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Rainbow English Book Class 11 Solutions Story of English Chapter 3 Global English
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Bihar Board Class 11 English Global English Textual Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements:
(a) There is no difference between American English and British English.
(b) Indian English is closer to American English.
(c) Indian English has developed a distinct set of words and sentence patterns that do not exist in British English.
(a) False
(b) False
(c) True.
Answer these questions very briefly :
Question 1.
Which speech came to be known as ‘Received Pronunciation’ ?
English developed from the speech of Anglo-Saxon into a standard English. Standard British English came to be known as “Received Egiish” or R.P.
Question 2.
What has made English “the most gloriously impure language”?
Borrowing habit of English from many European Language has made English “The most gloriously impure language” Many new words were borrowed from Latin, Spanish, Italian and French Languages.
Question 3.
Name two effects of the worldwide spread of English.
There were two main effects of the world wide spread of English –
(i) New National varieties of English like American English, Australian English, Canadian English, etc. came into existence.
(ii) ‘New Englishes’ (i.e. new varieties of English) developed in countries where English was not a mother tongue. For example, Indian English, Nigerian English, etc.
Question 4.
Make a list of difference between British English and American English. [Sample Paper2009 (A)]
The Phenomenal spread of English across the globe has attracted the attention of myriad of people. There is no one in English in this world. There are Englishes with some special feature and specific linguistic fabric. There are many salient differences between British English and American English.
In British
h English collective Nouns can take either singular (formal agreement) or plural (notional agreement) verb forms, according to whether the emphasis is respectively, on the body as a whole or on the individual members compare a committee was appointed with the committee were unable to agree.
In American English collective nouns are usually singular in construction; the committee was unable to agree the past participle gotten is never used in modem but this form is very common in North-American English. Shall (as opposed to will) is more commonly used by the British then by American.
Apart from these differences there are plethora of conspicuous distinction between these two varieties of English.
Question 5.
Write a brief note on Global English: [Sample Paper 2009 (A)]
English is said to be a global language as no other language is read and spoken in so many countries as it is. Naturally, it has becomes the language of international trade, commerce, science and diplomacy.
Although it has acquired the distinction of being international language, it has been conditioned to die use of local expression. American English, for in stance, differ in spelling of lots of words. The expressions, too, is distinctively its own.
Similarly Indian English has been conditioned in local (Indian) way of life. In the novels of Mulk Raj Anand we find the use of local dialect so far popular.
Thus, English, without any doubt, may be called global English.
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