BSEB Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Solutions prevailing here are designed by the academic subject expertise in accordance with the state board prescribed syllabus and books. Aspirants who require help in preparing the Class 7 English Book Solutions exercise questions can rely on the Bihar Board solutions pdf for Chapter 4 The Peacock – Our National Bird given in this article. Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock – Our National Bird Questions and Answers are free to download and easy to access online or offline so that you can prepare well for the exams at any time.
BSEB Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Solutions Chapter 4 The Peacock – Our National Bird
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Bihar Board Class 7 English The Peacock – Our National Bird Text Book Questions and Answers
A. Warmer
The Peacock Our National Bird Class 7 Chapter 4 Question 1.
Interact in pairs or small group before you read the lesson. You may have heard the chirping and twittering of dif-ferent birds in the morning. Can you name some birds that make your life so melodious ? Which bird do you like most ?
Among the birds that make our life medodious some are parrot, bulbul, spaiw, pigeon, nightingale, sparrow etc. I like bulbul the most.
B. Let’s Comprehend.
B. 1. Think and Tell.
B. 1. 1. Answer these questions orally.
The Peacock Is Our National Bird Class 7 Chapter 4 Question 1.
Which is the national bird of India ?
Peacock is the national bird of India.
Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Solution Chapter 4 Question 2.
What type of peacock is found in India ?
Blue peacock is found in India.
The Peacock Questions And Answers Class 7 Chapter 4 Question 3.
What does a peacock eat ?
A peacock eats plants, seeds, fruits, insects, frogs, lizards and snakes.
Bihar Board Class 7th English Solution Chapter 4 Question 4.
When does a peacock usually dance ?
A peacock usually dances in rainy season when ” the sky is Overcast with clouds.
Bihar Board Solution.Com Class 7 Chapter 4 Question 5.
Do you like peacocks ?
Yes, Hike peacocks.
B. 2. Think and Write.
B. 2. 1. Write’T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements.
- A peacock has multi-coloured feathers. [ ]
- It has a thick neck. [ ]
- It is a plant eating bird. [ ]
- The peahen is more beautiful than the peacock.[ ]
- The peacock dances, when it rains. [ ]
- True
- False
- False
- False
- True
B. 2. 2. Choose the correct alternatives
Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Chapter 4 Question 1.
The body of a peacock is
(i) round
(ii) oval
(iii) cylindrical
(ii) oval
Bihar Board Class 7 English Solutions Chapter 4 Question 2.
The peacock has a’ ..neck.
(i) thick
(ii) thin
(iii) slender
(iii) slender
Bihar Board Solution Class 7 English Chapter 4 Question 3.
Its plumes are matchless in
(i) beauty
(ii) size
(iii) shape :
(i) beauty
B. 2. 3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
- The __________ peacock is found in India.
- The male-peacock is more __________ than the peahen.
- The feathers of peacock are used in __________
- The peacock __________ lizards and frogs.
- The peacock dances in __________ season.
- blue
- colourful
- decoration
- devours
- rainy.
B. 2. 4. Answer these questions in not more than 50 words.
Bihar Board Class 7 English Solution In Hindi Chapter 4 Question 1.
Describe the features of a peacock.
There are various species of peacock. In India only blue one is found. It looks very attractive. Its feathers are multi-coloured. Its large oval body looks very bright and colourful. It has a small head and a sienderneck. Its plumes are matchless in beauty. They are used for decoration. It eats plants, seeds, fruits, insects snakes, frogs, lizards etc.
Bihar Board Class 7 English Chapter 4 Question 2.
How does a peacock differ from a peahen in appearance ?
A peacock differs from a peahen in appearance. A male peacock is more colourful than the female one the peahen. Male peacock is more beautiful.
Bihar Board Class 7 Syllabus Chapter 4 Question 3.
Do you like birds ? Why ? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Yes, I like birds. They make our world sweet and colourful. They balance our environment. Various insects and thrown waste.materials are eaten up by the birds. Thus, they work for us by cleaning our environment.
Class 7 English Bihar Board Chapter 4 Question 4.
Why do you think that the peacock is the national bird of India?
The peacock is a big and beautiful bird. Its feathers are multi-coloured and its plumes are matchless is beauty. They are wed for decoration. For its matchless-beauty, it must have been announced as the national bird of our country
C. Word Study
C. 1. Correct the following mis-spelt words
- Peecock
- nasional
- slendr
- ploome
- decoretion.
- Peecock = peacock
- nasional = national
- Slendr = slender
- ploome = plume
- decoration = decoration.
C. 2. Match the words in Column ’A’ with their meanings in Column ‘B’.
Class 7 Bihar Board English Solution Chapter 4 Question 1.
A | B |
various | function |
oval | swallow |
devour | egg like |
matchless | different |
ceremony | incomparable |
A | B |
various | different |
oval | egg like |
devour | swallow |
matchless | incomparable |
ceremony | function |
D. Grammar
Look at the following sentences:
(i) When the sky is overcast with clouds, the peacock dances with delight.
(ii) Has any one seen a peacock without feathers ?
In the sentences given above, ’with’ relates ’sky’ and ’clouds’. Similarly, in the second sentence, ’without’ relates a ’peacock’ and ’feathers’. Both ’with’ and ’without’ in these sentences are prepositions.
A preposition is a word which is used before a noun or pronoun to establish relation of that noun or pronoun with the other words in the sentences. ’With’ is used in the sense of ’having’ whereas ’without’ gives the sense of’not having’. ’With’ is used also in the sense of ’company’ or ’togetherness’ to show the association with an instrument etc.
Choose the correct option
Bihar Board Class 7 English Solution Chapter 4 Question 1.
- He shot the bird with/without a gun.
- A diabetic usually takes tea with/without sugar.
- We can’t write with/without a pen or pencil.
- The old man had lost his stick with/without a stick.
- She was going o market with/without her husband.
- with a gun.
- without sugar.
- without a pen or pencil
- without a stick.
- with her husband.
E. Let’s Talk
Excessive use of chemical affects human beings as well as birds and animals. How ?
Discuss with your classmates.
The teacher may also share his/her experiences with you.
Do it yourself.
F. Composition
Question 1.
Write a paragraph on the topic discussed above in about 100 words.
Excessive use of Chemical Affects Human Beings. We know that excessive use of anything has its bad affect. Use of chemicals in proper equation affects positively but when it is used excessively it causes destruction. In irriga-tion, the excessive we of Chemical things and fertilizers, dam-age the quality of crops. Eating of such crop creates may health related problems. Excessive use of Chemicals and their wastes thrown in rivers pollutes the rivers. In such rivers fishes die and the water doesn’t remain fit for drinking or bathing.
G. Translation
G. 1. Translate into English.
Question 1.
भारत में अनेक प्रकार के पक्षी पाये जाते हैं। वे विभिन्न रंग और आकार के होते हैं। उनमें से कुछ देखने में बहुत सुन्दर होते हैं। मोर उनमें से एक है। यह भारत का राष्ट्रीय पक्षी है।
Various.kinds of birds are found in India. They are of various colors and shapes. The Peacock is one of them. It is India’s national bird.
H. Activity
Question 1.
Collect some pictures of birds and paste them in the box given below:
Do it yourself.
The Peacock – Our National Bird Summary in English
The Peacock is our national bird. There are various species of peacock but..In India, we find only the blue peacock. It looks very beautiful. Male peacock looks more beautiful and colourful than the female one peahen. We use its beautiful plumes for decoration. It eats plants seeds, fruits, insects, snakes and swallows up frogs and lizards. In the rainy season, when the sky is covered with clouds, the peacock dances with great delight. Then it spreads its colourful feathers, which looks one of the most beautiful scenes of the world.
The Peacock – Our National Bird Summary in Hindi
मोर हमारा राष्ट्रीय पक्षी है। विश्व में इसकी कई प्रजातियाँ उपलब्ध हैं। पर भारत में, केवल नीले रंग का मोर ही पाया जाता है। दिखने में यह काफी सुन्दर होता है। नर मोर, मादा मोर से कहीं ज्यादा सुन्दर होता है। इसके बुबसूरत पंख सजावट के काम में आते हैं। यह पौधा, बीज, कीड़े-मकोड़े मौर साँप खाता है और यह मेढ़क और छिपकली को भी निगल जाता है। र्षाि ऋतु में जब आसमान पर बादल छाये होते हैं तब मोर अपने पंखों को लाकर खुश होकर, अत्यंत सुंदर नाच दिखाता है। यह दृश्य दुनिया के पर्वोत्तम दृश्यों में से एक होता है।
The Peacock – Our National Bird Hindi Translation of The Chapter
शिक्षक : शुभ प्रभात, बच्चो !
विद्यार्थीगण : [खड़े होते हुए] शुभ प्रभात, सर!
शिक्षक : (मोर की एक चित्र दिखाते हुए उनसे पूछता..है) क्या तुम इस पक्षी का नाम बता सकते हो?
विद्यार्थीगण : हाँ महाशय, यह मोर का चित्र है।
शिक्षक : बहुत अच्छे ! आज हम हमारे राष्ट्रीय पक्षी मोर के बारे में बातें करेंगे। मोर की विभिन्न प्रजातियाँ होती हैं । तुम्हें पता है, भारत में सिर्फ नीला मोर ही पाया जाता है। क्या तुम लोगों में से किसी ने इस पक्षी को देखा है?
रूबी : हाँ सर, मैं देखी हूँ। इस पक्षी को मैं पटना के चिड़ियाँघर में देखी हूँ। यह बहुत सुन्दर होता है।
शिक्षक : हाँ, तुम बिल्कुल सही कह रही हो। यह बहुत ही सुन्दर दिखता है। इसके पंख बहुरंगी होते हैं और इसका बड़ा अंडाकार शरीर चमकीला और रंग-बिरंगा होता है। इसका सिर छोटा-सा और इसकी गर्दन बेहद पतली होती है। नर मोर मादा मोर से बहुत ज्यादा सुन्दर होता है। यह काफी रंग-बिरंगा भी होता है। इसके पंखों की सुन्दरता अद्वितीय होती है और इन्हें हम सजावट के काम में लाते हैं।
अभिषेक : मैंने तो सुना है सर कि मोर साँप को भी खा जाता
शिक्षक : तुमने बिल्कुल सही सुना है। यह न सिर्फ साँपों को खा जाता है बल्कि यह पौधों, बीजों, फलों और कीड़े-मकोड़ों को भी खाता है। साथ ही यह मेढ़कों और छिपकलियों को भी निगल जाता है
इमरान। : सर, अपने गाँव में एक शादी के अवसर पर मैंने ‘मोर’ और ‘मोरनी’ का नाच देखा है।
शिक्षक : (स्वीकृति में सिर हिलाता है) सही बात है ! शादी के समारोहों में दो व्यक्ति ‘मोर’ और ‘मोरनी’ का भेष बनाकर नाच दिखाते हैं। किन्तु, वास्तव में मोर ज्यादातर बारिश के मौसम में नाचता है। जब आकाश बादलों से भरा हुआ होता है तो मोर अपने पंख फैलाकर के खुशी के मारे झूम करके नाचने लगता है। क्या तुममें से किसी में किसी मोर को बिना पंखों के देखा है ?
The Peacock – Our National Bird Glossary
National (नेशनल] = राष्ट्रीय। Various [वेरिअस] = अनेक । Species [स्पीशिज] = प्रजाति | Absolutely (एब्सोल्यूटली] = पूर्णतः । Multi-coloured [मल्टी-कलर्ड] = बहुरंगी | Oval[ओवल] = अंडाकार । Slender स्लेन्डर = दुबला | Plumes[ प्लम्स] = पंख | Decoration – [डेकोरेशन] = सौन्दर्गीकरण | Devours [डेवर्स] = निगलता है । Nodding निॉडिंग = स्वीकृति में सिर हिलाते हुए। In disguise of [इन डिजगाइन ऑफ] = के वेश में । Melodious [मेलोडियस] = संगीतमय । Looks [लुक्स] = दिखता है | Attractive [अट्रैक्टिव = आकर्षक । Male [मेल) = नर । Matchless |मैचलेस] = बेजोड, अद्वितीय । Beauty [ब्यूटी] = सौन्दर्य | Used for [यूज्ड फॉर] = इस्तेमाल किया जाता है । Even [इवन] ‘ = यहाँ तक । Marriage ceremony [मैरेज सेरेमनी] = विवाह का उत्सव,
शादी का समारोह | Guise [गाइज] = वेश | Reality [रियलिटी] = सच्चाई में | Overcasted ओवरकास्टेड] = छापा हुआ। Spread |स्प्रेड] = फैलाना । Rings [रिंग्स] = घंटी बजती है । Feathers/फेदर्स) = पंख | Colourful क्लिरफुल] = रंग-बिरंगा ।
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