Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Poem 6 Everyone Sang

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BSEB Bihar Board 12th English Book 50 Marks Solutions Poem 6 Everyone Sang

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Bihar Board 12th English Everyone Sang Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Who wrote this poem, “Every One Sang” ?
Siegfried Sassoon wrote this poem, “Everyone Sang”.

Question 2.
When was the poet born ?
The poet “Siegfried Sasson” was bom in 1886.

Question 3.
When did the poet die ?
The poet Siegfried Sasson died in 1967.

Question 4.
What is meant by “Everyone Sang” ?
The poem, “Every One Sang” suggests that every body related to this poem was filled with joy. Everyone felt the same kind of joy after the first world war 1914-18 had ended. When the news of Armistic came through in November 1918 every soldier, every man went wild with joy.

Question 5.
Write the important works of the poet.
The important works of the poet of are
(i) Memories of an Infantry officer
(ii) The weald of youth
(iii) Siegfried’s journey
(iv) The old Wuntsman
(v) Counterattack
(vi) Satirical poems
(vii) Vigil etc.

Question 6.
Explain: O but everyone,
was bird, and the song was wordless,
the singing will never be done.
The news of the Armistic made everyone happy and joyful body was jubilant and oveijoyed. Everyone felt the same joy that a caged bird feels when it is suddenly let loose and is allowed to fly as its sweet wile over orchards and green meadows. As a matter of fact the song was in ever one’s heart.

Question 7.
How does the poet express his sense of relief from the confinement and horror of french to warfare ?
The poet had taken active part in the first world war. Actually he was a commissioned officer. During the war period he had to lead a cabined and confined life in same joy after getting freed one like the caged birds when they are made from their respective cages. He was very pleased as he got relief from the confinement and horror of fresh to war fare.

Question 8.
How does the poet express his seed of sadden ecstasy ?
There was a sudden autburst of song all around when the news of armistic came it was a day fo great joy and happiness. Actually the poet’s heart was filled with the pleasure felt by caged birds when they are suddenly released and allowed to fly with a new found liberty over orchards and meadows. There was universal rejoicing, with the breath of new life that was on the air everybody was possessed with the glad emotions of song birds.

Question 9.
Critically examine the poem ‘Every One Sang’.
The poet, Siegfried Sassoon, was bom in Kent in 1886 and died in 1967. He joined the First World War and wrote various volumes of lyrics and satires specially after 1918 against war and war activities.

The present poem refers to the end of the First World War in November, 1918, when the Germans were finally defeated and asked for armistice. When the news of armistice came it was a day of great joy and happiness. The poem expresses this happiness. In the first stanza the poet compares his joy with the joy of birds who have been suddenly set free from their cages. When the birds are set free they fly wildly into their freedom and quickly vanish out of sight so much is their joy. The war was like a prison and when it ended all felt a very great sense of joy and relief—a feeling that now the freedom has been won, and they have come out of prision. The poet comes from ‘delight’ to ‘beauty’ in the second stanza. All ugliness and ‘horror’ have vanished and everywhere it is beautiful.

He thinks of the beauty coming from the ‘setting sun1 and he almost cries out of joy (‘My heart was shaken with tears’). But his joy is deeper than they joy felt by the birds. It is because, first of all, it is a silent joy (song was wordless’), and secondly, it is more permanent than that of birds, (‘the singing will never be done’) Thus the poem is a short, well-organized poem. It express powerfully the feelings of joy and freedom. These feelings grew out of the armistice day in November, 1918, which give a special meaning to the poem. But we can also take the poem in a general way expressing the feelings of joy and freedom.

Question 10.
Why does the poet compare a soldier to a caged bird.
The poet compares a solider on the war frong to a caged bird. A bird loves freedom and liberty. When it is caged it feels suffocations and it dislikes slavery. A soldier also fights for freedom and he is against of any kind of slavery. When a bird is set free from its cage it soars up in the sky and flies till it is out of sight. Likewise a solider is set free from the trenches and barracks. His heart leaps up when he hears that his enemy is defeated and armistice is announced. His desire for freedom is fulfilled and he is able to return to their homes to see their friends and relatives.

Everyone Sang Word Meanings

Everyone—Everyone who hearts the news of armistice, specially it refers to soldiers engaged in the war field and now they are set free. Prisoned birds— Birds prisoned to their cages. Everyone was a bird—Man is compared to the bird, because they enjoy fredom.

Everyone Sang Paraphrase

1. Every one suddenly ……….. and out of sight

In the first stanza of the poem the poet compares a solider engaged in the war field to a prisoned bird. A bird is prisoned in its case. As it is set free it goes on flying. At first it is seen flying over the orchards and green fields and it goes on flying till it is out of sight in the vast open sky. So the armistice is announced and the soldiers are set free from their trenches and barracks. They get freedom and their mission is to be fulfilled. So they burst out singing and their hearts leap up in the sky.

Explanation : These lines have been taken from the poem “Every one sang” composed by S. Sasson. In these lines the poet expresses his heart fell joys for freedom. The armistice is announced the Germans are defeated. Thus the mission for fighting a war is fulfilled and soldiers are set free.

So there is no end of thier joy. They start singing and dancing. The soliders are Compared to a caged bird. As a bird is set fee from its cage it goes on flying. It is seen flying over orchards and green field till it vanishes in the often blue sky. The soldiers are set free from their baracks and they enjoy real freedom. So they start singing and dancing.

2. In the second stanza the poet comes from “delight to Beauty”. The poet thinks of the beauty coming from “the setting sun” and he almost cries out of joy “My heart was, shaken with tears”. The poet has witnessed the horror of war. Thousands were killed and many beautiful towns and cities were destroyed only their debries were fund. Now the armistice is announced the germans are defeated. So there is dawn of permanent peace. The ugliness of war is over and there will be creations out of destructions. So the poet vigulises real beauty emerging from the clouds of war.

Explanation : In these concluding lines the poet comes from “delight to beauty”. The beauty coming from the setting sun. In the evening the horizon is red and birds are chirping on the way to their nests. The poet vigualises real beauty emerging from the clouds of war as a peace and creation. There will be creations out of destructions of war and now the humanity will denounce future war.

So the joys of soldiers are deeper and permanent than the joys of birds who are set free from their cages. The soliders can not give the expression of their joys in words. The poet is overjoyed and tears roll down from their checks, because the horror of war is over and there will be no war in future. Though it is expression of joy on the day of armistice but we take it in a general way expressing the feelings of joy and freedom.

Everyone Sang About the Poem

The poet Siegfried Sassoon was bom in Kent in 1886 and died in 1967. The joined the first world war (1914-19) and witnessed the horror of war. He loved freedom and democracy. For the sake of democracy he fought the war but at heart he loved peace and wished that permanent peace should prevail on this earth. As a poet he is renouned for his lyrics and satires. He wrote many poems on the horror of war. This poem refers to the end of the war in November 1918 when the Germans were finally defeated and asked for armistice.

Everyone Sang Introduction

“Everyone Sang” is a lyric composed by Sieg fried Sassoon a great lover for freedom of 20th century. The poet was engaged in war field (1914-19) and had witnessed the horror of the first world war. England participated in the war for the sake of liberty and protection of democracy. In the war field the poet led a trouble some life in trences and he was away from his kith and kin finally Germans was defeated and the news of armistic spread like the wild fire and every one began to sing a song of freedom and joy.

Everyone Sang Summary in Hindi

हर कोने सहसा ऊँचे-नीचे स्वरों में गाने लगा । सहसा सैकड़ों-हजारों कंठों से गीत फूट पड़े । और मैं खुशी से इतना भर उठा जैसे कि पिंजरमुक्त होकर पागलों की तरह उड़ान भरने लगते हैं । हरे-भरे मैदानों वनों से होते हुए गुजरते हैं और दूर-बहुत दूर जाकर अंत में आँखों से ओझल हो जाते हैं।

हर एक की आवाज एकाएक उठ गई, आरोह में आ गई और तब अस्त होते हुए सूर्य के सौन्दर्य की तरह सुन्दरता का आगमन हुआ । खुशी में मेरा हृदय झूम उठा । आतंक धीरे-धीरे छंटने लगा……….ओह, हर कोई तो जैसे पक्षी लग रहा हो । हाँ, लोगों के गीत नि:शब्द थे और उनका गीत एक कभी न शाम होनेवाला गीत था ।

Everyone Sang Summary in English

“Every One Sang” is a lyric composed by S. Sassoon a great war poet of 20th Century. The poet was engaged in war activities so he had witnessed the horror of war. In November 1918 the Germans were defeated and asked for armistice. When the news of armistice came it was a day of great joy and happiness. This poem is an expression of joy for freedom. The war was fought for freedom and the defeat of Germany was sure so the poet is over-joyed that the mission for fighting a war was to be fulfilled, Secondly the soldiers who were away from their Kith and Kin were to set free and now they would be able to see their relatives. So the news of armistice brought a great pleasure to them.

The poet compares a soldiers to a bird which gets freedom from its cage. As a bird is set free from its cage, it goes on flying in the open sky. It flies till it is our of sight in the vast blue sky. Likewise the soldier is set free from the barracks and frenches and he is over-joyed to hear that the war is over. He starts singing a song which symbolises his joy for freedom.

In the second stanza the poet comes from ‘Delight’ to ‘Beauty’ the horror of war vanishes and every where it is beautiful. The poet thinks of the beauty coming from “The setting sum and he almost cries out of joy” “My heart was shaken with tears”. The delight and they beauty which emerge from the clouds of war are more deepler and permanent than the joys of birds which get freedom from their cages.

This soliders are filled with intense joy and they can not giver expression to their joys in words. It is a permanent joy because the armistice would bring a permanent peace on the world. Though the feelings of joy were expressed on the day of armistice but we can also take the poem in a general way expressing the feelings of day and freedom.

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