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Bihar Board Class 11 English Follower Textual Questions and Answers
A. Work in small groups and discuss these questions :
Question 1.
How do people live in countryside ?
The people living in countryside lead their life in a very simple way. They wear simple clothes. They have no television to entertain them. They lead their life in nature. They avail the privilege of nature. They work in field. They cultivate field. They grow corns, vegetables. They send all these things to market from where we buy all these things.
Question 2.
How is agriculture important for us ?
Agriculture is important for us because we get cereals, pulse, vegetables, fruits, cotton and spices and so many other things from agriculture.
Question 3.
What do you understand by fertile soil ?
Fertile soil bears bumper crops. If we have abundant crops, the economy of our country may improve. Our country may be economically sound. If the country is economically sound, it may compete in the field of science and technology with the advanced countries of the world.
Question 4.
Have you ever ploughed or seen a man ploughing ? Briefly narrate the experience.
I have seen a man ploughing the field. The plough is made up of a wood and a sharp pointed tool of iron. Two bulls draw it. The farmer makes always pressure on the plough. Thus the field is ploughed.
B. 1. Answer the following questions briefly :
Question 1.
Why is the ‘father’ called an expert ?
He is an expert person because he ploughs the horses perfectly well. The horses are well within his control. The horses become ready to work even if he directs them in a slow voice.
Question 2.
What did he look like ?
He was looking like an expert, in the work of ploughing the field. His shoulder’s resembled the soil on the boats or ships.
Question 3.
How resolute was he at his work ?
He was farmer and well determined at his work. He was very particular to guide horses with a long narrow strap around its neck, rolling over the field, watching them ploughing the field.
Question 4.
What was the observing when the was ploughing ?
He was observing the narrow trench made by plough to see whether it was exactly done in a proper way. He was very particular in ploughing the field.
Question 5.
Why were his eyes ‘narrowed and angled’ ?
His eyes were concentrated on the field and the horses, nothing else. He has done so to ensure that it was done properly. Narrowed and angles mean to concentrate over the movement of the horse and the work done.
Question 6.
What does ‘mapping’ suggest about his ploughing ?
Mapping means the survey of the surface where the work was going on. Here it means the supervision and observance of the ploughing.
B. 2. Answer the following questions briefly :
Question 1.
What was the child doing while his father was at work ?
The child was playing and making merry. Sometimes his father ride him on horse’s back. Again he was dipping and rising on the ground. Further he was following his father with slow heavy steps.
Question 2.
What did the child wish while following his father ?
The child wanted to grow up and plough the field. He thought so to help his father.
Question 3.
How was the child a nuisance ?
The child was a nuisance because he was stumbling and sometimes fell down.
Question 4.
Why does the father not go away ?
The son has undertaken the work, his father was doing in the past. Now his father remains behind him and guides him in his work. His father has been a farmer. He has a wide experience of farming. The son has little knowledge of all these things. So he has to acquire knowledge to the same from his father. Father would remain behind him and guide.
C. 1. Long Answer Questions :
Question 1.
Who is the follower in the poem – the father, the son or both ? Explain.
Seamus Heaney composed poem ‘Follower’ son is the follower of his father. The father took all care of his son when he was a child. He (father) worked in the field. He ploughed his field engaging horses for the purpose. At that time his son was a small child. He used to go along with his father there and play all day long. Sometimes his father ride him on the horse, sometimes on his shoulder. Now as he has become young he has taken up all the responsibilities of his father following his footsteps. So, he has become his follower.
Thus, it is clear that the son is the follower of his father.
Question 2.
Write a summary of the poem.
The Seamus Heaney composed poem “Follower” is the live description a farmer father and his son. The son describes it in a most interesting ‘ manner. He narrates his farmer father’s style of doing a work. The father ploughs his field with the assistance of his horses. He does so to prepare his field for cultivation. He is very particular in discharging the work he has undertaken. He has concentrated his attention watching the movement of horses ploughing the field. His son has also come with him there. The child enjoys the pleasure of nature.
Sometimes his father rides him to horse’s back. He runs, a plays and often falls down in the field. Occasionally he follows his father, who is moving I with his horses, in the wide open field. Now as his father has grown old he wishes to take all his responsibilities. He wants that his father should talk rest and he (son) should work in his place. Now due to old age he stumbles, as he was stumbling in his childhood. It is his desire to follow his father’s working style. He wants to be his follower. In his childhood he was riding on his father’s back and shoulders now he wishes his father should stand behind him.
Question 3.
How does time influence the relationship between the son and the father ?
Time is the greatest factor to decide everything and to find out the reality of life. We can not challenge this fact. It has been very well explained in the poem “Follower”. The father labours hard for the welfare of his family. He looks after his family. He works in the field, ploughs it through his horses and sows the crops in the farm. The child occasionally goes there with his father. He plays there all day long under his father’s guidance. Now he has grown up and the father became old. There comes a change in their routine work. The son being an young person now, undertakes the responsibilities of his family and the father leads a peaceful relaxed life. The son has taken up all care of his father.
Time has influenced relationship between both of them. Now the son has undertaken all those works his father was doing in the past. Father leads a peaceful life taking rest. It reflects in the poem that time has changed the life style of both, the farmer and his son.
Question 4.
Describe how the poet has ‘Conveyed the feeling of the farmer’s son.
The poet Seamus Heaney has most beautifully conveyed the feeling of the farmer’s son in his poem “Follower”.
He remembers his childhood days when his father was labouring hard, day and night, to met out the requirement of his family. He has given entire affection to his son. He had done hard labour to cultivate his field and never took perfect rest. He was engaged in his work throughout the year. He had done everything what his son asked for in this childhood. The son feels highly obliged and indebted of his father sacrifices. Now as he has become a grown up young man, he wants to relieve his father from all his duties and responsibilities and to do all those work what his father (the farmer) had been doing. He wants to follow him, properly in life. He intends to become his follower.
C. 2. Group Discussion :
Discuss the following in groups or pairs:
(a) How can we improve our agriculture ?
(b) Low income of farmers is a cause of great concern in India.
(c) Generation gap.
(a) The essential requirements to improve the agriculture are : high yielding seeds, natural fertilisers. Besides these we should use modem devices and scientific methods. The small pieces of lands should be brought together to make a big piece. Co-operative method should be adopted for working. The Government should also provide necessary assistance specially in irrigation. Trained agriculture specialists should be employed to make the farmers aware with the modem technology of agriculture.
(b) Low income of farmers is caused by
(i) Traditional method of agriculture.
(ii) Natural disaster-flood and draught.
(iii) Lack of proper planning and attention by the government.
(iv) Low price of their products.
(v) Seasonal employment in agriculture.
All the above factors affect the economy of India.
(c) Generation gap sometimes creates confusion. With change of time the values of society change. The older and matured people have their own point of view for life which cannot match to the point of view of the younger generation. The younger generation believes in modem and scientific living. The older generation does not consider such type of living proper according to the religion and morality. They give greater importance to their own old life style. Sometimes these differences create conflict. Though both the generations should realise the feelings of each other.
C. 3. Composition :
Write a paragraph in about 100 words on the following:
(a) Use of chemical fertilizers.
(b) Use of modern techniques in farming.
(a) Chemical fertilizers are used in our agriculture to inhance the products. Chemical fertilizers give higher production. They are frequently used by the farmers as they can earn much by selling the products. The products also look very nice and developed. But they are not so much good for health. The chemical fertilizer also damages the land. Land begins to be desert bit by bit. The amount of fertilizer which we use this year, we have to use more than this amount. On the other hand natural fertilizer cannot enhance the product so much in the comparison of the chemical fertilizer but natural fertilizer maintains the fertility of the land. It is also cheaper than the chemical fertilizer. But from business point of view natural fertilizer is so much fruit bearing.
(b) India is an agricultural country. More than its 70% population are engaged in agriculture. But most of them are uneducated. They use the traditional way of agriculture. Traditional way of agriculture is not so much effective. Modem techniques are less time taking and highly productive. Modem techniques include-tractors, high yielding seeds and scientific way of sowing the seeds or seedlings. The farmers should also know what type of land is required for particular crops. There are so many machines used for different kind of works in agriculture. For irrigation pumpsets are available which run on motor. Threshers are used to separate grains from husks. There is also a machine available for harvesting the crops. Thus in minimum time maximum works can be done with a very low man power. But for all these things the farmers should be educated.
D. Word Study:
D. 1. Dictionary Use
Ex. 1. Correct the spelling of the following words
tonge sweting stifen stmbing diping
Tongue Sweating Stiffen Stumbling Dipping
Ex. 2. Use the following nouns as verbs:
eye map ground nail fall shadow
Eye-My father eyed my activities in the party.
Map-The engineer mapped the plane.
Ground-Our ship grounded on the port.
Nail-Christ was nailed on cross.
Fall-The man fell on the slippery road.
Shadow-The evil force shadowed my house.
D. 2. Word-Formation :
Read the following sentences carefully :
My father worked with a horse-plough ……………
I stumbled in his hob-nailed wake ……………
You see that in the first sentence a compound word ‘horse-plough’ is made by combining two nouns ‘horse’ and ‘plough’ and it functions as a noun. In the second sentence the compound word ‘hob-nailed’ consists of a noun ‘hob’ and ‘nailed’ and it functions like an adjective. Several compound words can be made by combining two similar or different parts of speech. Now form as many compound words as you can by using words given below a different ways. You may use derivaties of the same word, e.g. break + fast = breakfast.
Fast – breakfast, steadfast, fast-friend.
Point – pointout, pointguard, melting-point.
Break – breakdown, breakfast.
Conscious – non-conscious, unconscious, sub-conscious
Write – writeback, write-off, writing-pad.
Heart – heart attack, heart beat
Match – matchbox, matchmaker
Colour – colourblind, colour code
Fit – fitfully, fitness, unfit
Blank – blankcheque, blankverse
Steel – steeldrum, steelworks, steelbar
Melt – Meltdown, melting point
Look – Lookout, looking-glass
D. 3. Word-Meaning :
Find from the poem words the meaning of which have been given in ‘Column A’. The last part of each word is given in ‘Column B’:
1. plod
2. nuisance
3. yapping
4. wake
D. 4. Registers :
Ex. 1. Find out the words from the poem which are used in agriculture :
plough, shafts, furrow, sock, sod, land farm.
Ex. 2. Write 10 words which are used with specific meanings in film- industry.
box-office, film; star, director, producer, audience, location, shootings, coverae, outdoor, script, make-up, actor, villain, flop, set, costume.
E. Grammar :
Examine the following forms of the verb ‘go’ carefully:
Ex. Give different forms of the given verbs as illustrated above:
F. Activity :
What kind of plough is used in your village / locality ? Trace out its origin and other details by talking to the elderly people in your family / society. Do a project work on plough.
In my village most of the people are poor and uneducated so they use traditional plough. Traditional plough is made up of wood and sock. It is a traditional equipment which is in practice since the beginning of the human civilization. Now its substitute is a tractor. But all farmers cannot afford to buy tractor. Mannual ploughing is a long process. It takes too much time to plough the whole field. It requires a pair of bulls or horses which draw the plough. Tractor ploughs the field in a very short time and in a better way. It does not require any animal or plough. It requires petrol or diesel, a number of socks to till the field.
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