Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions  Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare Textbook Questions and Answers, Additional Important Questions, Notes.

BSEB Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Microbes in Human Welfare Text Book Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Bacteria cannot be seen with the naked eyes, but these can be seen with the help of a microscope. If you have to carry a sample from your home to your biology laboratory to demonstrate the presence of microbes under a microscope, which sample would you carry and why?
We use microbial products in our day to day life. For example curd which is formed from milk with the help of Lactobacillus and lactic acid bacteria. Yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used for making bread and other fermented food. To demonstrate a sample of microbes under microscope, a rotten bread piece can be taken. It is the green mould, which turns the bread green in appearance. These are microscopic fungus, their spores are present in the air and grow on food material.

Question 2.
Give examples to prove that microbes release gases during metabolism.
Whenever microbes grow on any material, they utilize the material as food source and bring about metabolism of that material and release products. For example, the dough which is used for making dosa and idli is fermented by bacteria. The puffed appearance of dough is due to the production of gases like CO2 and H, by microbes. The large holes in ‘Swiss Cheese” are due to production of a large amount of CO2 by Propionibacterium sharmanii.

Question 3.
In which food would you find lactic acid bacteria? Mention some of their useful applications.
LAB or Lactic acid bacteria grow in milk, during growth, the LAB produces acids that coagulate and digest the milk proteins and convert milk into curd. Thus lactic acid bacteria help in the production of curd, improves the nutritional quality of milk, they also produce vitamin B12 and add to curd, in the stomach LAB also help in fighting disease-causing micro-organisms.

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 4.
Name some traditional Indian foods made of wheat, rice and Bengal gram (or their products) which involve use of microbes.
There are many Indian foods which are made with the help of microbes. For example, curd, cheese, dosa, idli, some Indian breads like ‘bhatura’, fish products, soyabean and bamboo shoots are also fermented. ‘Toddy’ a traditional south Indian dish is also a fermentation product.

Question 5.
In which way have microbes played a major role in controlling diseases caused by harmful bacteria?
Diseases which are caused by harmful bacteria are treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics are chemical substances, which are produced by some micro-organisms and can kill or retard the growth of disease-causing microbes. For example penicillin is produced by fungus Penicillium notatum and P. Chrysogenum. It is used to cure pneumonia, soar throat, severe cold etc. The antibiotics are Plainly produced from Eubacteriales, Actinomycetales and fungi.

Question 6.
Name any two species of fungus, which are used in the production of the antibiotics.
Penicillin is produced by Penicillium notatum and Penicillium chrysogenum.

Question 7.
What is sewage? In which way sewage be harmful to us?
Sewage is the municipal wastewater, a large quantity of wastewater is composed of human excreta. It contains large amounts of organic matter and microbes, many of which are pathogenic. If untreated sewage is disposed in the rivers and streams, it will pollute the water bodies. This can spread diseases and be fatal to the organisms.

Question 8.
What is the key difference between primary and secondary sewage treatment?
Primary treatment of sewage is done to remove large objects like polythene bags and other floating objects. The sewage is passed through 2-8 cm screening bars and wire meshes of reducing pores. Then sewage is passed through grit chamber and then it is allowed to go to the primary settling tank, the suspended particles settle down within two to three hours, its called sludge. The rest flows for secondary treatment.

Secondary treatment: It is also called biological treatment. It consists of large aeration tanks, which agitate the primary effluent and help microbial growth. It reduces the biochemical oxygen demand (130D) of the effluent. This is passed to settling tank which it sediments as activated sludge. The sludge is passed into anaerobic sludge digesters. Here the bacteria digest it anaerobically and release gases like methane, hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide. After this: the effluent is released into the water bodies.

Question 9.
Do you think microbes can also be used as source of energy? If yes, how?
Yes, microbes can be used as source of energy. Microbes produce different types of gaseous end products. Biogas is a mixture of gases produced by microbes, which may be used as fuel. Some anaerobic bacteria which grow on cellulosic materials produce methane, CO2 and H2 These are called methanogens, e.g. Methano- bacterium. Biogas plants are used to produce biogas for household use with the excreta (gobar) of cattle which is rich in cellulose.

Question 10.
Microbes can be used to decrease the use of chemicals fertilizers and pesticides. Explain how this can be accomplished.
Nowadays the plant diseases and pests are controlled by using chemicals and pesticides. These chemicals and pesticides are polluting the environment, soil and water. Some are quite harmful and even toxic and incorporate into the fruits, vegetables and crop plants. It is better to use biological methods for controlling diseases and pests.

These are called biocontrol agents. For example bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis and B. sphaericus produce a toxin which kills insect larvae, so it acts as biopesticide. Baculoviruses or nuclear polyhedrosis viruses (NPV) are also used as bio-pesticides. With the help of bio-engineering, these toxin-producing genes can be incorporated into the plant’s genetic material. This produces pest-resistant plants e.g. Bt-cotton. These biocontrol agents do not have any adverse effects on our environment.

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 11.
Three water samples namely river water, untreated sewage water and secondary effluent discharged from a sewage treatment plant were subjected to BOD test. The samples were labelled A, B and C; but the laboratory attendant did not note which was which. The BOD values of the three samples were recorded as 20mg/L, 8mg/L and 400mg/L respectively. Which sample of the water is most polluted and why? Can you assign the correct label to each assuming the river water is relatively clean.
BOD is biochemical oxygen demand, it refers to the amount of the oxygen consumed if all the organic matter in 1 litre of water is oxidized by bacteria. BOD test measures the rate of update of oxygen by micro-organisms in water sample or the organic matter present in water. The greater the BOD value, the more is the polluting potential. Out of three samples, river water (20mg/l), untreated sewage water (8mg/l) and secondary effluent (400mg/l), the more BOD is of secondary effluent so it is more polluted. The test tubes can be labelled as :
(A) for river water
(B) for sewage water and
(C) for secondary effluent.

Question 12.
Find out the name of the microbes from which Cyclosporin A (an immunosuppressive drug) and Statins (blood cholesterol-lowering agents) are obtained.
Cyclosporin A, an immunosuppressive drug is produced by fungus Trichoderma polysporum. Blood cholesterol-lowering agents, statins are produced by the yeast Monascus purpureus.

Question 13.
Find out the role of microbes in the following and discuss it with your teacher.
(a) Single-cell protein (SCP).
(b) Soil.
(a) Single-cell proteins: Microorganisms like bacteria, yeast, filamentous fungi and algae can be cultured on large scale in fermenters, treated in various ways, dried and used as food source or animal feed, these are called single-cell proteins. The SCP are rich in proteins and can be produced in laboratories, their production does not depend on climatic factors, the microorganisms used are very fast-growing and require very less space, cost of production is very less and micro-organisms use such substrates which are otherwise pollutants. Thus the production of SCP helps in reducing pollution.

(b) Soil: Microbes decompose complex organic debris into dark amorphous substance called humus and degradation products which forms farm-yard manure and increases the fertility of soil. The manure loosens the soil, increases aeration and contains many organic substances which are easily assimilated by plants. Microorganisms (biofertilizers) are also used to enrich soil and maximize the ecological benefits. Some microorganisms like Azatobacter, Rhizobium enrich the soil with nitrogen content which is used by other crops.

Question 14.
Arrange the following in the decreasing order (most important first) of their importance, for the welfare of human society. Give reasons for your answer.
Biogas, Citric acid, Penicillin and Curd.
Out of the given list, Penicillin is very important for welfare of human society, it is an antibiotic and used to cause severe cold and pneumonia, which otherwise would be fatal in some cases. Biogas comes next as it serves as a source of fuel, then comes curd it is a nutritious milk product. Citric acid is used in food processing industry. The order of utility for human welfare is
Penicillium > Biogas > Curd > Citric acid.

Question 15.
How do bio fertilisers enrich the fertility of the soil?
Biofertilizers are the microorganisms which bring soil nutrient enrichment, minimizes the enrivonmental hazards and maximize the ecological benefits. Biofertilizers improve physical and chemical properties of soil like buffer capacity and water holding capacity.

Some biofertilizers also excrete antibiotics and thus acts as biopesticides, microphones bio fertilisers and Azotobacter increases 15%-35% additional yield in vegetable crops, besides fixing atmospheric nitrogen hormones like auxins and ascorbic acid and vitamins like B, which enhances germination of seeds and plant growth, some biofertilizers enhance crop yield, under ill-irrigated conditions also. Biofertilizers do not cause atmospheric pollution.

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Microbes in Human Welfare Additional Important Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
List the main sources of biofertilizers.
Bacteria, Cyanobacteria and fungi are main sources of biofertilizers.

Question 2.
List any three green manures.
Farm-yard manure, composted manure and green manure.

Question 3.
Give one example each of the following :
(a) Biofertilizers
(b) Lens esculenta
(a) Anabaena-azollae
(b) Green manure.

Question 4.
Expand IPM and VAM.
IPM: Integrated Pest Management,
VAM : Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza.

Question 5.
Name some diseases which are caused by pesticide poisoning.
Asthma, skin disorders, liver ailments, psychological problems and paralysis.

Question 6.
Name any two free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Azotobacter, Beijerinckia.

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 7.
Give the use of antibiotics in agricultural industry.
Antibiotics are given to livestock to promote growth and prevent infection.

Question 8.
What are pests?
Pests are the organisms whose existence conflicts with human profit, convenience or welfare, e.g. mites, disease-causing microbes, rodents etc.

Question 9.
What is genetic control of pests?
Under genetic control, the pest population are sterilized to reduce their rate of reproduction.

Question 10.
What is plasticulture?
Plasticulture is the use of plastic in agriculture. This technology is being considered as an important tool for evergreen revolution.

Question 11.
What is Gasification?
It is the process in which wood is heated and air or steam is passed over incandescent coke to produce the producer gas (mainly CO2, H2, N2).

Question 12.
Which was the first organic acid produced by microbial fermentation?
Lactic acid.

Question 13.
Name the classes of organisms that produce antibiotics?
The three common sources of antibiotics are Eubacteriales, Actinomycetales and fungi.

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 14.
Name any five industrial products of yeast fermentation.
Ethanol, n-propanol, butanol, amyl alcohol and phenyl ethanol.

Question 15.
Name any two agrochemicals.
Chemical fertilisers and pesticides.

Question 16.
Name any two environmental problems created by modern agricultural practice.
Land degradation due to excessive use of agrochemicals and global warming due to deforestation.

Question 17.
Name two vitamins produced by microbial fermentation.
Vitamin B12(Cobalamine) and Vitamin B2(Riboflavin).

Question 18.
What is Integrated Arable Farming?
Integrated Arable Farming replaces chemical inputs of pesticides and minerals as much as possible with mechanical and biological products.

Question 19.
Write the biochemical reaction of yeast fermentation of molasses for alcohol production.
Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare 1

Question 20.
What is Biogas?
It is produced by fermentation of cow dung, farm refuge, garbage etc. by methane bacteria in anaerobic conditions.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
What is the difference between conventional agriculture practices and modern agriculture practices?
Conventional agriculture practice includes the use of locally available good quality seeds, compost, manure and biofertilizers, this was more eco-friendly. Modern agricultural practices are causing ecological damage due to enormous exploitation of natural resources and un-manageable amount of by-products and wastes, which are continuously polluting the atmosphere.

Question 2.
Insulin is extracted from which micro-organism?
Insulin-producing genes from human beings have been introduced into bacteria E.Coli. E.Coli produces insulin which is known as humulin.

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 3.
A farmer adds Azotobacter culture to the soil before sowing maize. How does it increases the yield of maize? (C.B.S.E. 1996)
Azotobacter is a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the soil and increases the fertility of soil. Maize plants cultivated in fertile soil result in increased yield.

Question 4.
Name a water fern that is an excellent biofertilizer for rice cultivation. What helps the fern to do so?
Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis is a cyanobacterial biofertilizer, for rice cultivation. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen which is consumed by growing rice crops.

Question 5.
What is the biological significance of ectomycorrhizae in peach orchards? (C.B.S.E. 2000)
The ectomycorrhizae has following functions in peach orchards :

  • Absorption of water,
  • solubilisation of complex organic molecules into simple inorganic nutrients, (iii) protection of plants from attack of disease-causing pathogens, etc.

Question 6.
What is Integrated Pest Management?
Integrated Pest Management is an important step taken by government which involves the harmonious application of various ‘Cultural controls’ to insure environmental pollution and proper maintenance of ecological balance.

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 7.
Differentiate between manure and biofertilizers.

1. Manures represent the partially decayed wastes and are added to soil.1. Biofertilizers include the organisms which enrich the soil nutrients due to their biological activity.
2. They increase the fertility, aeration and water holding capacity of soil.2. They may or may not contribute in maintaining the form of soil.
3. Green manures add many kinds of nutrient elements used by crops. Chemical fertilizers are required to be added to soil.3. One or few nutrients are made available to crops by biofertilizers. They add to the fertility of soil and reduce the demand of chemical fertilizers.

Question 8.
Write a note on Mycorrhiza.
Mycorrhiza are symbiotic association between fungus and roots of higher plants. It is of two types : Ectomycorrhiza and Endomycorrliza.

(a) Ectomycorrhiza: Here, fungal mycelia form mantle on root surface. From the mantle, fungal hyphae penetrate into cortex of root as well as into the soil. This leads to increase in surface area for absorption of water and minerals (N, P and K). Fungal hyphae in soil further solubilise some insoluble organic compounds which are easily absorbed by plants. Ectomycorrhizae have been found in oaks, pines, Fagus and Eucalyptus.

(b) Endomyerrhiza: Here, fungus does not form a mantle on root surface, instead it produces loosely interwoven hyphae. Some of these mycelia penetrate into soil still others enter into cortex of root.

Question 9.
Write two main drawbacks of using chemical weedicides? What are Bioherbicides?
Herbicides are those chemicals which are used to control the weeds (unwanted plants in crop fields).
Drawbacks of use of chemical weedicides :

  1. Improper use of herbicides may damage the crops.
  2. They encourage the growth of resistant weeds.

Bioherbicide involves the biological control of weeds by some living organisms. It involves the use of insects feeding on a specific weed or use of certain micro-organisms which will cause disease in weeds.

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 10.
How is Lactic acid produced? Write down its uses.
(ii) Lactic acid: It was the first organic acid to be produced from microbial fermentation of lactose (milk sugar). Fermenting agents are bacteria (e.g. Streptococcus lactis and Lactobacillus species) and fungi (e.g. Rhizopus). The acid derived from fungal sources is costlier but is of high purity.
Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare 2

Uses: Lactic acid is used in confectionery, fruit juices, essence, pickles, canned vegetables and fish products. It is also employed as mordant in tanning, printing of wool, plastic and pharmaceuticals.

Question 11.
Write the fermentation reactions for the production of alcohol.
Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare 3

Question 12.
Why are leguminous plants cultivated as green manure crop? (iC.B.S.E. 2001)
Leguminous plants possess root nodules where atmospheric nitrogen is fixed by symbiotic bacteria – Rhizobium. The fixed nitrogen fertilizes the soil. Moreover, the green plants provide manure by their death and decay.

Question 13.
What are the advantages of single-cell proteins?

  • The SCP is rich in high-quality protein and poor in fat content (which is desirable).
  • The SCP can be produced in laboratories all the year round. Its production is not dependent on climatic factors (which is most uncertain).
  • The microorganisms, used in the production of SCP, are very fast-growing and produce large amount of SCP from relatively very small area of land.
  • Cost of production is very less as compared to the amount of protein produced.
  • The microorganisms used in the production of SCP use such substrates which otherwise cause pollution. Therefore, production of SCP helps in reduction of pollution.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the main sources of biofertilizers, giving suitable examples :
Biofertilizers are organisms which enrich the soil with nutrients. The main sources of biofertilizers are bacteria, cyanobacteria and fungi. These are discribed as follows :
(i) Legume-Rhizobium symbiosis: Leguminous plants show symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria Rhizobium.

(ii) Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis: Anabaena are cyanobacteria, which lives in symbiosis with fern Azolla. Anabaena fixes atmospheric nitrogen. Azolla and cyanobacteria Nostoc are added to rice fields to increase the yield. Azolla grows rapidly in the fields, finally decays and add nitrogen content to the soil.

(iii) Free-living bacteria: These are a symbiotic, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria which fix atmospheric nitrogen under poor aeration conditions. They require Hydrogen gas to fix nitrogen. For example – Azotobacter, Bacillus, Clostridium etc.

(iv) Cyanobacteria: Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae are widely used as biofertilizers. They have thick-walled heterocysts which fix atmospheric nitrogen. For example Anabaena, Nostoc,
Aulosira. These are capable of photosynthesis and can supply nitrogen to entire rice crop. These are simple to use and very cost-effective.

(v) Mycorrhiza: Some fungi live symbiotically in the roots of higher plants. These, fix atmospheric nitrogen and are termed as Mycorrhiza. These may be of two types: Ectomycarrbiza, where fungus hyphae penetrate into cortex of roots. This increases the surface area for absorption of water and minerals like N, P and K. These also solubilise some insoluble organic compounds. For example, they are found in Eucalyptus, pine, oaks etc. Endomycorrhiza: The fungus lives in the intercellular spaces of the cortical cells of the roots. For example legumes, cereals, grasses, citrus, rubber, tea etc.

(vi) Microphos Biofertilizers: Some microorganisms solubilize bound phosphate of soil and make it available for plant absorption. For example Pseudomonas striata and Bacillus polymyxin and fungi – Aspergillus.

(vii) Loose association of Nitrogen-fixing bacteria: Some bacteria live in close contact with the roots of grasses and cereals, called associative symbiosis. They fix nitrogen, which is absorbed by the plant and the bacteria get nourishment in return. For example Azospirillum lipo ferum with the roots of Maize and Brazilian grasses.

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 2.
Write short notes on the following :
(a) Baker’s yeast
(b) Brewer’s yeast
(c) Batch process
(d) Continuous process
(e) Immobilized fermentation process
(a) Baker’s yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used in baking industry for desirable changes in flavour and texture of the baked products, it is called baker’s yeast. The baker’s yeast is prepared by growing the stock strain on molasses and then centrifuged and washed. These yeasts ferment the sugar in the dough, CO2 and alcohol escape during baking so the baked products become soft and porous.

(b) Brewer’s yeast: The yeasts used in brewing industry for making alcoholic drinks are called brewer’s yeast. Beer produced is undistilled product of grain-mesh fermentation brought about by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and S.Carisbergewsis. Wine is an undistilled product of fruit juice fermentation brought by Saccharomyces ellipsoids.

(c) Batch process: This is type of fermentation process where a large volume of nutrient medium (volume upto 2,25.000 litres) is inoculated and allowed to proceed when maximum yield is obtained. Then the fermentation- is stopped, the product is recovered and the fermentation tank (bioreactor) is cleaned, resterilized and used again.

(d) Continuous process: In this type of fermentation process, the fresh nutrient medium is added either continuously or at intervals along with continuous or at intervals withdrawal of a small portion of fermentation product from the medium.
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(e) Immobilized fermentation process: In this process the living yeast cells are immobilized in calcium alginate beads. The beads containing living cells are kept in columns in the fermentation tank. This technique allows quicker fermentation as compared 20 times to batch process.

One Word Type Questions

Question 1.
Name a biopesticide obtained from neem. (Haryana Board 2001)

Question 2.
Name the organism that fixes nitrogen in association with Brazillian grass (C.B.S.E. 2001)
Azospirillum Lipoferum.

Question 3.
Which bacterium contains insecticidal crystal protein- hurioside and kills a wide range of insects?
Bacillus thuringiensis.

Question 4.
Name the insecticides which are obtained from the roots of Derris elliptica.

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Solutions Chapter 10 Microbes in Human Welfare

Question 5.
Which symbiotic nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium lives in association with Azolla?
Anabaena Azollae.

Question 6.
Name two types of fermentation processes.
Batch process and continuous process.

Question 7.
Formation of vinegar from alcohol is caused by what?
Acetobacter aceii.

Question 8.
Antibiotic Terramycin is obtained from which organism?
Streptomyces famous.

Question 9.
Name an undistilled alcoholic beverage which is produced from fruit juice fermentation.

Question 10.
Which enzyme is extracted from stomach of calf and used in cheese making.