बदलना पड़ता है एक Conjunction की जगह उसी प्रश्न सूचक शब्द का प्रयोग होता है; जैसे –

He said, to me, “What are you doing?
He asked me what I was doing.
He said to his friend, “Where are you going ?”
He asked his friend where he was going.

ऊपर के वाक्यों को ध्यानपूर्वक देखने से यह स्पष्ट हो जाता है कि इन वाक्यों में Inverted Commas का लोप तो हो गया है लेकिन That का प्रयोग नहीं किया गया है । Said को asked में बदल दिया गया है। यदि say रहे तो Present tense में ask या asks में बदल देते हैं।

2. Imperative Sentence को IndirectNarration में बदलने के नियम Imperative sentence से आदेश, प्रार्थना, विनती, सुझाव, सलाह, मनाही का भाव व्यक्त होता है।

Imperative sentence में व्यक्त भाव के अनुसार Reporting verb को order, request, ask, advise, forbid (मना करना) इत्यादि में बदल देते हैं।

Imperative verb को Infinitive verb में बदल देते हैं अर्थात् verb के Present form के पहले to लगा देते हैं। इसलिए इसमें that का प्रयोग नहीं होता है; जैसे –

He said to his servant, “Go away at once.”
He ordered his servant to go away at once.
He said to his friend, “Please lend me your pen.”
He requested his friend to lend him his pen.
The doctor said to the patient. “Take exercise daily.”
The doctor advised the patient to take exercise daily.
The father said to his son. “Do not live in bad compnay.”
The father forbade his son to live in bad company.
The teacher said to the boys. “Keep quiet.”
The teacher asked the boys to keep quiet.

Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Reported Speech

3.Optative sentence को Indirect Narration में बदलने के नियम –

Optative sentence इच्छासूचक वाक्य May से शुरू होते हैं । इनसे कोई इच्छा (wish), आशीर्वाद (blessing), अभिशाप (curse), प्रार्थना (prayer) का भाव व्यक्त होता है। ऐसे वाक्यों में Reported speech में व्यक्त भाव के अनुसार Reporting verb को wish, curse, bless, pray इत्यादि में निम्नांकित तरीके से बदला जाता है। इसमें that का प्रयोग होता है; जैसे –

He said to me, “May you be happy !”
He wished that I might be happy.
He said to me, “May God bless you !”
He prayed that God might bless me.
He said to me, “May you live long !”
He wished that I might live long,
He said to him, “May you go to hell !”
He cursed him that he might go to hell.

4. Exclamatory Sentence को Indirect.Narration के बदलने के नियम –

Exclamatory sentence में किसी प्रबल आवेग (strong emotion) को अभिव्यक्ति होती है। यह आवेग हर्ष (joy), विषाद (sorrow), आश्चर्य (surprise), तिरस्कार (contempt), घृणा (hatred), प्रशंसा (applause) आदि का हो सकता है। ऐसे वाक्यों को Indirect speech में निम्नांकित ढंग से बदला जाता है –

(i) Said को Exclaimed में बदल देते हैं। Exclamatory sentence में व्यक्त भाव के अनुसार Exclaimed with joy, with sorrow, with wonder इत्यादि का प्रयोग करते हैं।
(ii) इसमें that का प्रयोग होता है
(iii) Exclamatory words जैसे – Ah, Hurrah, Alas, Fie को हटा देते हैं ।
(iv) Exclamation का चिह्न भी हटा देते है और Exclamatory sentence Assertive में बदल जाता है जैसे –

He said, “Hurrah ! we are going home.”
He exclaimed with joy that they were going home.
She said, “Alas ! I am ruined.”
She exclaimed with sorrow that she was ruined.
The teacher said to the boys, “Well done !”
The teacher exclaimed with 2dmiration that the boys had done well.
He said, “What a beautiful flower it is !”
He exclaimed with wonder that it was a very beautiful flower.

Good morning! Good evening ! Good bye ! Good night ! रहने पर said को bade में बदल देते हैं; जैसे –

He said to me, “Good morning !”
He bade me good morning.
He said, “Good bye my friends !”
He bade good bye to his friends.
He said to me, “Good night !”
He bade me good night.

Indirect speech में कभी Thank you! रहता है। ऐसी स्थिति में thank को Past tense में बदल देते हैं जैसे –

I said, “Thank you !”
I thanked him.

Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Reported Speech

Sentences beginning with Let

Let से आरम्भ होनेवाले sentences से दो तरह के भाव व्यक्त होते हैं-प्रस्ताव का भाव और अनुमति का भाव । कहीं-कहीं इससे Command का भाव भी व्यक्त होता है।

जहाँ प्रस्ताव का भाव व्यक्त रहता है वहाँ said को proposed में बदल देते हैं और जहाँ अनुमति का भाव व्यक्त रहता है वहाँ said को requested में बदल देते हैं; यदि इससे command का भाव व्यक्त होता हो तो said को ordered में बदल देते हैं।

कुछ उदाहरणों को देखें –

Direct-He said to his friends. “Let us go home.”
Indirect—He proposed to his friends that they should go home. यहाँ प्रस्ताव है।
Direct-He said to the teacher, “Let me go home.”
Indirect-He requested the teacher to allow him to go home. इसमें अनुमति मांगी गई है।

नीचे command का भाव व्यक्त करनेवाले एक उदाहरण को देखें –
Direct-He said to his servant, “Let the boy go home.”
Indirect – He ordered his servant to let the boy go home.
कहीं-कहीं इससे Speaker की इच्छा का भी बोध होता है; जैसे –
Direct – He said, “Let her rest in peace.”
Indirect -He wished that she should rest in peace.
Direct – He said to me, “Let me help you.”
Indirect – He wished that he should help me.

Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Reported Speech

Important Questions Solved

(A) Assertive Sentences

Rewrite the following into indirect form of speech :

  1. He said to her, “You were absent yesterday.” – He told her that she was absent previous day.
  2. He said, “It was nine days wonder.” – He said that it had been nine days wonder.
  3. The boy said to me. “You are my best friend.”- The boy told me that I was his (boy) best friend.
  4. The teacher said in the class, “India is an independent country.” – The teacher said in the class that India is an independent country.
  5. The teacher said, “The Ganga is a beautiful river.” – The teacher said that the Ganga is a beautiful river.
  6. The old man said. “The sun rises in the east.” – The old man said that the sun rise in the east.
  7. The teacher said, “The earth is round.” – The teacher said that the earth is round.
  8. The teacher said, “When the cat is away, the mice will play.” – The teacher said that when the cat is away mice will play.
  9. “I loved my father well” said the son. – The son said that he had loved his father well.
  10. The teacher said, “Honesty pays in the long run.” – The teacher said that honesty pays in the long run.
  11. Hermia siad, “I am going to leave Athens.” – Hermia said that she was going to to leave Athens.
  12. The sage told me, “No one can steal your knowledge.” – The sage told me that no one can steal my knowledge.

(B) Imperative Sentences

Change the following sentences into indirect speech :

  1. He said to me, ”Please give me a book. – He requested me to give him a book.
  2. She said to me. “Do not sit here.” – She forbade me to sit there.
  3. The teacher said to Gopal, “Bring a glass of water.” – The teacher asked Gopal to bring a glass of water.
  4. The mother said to her daughter, “Go to the market.” – The mother asked her daugher to go the market.
  5. He said to me, “go home.” – He asked me to go home.
  6. The student said to the teacher, “Please help me.” – The student requested the teacher to help him.
  7. The teacher said, “Sit down. boy.” – The teacher ordered the boy to sit down.
  8. The student said to the teacher, “Please allow me leave for two day.” – The student requested the teacher to allow him leave for two days.

Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Reported Speech

(C) Interrogative Sentences

Change the following sentences into indirect speech :

  1. The poet said to the little girl, “Where are your brothers and sisters?” – The poet asked the little girls where her brothers and sisters were.
  2. The beggar said to me, “Will you lead me to the station ?” – The beggar asked me if I would lead him to the station.
  3. Ravi said to me, “Are you going to the market now?” – Ravi asked me if I was going to the market then.
  4. “Whom do you want”, He said to me. – He asked me as to whom I wanted.
  5. He said to me, “What do you want ?” – He asked me what I wanted.
  6. He said to us, “Do you know me ?” – He asked us if we knew him

(D) Optative Sentences

Change the following sentences into indirect speech :

1.(a)He said to me, “May you succeed?” – He wished that I might succeed.
(b) He said to me, “May you live long?” – He wished that I might live long.
(c) The father said to his son, “May God help you !” – The father prayed that God might help his son.
(d) He said, “May God pardon this sinner!” – He prayed that God would pardon that sinner.

2(a) The priest said to me, you live long !” – “May The priest wished that I might live long.
(b) He said to me, “May God Bless you !” – He prayed that God might bless me.
(c) He said to me, “May you be happy !” – He wished that I might be happy.
(d) I said to him, “May you be blessed with a son !” – I wished that he might be, blessed with a son.
(e) The saint said, “May God grant him a long life! – The saint prayed that God might grant him a long life.

Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Reported Speech

(E) Exclamatory Sentences

Change the following sentences into indirect speech :

1.(a) The Poet said, “How beautiful is the moon !” – The poet exclaimed with aplarn that the moon was very beautiful.
(b) He said to Ram, “What a man he is !” – He exclaimed with surprise that he was a strange man.
(c) The players said, “Hurrah ! we have a great victory.” – The players exclaimed with joy that they had a great victory.
(d) He said to me, he is !” – “What a man He exclaimed that he was a wonderful man ?
(e) The farmer said, “What a loss !” – The farmer exclaimed with sorrow that it was a great loss.
(f) “What a clever disguise !” said the princess. – The princess exclaimed with wonder that it was a very clever dis guise

2.(a)The Principal said, “Well done, boys !” – The Principal admired the boys and exclaimed that they had done well.
(b) Sonu said, “What a beautiful sight it is!” – Sonu exclaimed with joy that it was a very beautiful sight.
(c) He said, “Good morning!” – He wished me good morning.
(d) He said, “How dark the night is !” – He exclaimed with surprise that the night was very dark.

3.(a) The girl said, “What a fine morning!” – The girl exclaimed that it was a very fine morning.
(b) He said, “What a fine place it is ?” – He exclaimed with wonder that it was fine morning.
(c) She said, “What a fool I am !” – She exclaimed with regret that she was a great fool.
(d) He said, “How clever I am!” – He exclaimed that he was very clever.

Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Reported Speech

Miscellaneous Exercises Solved

Question 1.
Turn the following into Indirect Narration :-[Model Paper 2009 (A)]

  1. He says, “Ram will come tomorrow”
  2. He said to me, “You have never helped me”.
  3. They will say, “We are happy at the turn of events”


  1. He says that Ram will come tomorrow.
  2. He told me that I had never helped him.
  3. They will say that they are happy at the turn of events.

Question 2.
Turn the following into Indirect Narration :-[Model Paper 2009 (A)]

  1. Ram said to me, “can you sing this song” ?
  2. The king said to the soldier, “Kill the enemy”.
  3. He said to Nehru, “May you like long”.


  1. Ram asked me if I could sing that song.
  2. The king ordered the soldier to kill the enemy.
  3. He wished Nehru that he might live long.

Question 3.
Turn the following into Reported speech :- [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

  1. The teacher said, “The Earth moves round the sun.”
  2. She said to me, “I like music.”
  3. The examinar asked, “Have you read the text-book ?”


  1. The teacher said that the Earth moves round the sun.
  2. She told me that she liked music.
  3. The examiner asked if they had read the text-book.

Question 4.
Change the following in Reported speech :- [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

  1. They said, “We are going to Rajgir on New Year’s Day.”
  2. The child said, “Two and two makes four.”
  3. I said to Moti, “When will the college reopen ?”


  1. They said that they were going to Rajgir on New Year’s Day.
  2. The child said that two and two makes four.
  3. I asked Moti when the college would reopen.

Question 5.
Turn the following into Indirect speech :- [Model Paper 2009 (A)]

  1. He said, “Well, Ram, you did very well.”
  2. He said to me, “What are you doing these days ?”
  3. Radha said to me, “Do this work at once.”


  1. He told Ram that he had done very well.
  2. He asked me what I was doing those days.
  3. Radha told me to do that work at once.

Bihar Board Class 12 English Grammar Reported Speech

Question 6.
Turn the following in Indirect speech : [Board Exam. 2009 (Sc. & Com.]

  1. He said, “Let me sleep well tonight.”
  2. “What am I to do, sir?” said Rupesh.
  3. He said, “I shall go as soon as it is possible.


  1. He wished that he should sleep well that night.
  2. Rupesh asked as to what he had to do.
  3. He told me that he would go as soon as it was possible.