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Bihar Board Class 11 English Exceptional Role of Newspapers in Development Textual Questions and Answers
A. Work in Small groups and discuss these questions :
Question 1.
Name the newspaper which is read at your home.
The newspapers which are read at my home are:
(i) Hindustan Times and
(ii) The Hindu.
Question 2.
What section of the newspaper do you like most ?
The front page which consists of the main news items, the news of the state and nation, the editiorial page, business news and sports I like most to read.
Question 3.
At what age did you start reading news paper ?
I started reading newspaper when I was seven. The Hindi newspaper Aryabhatta was the main paper which my father bought.
Question 4.
If you are asked to stop reading newspaper, will you stop it ? If not, give reasons.
If I am asked to stop reading newspaper I can’t stop it because it been the habitual part of my life that as soon as I come from bath-room I reau the newspaper. If I don’t do so any day it appears as if I lack something. It has been my habit of daily life as the breakfast and tea.
B. 1. Answer the following questions briefly :
Question 1.
Who is delivering the speech and in what mood ? What is the occasion ?
Shri K. f. Narayanan, the tenth president of India is deliverigng the speech in happy mood. The occasion is the Diamond Jubilee Celebration of the Indian Newspaper Society.
Question 2.
How did the Indian Newspaper Society come into existence ?
The Indian Newspaper Society came into existence on account of the shortage of newspring arisen due to the continuation of war.
Question 3.
Who is called the father of Indian Renaissance ? Why ?
Raja Ram Mohan Roy is called the father of Indian Renaissance (beginning). He was the soul of social circles, a brilliant conversationalist and leader in all creative activities.
Question 4.
What are the threats before the print media ?
The print media at present is competing with the electronic media.
Question 5.
What is the matter of universal experience ?
There is a close association between human being and the printed word. It is a matter of universal experience that when you read something, whole body (existence) react to it. It does not happen with a video or an oral description (expression).
Question 6.
“The printed word is really a soul stirring instrument”. What does Naraynan mean by this statement ?
The printed word is undoubtedly a most inspiring instrument. Narayanan has described the importance and role of the print media. He is of the opinion that due to its (print media) inspiring ability, India has gone through the experience of a gradual multiplication of the print media.
Question 7.
What did Raja Ram Mohan Roy say abount the Press ?
Raja Ram Mohan Roy had once expressed hid opinion about the press (and ijkrole) in these words, “the Press is the vehicle of intelligence”. He meant to say that the role of Press is to cany intelligence to the people i.e. it is helpful in transporting intelligence and wisdom from one to another place or person.
B. 2. Answer the following questions briefly :
Question 1.
What has been greatest inventions of the last two millennia ?
The educated persons (intelligentia class) have selected the printing press as the greatest invention of the last two millenia.
Question. 2.
In what ways is the response of Indian people towards print media different front American people?
The response of Indian people towards print media is different from American people. An audit report of the large metropolitan Newspapers of America reveals this fact where it was noticed that the tendency of the circulation of newspaper had gone down. But in India, there has been an explosion of newspapers and periodicals in our country as these newspapers I had played a dominant role in the freedom movement and in the development of India.
Question 3.
What was the experience of Mr. Mammen Mathew ?
Mr. Mammen Mathew mentioned the experience of his own newspaper, “Malayala Manorama’ which conducted a crusade for the freedom of the press. Today his paper has one of the largest circulation in Kerala state and in India.
Question 4.
Sometimes print media also ‘trivalises’ and commercialises events, What does Narayanan mean by ‘trivialises’and commercialises ?
There is a threat to newspaper from the electronic media. They play down and commercialise events to face (meet) the threat of the electronic media. They (newspapers) highlight some less important news and give less ; importance to important news for their wide circulation and sale. Narayanan cites an example of Khajuraho Festival and a fashion show for cats. Some of f our newspapers highlighted the less important cat show, but they did not give the same important to more important colourful Khajuraho festival. They do so to deal with the threat of electronic media. Here Narayanan has thrown light on this problem as well as threat to the newspaper.
Question 5.
What did K. R. Narayanan visit Khajuraho for ?
Narayanan visited Khajuraho to inangurate the Khajuraho festival, which was a colourful and meaningful festival, which is celebrated as an ancient heritage of our culture.
Question 6.
What does Narayanan mean by “an irrestible tendency” ? Why do we need to ‘resist’ it ?
Narayanan has expressed deep concern over the irresistible tendency of the press, which they shown by giving importance to less important new? > and to ignore the important one. It is bad. It has to be resisted which Mr. Mammen Mathew had described, as the preservation of our culture.
Question 7.
How have newspapers become part and parcel of our life ?
Newspapers have become part and parcel of the lives of the people. One cannot think of a day starting without newspapers, which, according to Narayanan is evident that newspapers have become an insuperable companion of our life. ”
C. 1. Long Answer Type Questions :
Question 1.
In what way is the Press “the vehicle of intelligence ?”
The Indian Press has had a very glorious beginning and career. Today it spreads intelligence among the masses. In the classified sense of intelligence also, it has been often providing us enough intelligence. If somebody intends to know the greatest invention of the last two centuries it is undoubtedly a reality that printing press is the greatest invention of the last two centuries. Press acts with responsibility to cultivate values and pass on the culture of our country and distribute knowledge to the people. It is there a truth that press plays a dominant role in cultivating intelligence, wisdom, aptitude and insight.
Question 2.
Describe, after Narayanan, the importance of newspapers in our life.
Newspapers have a very powerful approach in our life. They are not just a piece of paper but they preserve the treasure of knowledge. We can . easily know the global news within a short span of time. Every morning we are able to know whaf is happening in different parts of the world through the newspaper. According to narayanan, the role of newspapers in the freedom movement and in the development of India has been exceptional. There has been an explosion of newspapers and peridicals in our country. It has become an essential part of our life. One cannot think of a day starting without a newspaper. It helps us in every walk of our life. We collect informations relating to health, science, trade, commerce, culture, arts, social activities and many other aspects of national and international level.
Question 3.
Why is freedom of press essential ?
Freedom of press is highly essential. Press serves people and the country. It must be fair and impartial. A free and frank opinion cannot be obtained, if the press has no freedom and they are controlled by some agencies. In the democratic country like ours, press should be Jcept free from any sort of restriction. Press is aniont the four pillars of democracy.
Presscensureship means the curtailmeng of fundamental rights of the people. We cannot think of a healthy democracy without full freedom of press. Press should not work under political or any type of other pressure. The political party in power often try to influence the press, which is quite unjustified. In British rule Indian press was not free and it had to follow the instructions of the British Government. They did not have the courage to hightlight the cruelty of the government but now in our democratic country there is freedom of press.
Question 4.
Discuss the hopes of K. R. Narayanan regarding the future of the Indian Newspaper Society ?
K. R. Narayanan, on the inaugaration of the Diamond Jubilee celebration of Indian Newspaper Society, had expressed his hope for its glorious future. He told that it was his earnest desire to express his sentiments wishing its extraordinary success in the days to come. The Indian Newspaper. Society which came into existance during war, when there was the scarcity of news-print, had become a champion of the freedom of the press in India afterward. It had a very glorious beginning. K.R. Narayanan hoped that the Indian News-paper Society would be able to achieve greater success and glory in the future and wished it every success.
Question 5.
Discuss the distinctive features of Indian Newspaper.
The Indian Newspapers have done much for their readers. They have served the people as an essential food. One cannot think of a day starting without a newspaper. This has become part and parcel of our life. There is one problem with them. They have to face the threat of electronic media among its readers. To meet their challenge sometimes they highlight less important news and give less importance to some more important news to cover their readers and to enhance their circulation. This trend is of course not desirble and fair. But still Indian Newspapers and doing much for the welfare of the people and the nation.
C. 2. Group Discussion :
Discuss the following in groups of Pairs :
(a) The relevance of newspapers in the 21st century
(b) Growing commercialism in the newspapers
(a) In the 21st century the relevance of newspaper is greater. The whole world has been globalised. The world is developing in science and j commerce. Every event of any country of the world affects the whole world. So, to know about world has been essential part of life. The newspaper is such a source which communicates all the news even to the remote villages where electronic media cannot reach.
(b) The newspaper has also been commercialised. The big companies or great personalities pay for advertisement. The aditor take money for that and sometimes omit some important news for money. Sometimes falls news are also published because for that news the editor is highly paid. For commercial addas the editors are paid more and money. Some activities of some party or personality are given priority in the newspaper because the party or the personality pays much money for that.
C. 3. Composition :
Write an article in 150-200 words on the Role of Media. Include in your article the competition between print media and electronic media is discharging their duties.
Role of Media
The role of media is very significant in modem society. Media does not mean only the news media but all those sources which communicate something to us. Any type of information or source of learning are included in media. Newspaper is the print media which makes us aware with the information of all over the world. In addition to this information of all overe the world.
In addition to this information it also makes us aware with the new inventions, goods which may provide us ease through advertisements. What types of courses are available for the students and which of the institution provides us the teaching of those courses all these thing are provided through adds. Matrimonials, commercial information are the news of sports are also communicated through newspaper. In addition there are magazines, journals and books for general knowledge are also included in print media which communicate us the latest news of all over the world.
D. Word Study :
D. 1. Dictionary Use :
Ex. 1. Make sentences from the words given in Glossary and Notes.
celebrations-The principal of our college made us aware with our duties for country on Republic Day celebrations.
Significance-The significance of print media cannot be ignored. Renaissance-Information Technology has brought renaissance in present days.
Communion-The Communion of two thoughts brought revolution in the society.
SouI-striking-The discourse of Swamiji was soul-striking.
Exposition-The exposition of the intention of Mr Shyam Lai confused the people.
Periodicals-There were a number of periodicals in the library. Crusade-We have to declare crusade against terrorisrti.
Trivialize-The importance the meeting has been trivialized.
Staple diet-The newspaper is a staple diet now a days.
Part and Parcel-Religion is the part and parcel of our life. . Cultivate-We should cultivate the morality into the students.
E. Activity :
Do a Project work on the newspapers during the movement of India Independence. Make a list of newspapers and periodicals which were published during our freedom struggle. Also, include the names of their editors and the languages they were published in.
During the Movement of Indian Independence the newspapers were concerned. The reporters and editors had to release news items according to the choice to {he British rulers. The freedom of press was seized. If any of the reporters or editors dared to expose the truth against the government, they were punished severely. The important newspaper of those days were-The Times of India The Indian Express, The Hindus, The Blitge, The Indian Nation, The search light etc. were the important newspapers of those days.
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