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BSEB Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Solutions Chapter 2 Krishna and Sudama
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Bihar Board Class 7 English Krishna and Sudama Text Book Questions and Answers
A. Warmer
Work in small groups and discuss the following:
Krishna And Sudama Class 7 Bihar Board Chapter 2 Question 1.
Do you have a friend ? Why do you like him/her ? Discuss in group self.
Yes, I have a friend. His name is Prakash. I like him for his good nature. He is kind. He always co-operates with me and others. In time of needs, he stands by me. He is friendly and kind to one and all.
B. Let’s Comprehened
B. 1. Think and Tell.
Krishna And Sudama Question Answer Bihar Board Chapter 2 Question 1.
What did Sudama give Krishna as a gift ?
Sudama gave parched rice to Krishna as a gift.
Krishna Sudama Question Answer Bihar Board Chapter 2 Question 2.
How did Krishna feel: when he took the gift from Sudama?
Krishna felt great delight when he took the gift from Sudama.
Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Solution Bihar Board Chapter 2 Question 3.
Why was Sudama amazed to see a palace in place of his hut?
Sudama didn’t ask help from Krishna so he was amazed to see a palace in place of his hut.
B. 2. Think and Write.
B. 2. 1. Tick out (✓) the right answer:
Krishna Sudama Question And Answer Bihar Board Chapter 2 Question 1.
The story of Krishna and Sudama has been taken from:
(a) The Ramayana
(b) The Mahabharata
(c) The Vedas
(d) The Quran
(b) The Mahabharata
Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Chapter 2 Question 2.
Krishna and Sudama were:
(a) enemies
(b) friends
(c) relatives
(d) none of these
(b) friends
Bihar Board Class 7 English Solution Chapter 2 Question 3.
What did Sudama’s wife send to Krishna as a gift?
(a) fried rice
(b) parched rice
(c) beaten-rice
(d) none of these
(b) parched rice
Bihar Board 7th Class English Book Solution Chapter 2 Question 4.
Sudama did not want to present the parched rice to Krishna because of:
(a) shyness
(b) hesitation
(c) both of them
(d) none of these
(b) hesitation
B. 2. 2. Answer the following questions in two or three sentence.
Bihar Board Class 7 English Chapter 2 Question 1.
Why did Sudama’s wife send him to Krishna ?
Sudama was very poor. His wife and children had to go to bed without meals very often. Unable to bear the pitiable condition, Sudama’s wife send him to Krishna to ask help from him so that their condition may improve.
Bihar Board Solution Class 7 English Chapter 2 Question 2.
How did the guards at Krishna’palace treat Sudama ?
When Sudama reached at Krishna’s palace, he asked the royal guards to let him meet his friend Krishna. The royal guards paid no attention to him. They couldn’t believe that . the person in rags would be the friend of their king.
Bihar Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 2 Question 3.
What did Krishna do when he heart Sudama’s name?
When the royal guards said to Krishna Sudama’s name he became very pleased. He rushed to the royal gate to great his childhood friend. He requested Sudama to come in the palace.
B. 2. 3. Answer the following questions in not mure than 50 words:
Bihar Board Class 7 English Solution In Hindi Chapter 2 Question 1.
Why did Sudama not tell Krishna the purpose of his visit?
SudamaTei ashamed and hesitant to tell Krishna the purpose of his visit. The fact was that he hadn’t come to ask help from his friend at his own will. His wife had put pressure on him to do so. But his self-respect didn’t allow him to tell Krishna the purpose of his visit.
Question 2.
In what way did Krishna help his friend ?
Krishna understood his friend’s purpose of coming with out being told to him. When Sudama was at his palace, he ordered his officers to build a palace in place of his old hut. He also let Sudama’s family have good clothes. This way, Krishna helped his friend without being told to him.
Question 3.
Why did Krishna understand Sudama’s need ?
Sudama was hesitant to tell, Krishna about his needs. But, Krsihna understood about his needs without being told to him. The gift of the parched rice send by Sudama’s wife to Krishna explained all about Sudama’s pitiable condition. And also, the ragged clothes of Sudama were sufficient to describe the poor condition of his friend. Thus, Krsihna understood Sudama’s need without being told or unspoken.
C. Word Study
C. 1. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box.
(requested, cared, brought, present, no, friend, welcome)
- Sudama ……… a little parched rice with him.
- Sometimes Sudama’s family had ………. food to eat.
- You always tell us that Krishna is your ……….?
- He ran to the gate to………. Sudama.
- Krishna himself ………. a lot for his friend’s needs.
- Krishna ………. Sudama to come in.
- He wanted to give it as a ……… to Krishna.
- brought
- no
- friend
- welcome
- cared
- requested
- present.
C. 2. Match the following words given under Column’A’with Column’B’
Question 1.
C. 3. Look at the word ‘friendship’. Can you make more words ending with ‘ship.’ Write at least five words.
Worship, membership, companionship, relationship, warship.
D. Grammar
use of ‘had to
Look at the sentence given below:
His wife and children had to go to bed without meals very often.
In the sentence given above ‘had to shows compulsion caused by external forces. Note that ‘had to’ is always followed by verb in the first form. Now look at another sentence :
She had to cook her own food.
In this sentence, she is left with no option but cook for herself.
D. 1. Rewrite the following sentences, substituting ‘compelled to with ‘had to’. The first is done for you.
Question 1.
I was compelled to go.
I had to go.
Question 2.
They were compelled to study medicine.
She had to study medicine.
Question 3.
They were compelled to beg sorry.
They had to beg sorry.
Question 4.
I was compelled to eat.
I had to eat.
Question 5.
He was compelled to walk on foot.
He had to walk on foot.
E. Let’s Talk
Question 1.
Discuss the following in groups or pairs :
Discuss yourself.
F. Composition
F. 1. Write a paragraph on the topic you have just discussed (E) in not more than 100 words.
Question 1.
Write a paragraph on the topic you have just discussed
A Friend in need is a Friend indeed :
We make many friends in our life. But in real sense, all of them can’t be our friends. When a problem arises in our life or to say when we are in the times of need, then we see that many of those so-called friends turn their back to us and don’t help us. The one who stands still in times of need and gives his support and help is our real friend. Only such a person can be respected as our friend our true friend. So, a friend in need is a friend indeed.
F. 2. Arrange the following sentences in a proper order to make a meaningful passage.
- Listening to his wife’s words Sudama left for Dwarika.
- Sudama was treated well at Krishna’s palace.
- Krishna liked the gift of Sudama.
- He and his wife relished the parched rice.
- Sudama did not speak why he had gone to his friend’s palace.
- Sudama was very poor.
- He was a Brahmin.
- Krishna was his friend.
- Krishna showed his friendship by removing his friend’s poverty in the shape of building a palace in place of his hut.
- Later he became the king of Dwarika.
- Listening to his wife’s words Sudama left for Dwarika.
- Sudama was treated well at Krishna’s palace.
- Krishna liked the gift of Sudama.
- He and his wife relished the parched rice.
- Sudama did not speak why he had gone to his friend’s palace.
- Sudama was very poor.
- He was a Brahmin.
- Krishna was his friend.
- Krishna showed his friendship by removing his friend’s poverty in the shape of building a palace in place of his hut.
- Later he became the king of Dwarika.
G. Translation ( अनुवाद)
Question 1.
Translate the following sentences into your mother tongue :
- The story of friendship between Krishna and Sudama is very popular.
- Krishna was a rich man while Sidama was a poor Brahmin.
- Still both were great friends.
- They were always seen together.
- After some years Krishna became the king of Dwarika.
- But, Sudama remained as poor as ever.
- His wife and children had often to go without food.
- कृष्ण और सुदामा को मित्रता की कहानी अत्यंत लोकप्रिय
- कृष्ण एक अमीर व्यक्ति था जबकि सुदामा एक गरीब ब्राह्मण था।
- फिर भी दोनों महान् मित्र थे।
- वे हमेशा साथ-साथ देखे जाते थे।
- कुछ वर्षों के बाद कृष्ण द्वारिका के राजा बन गये।
- लेकिन सुदामा हमेशा की तरह गरीब ही बना रहा।
- उसकी पत्नी और बच्चों को अक्सर भूखा ही रह जाना
H. Activity
Question 1.
Borrow some story books from the library of your
school. If you find a story based on friendship other than Krishna and Sudama, narrate it to your classmaies.
Do yourself.
Krishna and Sudama Summary in English
The story of friendship between Krishna and Sudama is very popular. They were great friends. They studied together. Krishna was rich and Sudama was poor. Later, he became the king of Dwarika. Sudama remained poor and his family had to go to bed very often without meals. His wife told him to visit and ask help from his friend king Krishna.
Krishna welcomed his childhood friend very warmly. Krishna and his wife ate the parched rice pleasingly sent from Sudama’s wife as a gift to them. Hesitant Sudama didn’t ask help from his friend Krishna. He returned back to his home as poor he was. Sudama found a palace in place of his hut and his family in good clothes. He felt thankful to his friend Krishna for his kind help.
Krishna and Sudama Summary in Hindi
कृष्ण और सुदामा के बीच की दोस्ती की कहानी बहुत लोकप्रिय है। वे अत्यंत ही घनिष्ठ मित्र थे। वे साथ-साथ पढ़ते थे। कृष्ण अमीर थे जबकि सुदामा गरीब । बाद में कृष्ण द्वारिका के राजा बन गये पर सुदामा की गरीबी बरकरार रही। एक दिन अपनी पत्नी के काफी आग्रह करने पर सुदामा कृष्ण से मिलने उनके महल को चल दिये।
कृष्ण अपने बालसखा को देख अति प्रसन्न हुए। उन्होंने बड़ी गर्मजोशी से सुदामा का स्वागत किया। कृष्ण और उनकी पत्नी ने सुदामा की पत्नी द्वारा भेंटस्वरूप भेजे गये भुने हुए चावल को आनन्दपूर्वक खाया। सुदामा ने संकोचवश कृष्ण से मदद नहीं माँगी और गरीबी की ही को हालत में अपने घर लौट गये। जब उन्होंने अपनी झोंपड़ी की जगह एक महल देखा और अपनी पत्नी बच्चों को अच्छे कपड़ों में देखा तो उन्हें घोर आश्चर्य हुआ। वह अपने मित्र के प्रति कृतज्ञ हो गये। उन्हें पता था कि जब वे द्वारिका में थे तो कृष्ण ने उनकी मदद कर दी।
Hindi Translation of The Chapter
कृष्ण और सुदामा की मित्रता की कहानी जनश्रुति में अत्यंत लोकप्रिय है। कृष्ण और सुदामा साथ-साथ पढ़ते थे कृष्ण जहाँ अमीर ये वहीं सुदामा गरीब था। फिर भी दोनों के बीच में दोस्ती का गहरा रिश्ता था। वे हमेशा साथ-साथ देखे जाते थे।
वक्त बीतता गया । कृष्ण द्वारिका का राजा बन बैठा लेकिन सुदामा गरीब ही बना रहा । सुदामा की पत्नी और बच्चों को अक्सर ही बिना खाये या आधा पेट खाकर ही सो जाना पड़ता था। उनके स्वर में दरिद्रता का साम्राज्य बना हुआ था। सुदामा की पत्नी से गरीबी सही नहीं जा रही थी। एक दिन सुदामा की पत्नी ने अपने पति से कहा-“तुम्हारे मुँह से हमेशा ही सुनती हूँ, द्वारिका का राजा कृष्ण तुम्हारा दोस्त है । क्यों नहीं तुम उसके पास चले जाते हो और अपने दोस्त से मदद करने को क्यों नहीं कहते हो?”
जैसे ही कृष्ण ने सुदामा का नाम युना, वह भागा-भागा महल के द्वार पर चला आया। उसने अपने बचपन के मित्र को गले से लगा लिया और महल के अंदर प्रेम से ले गया। शाही रक्षकों व अन्य लोगों को अपनी आँखों पर विश्वास नहीं हो पा रहा था कि उनमा गजा एक फटे-पुराने कपड़ों वाले आदमी को गले से लगा रहा था।
कृष्ण की भेंट देने के लिए सुदामा -अपने पति को, एक पोटली में कुछ भुने हुए चावल दिये थे। लेकिन भेंट क्या एक राजा के लिए उचित होगा? यह सोचकर सुदामा वह भेंट कृष्ण को देने में सकुचा रहा था। इसलिए वह उन भुने हुए चावलों की पोटली को छुपाने लगा.। लेकिन कृष्ण ने सुदामा को वह पोटली छुपाते हुए देख लिया। उसने सुदामा से वह पोटली छीन लिया और उसे खोलकर अपनी रानी के साथ उसे बड़े आनन्दपूर्वक खाया।
महल में सुदामा को बढ़िया से स्वागत हुआ। उसके स्वागत-सत्कार में किसी प्रकार की भी कमी नहीं हुई। उसे खाने को उत्तम व स्वादिष्ट भोजन दिये गये और पहनने के लिए सुन्दर कपड़े । कृष्ण स्वर सुदामा की आवभगत ‘ में लगा रहा। सुदामा खुश हो गया। यह कृष्ण को अपनी गरीबी और घर की बुरी स्थिति के बारे में बताना चाहता था, किन्तु उसके स्वाभिमान ने उसे ऐसा नहीं करने दिया। आखिरकार सुदामा जैसी गरीबी की स्थिति में था, वैसी ही गरीबी में अपने घर को लौट चला । जब वह अपने घर के पास पहुँचा तो उसे अपनी झोपड़ी की जगह पर एक बड़ा महल खड़ा देख घोर आश्चर्य हुआ।
एक आदमी से सुदामा ने उस नये भवन के बारे में पूछताछ की। उस आदमी ने उसे बताया कि यह सुदामा का महल था तो सुनकर सुदामा को अचरज हुआ। सुदामा को अपने महल के सामने खड़ा देख उसकी पत्नी भागी हुई बाहर आयी और अपने पति को महल के अंदर ले गयी। अपनी पत्नी और बच्चों को नये और सन्दर वस्त्रों में देख सुदामा को अत्यंत हर्ष हुआ। शीघ्र ही, सुदामा ने यह समझ लिया कि जब वह द्वारिका में था,बीच कृष्ण ने उसकी यह मदद कर दी। अपने दोस्त कृष्ण के प्रति सुदामा.
Krishna and Sudama Glossary
Palace [पैलेस] = राजमहल । Parched rice [पार्ल्ड राइस] = भुना हुआ चावल I Present [प्रजेन्ट] = उपहार | Amazed [अमेज्ड) = चकित । Hut [हट) = कुटिया, झोपड़ी । Cared [केयर्ड] = ध्यान रखते थे। Arrival [अराइवल]= आगमन । A lot [अ लॉट]= बहुत ज्यादा । In front of [इन फ्रेंन्ट ऑफ] = सामने । Realised [रिलाइज्ड] = महसूस किया। Bear [बीयर] = बर्दाश्त करना । Pitiable [पिटीअबल] = दयनीय । Moved [मूव्ड] = विवश किया। Royal guards [रॉयल गार्डस] = शाही रक्षक । As soon as [एज सून एज] = ज्योंहि Hugged [हण्ड] = गले लगाया। Ashamed of [अशेम्ड ऑफ] = शर्मिन्दा होना ।
Grabbed [ग्रैन्ड] = झपट लिया। Untied [अनटाइड] = खोला। Prevented [प्रिवेन्टेड] = रोका। Astonished[एशटॉनिश्ड] = चकित | While[वाइल] = जबकि । Friendship[फ्रेण्डशिप] = मित्रता | Very [वेरी] = बहुत | Popular [पॉप्यूलर] = लोकप्रिय । Studied [स्टडीड] = पढ़ते थे। Together [टुगेदर] = साथ-साथ । Still [स्टील] = फिर भी। Great [ग्रेट] = महान् | Always [ऑलवेज] = हमेशा | Seen [सीन] = देखा जाना । Passed [पास्ड्) = गुजरता गया। Became (बीकेम] = बन गया। Remained [रिमेन्ड] = बना रहा । Meals [मील्स] = भोजन | Very often [वेरी ऑफन] = अक्सर । Unable[अनअबल] = असमर्थ । Condition [कन्डीशन] = अवस्था । Meet [मीट]= मिलना Help [हेल्प] = सहायता करना । Repeated [रीपीटेड] = दुहराई | Request [रिक्वेस्ट] = निवेदन, प्रार्थना । To be moved [टू बी मूव्ड] = दया से प्रेरित होना । Eventually [इवेन्चुअली] = अन्ततः, अन्त में
Decided [डिसाइडेड] = निश्चय किया । Visit [विजिट] = भेंट करना | Reached[रीच्ड] = पहुंचा। Told [टोल्ड] = कहा। Royal रॉयल] = राजसी, राजकीय। Wanted [वान्टेड] = चाहता था। Attention [अटैन्शन] = ध्यान । Rags [रैग्स] = चिथड़े, फटे-पुराने कपड़े। Allow [अलाऊ] = आज्ञा देना। At last [एट लास्ट] = अन्त में | Inform [इनफॉर्म] = सूचना देना । Rush [रश] = दौड़ना, भागना । Childhood [चाइल्डहुड] = बचपन | Hesitant [हेजिटेन्ट] = संकोची।
Wondered [वन्डर्ड) = आश्चर्य किया। Ate [एट] = खाया। Delight [डिलाइट] = प्रसन्नता, आनन्द । Warm [वाम] = गर्मजोशी-1 Self-respect [सेल्फ-रेस्पेक्ट] = स्वाभिमान | Finally [फाइनलि] = आखिरकार | All this [ऑल दिस] = यह सब । Thankful[बैंकफुल] 3 उपकारी, कृतज्ञ | Unspoken [अनस्पोकर = अकथित, जो न कहा गया हो। About [अबाउट] = के बारे में।
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