Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Solutions Chapter 6 Ivan

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BSEB Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Solutions Chapter 6 Ivan

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Bihar Board Class 7 English Ivan Text Book Questions and Answers

A. Warmer

Several people live in your neighborhood. Sometimes the situation gets tense. People quarrel on petty issues. It leads to dispute.

Ivan And Gabriel Story Bihar Board Class 7 Question 1.
How does it affect people in the locality ?
How is it resolved ?
Discuss these questions with you classmates.
Quarrel leads to quarrel. It destroys the peace of the locality and the surroundings. It is resolved only by the inter. ference of some other wise people or some dominant persons.

B. Let’s Comprehend.

B. 1. Think and Tell.

Class 7 English Chapter 6 Bihar Board Question 1.
Who was Ivan ?
Ivan was a rich farmer.

Bihar Board Solution Class 7 English  Question 2.
Where did he live ?
He lived in a village of Russia.

Bihar Board Class 7th English Solution Question 3.
Who was his neighbour ?
Gabriel was his neighbour.

Ivan Fell Into A Answer Bihar Board Class 7 Question 4.
Who began to quarrel ?
Gabriel, Ivan and their wives started to quarrel.

Class 7 English Chapter 6 Summary Question 5.
Who reconciled them ?
Ivan’s old father, who was wise, reconciled them.

B. 2. Think and Write.

B. 2. 1. Write’T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements:

Ivan’s Story Class 5 Questions And Answers Bihar Board Class 7 Question 1.

  1. Ivan was a rich farmer. [ ]
  2. The hen laid eggs in the street. [ ]
  3. Gabriel uprooted Ivan’s beard. [ ]
  4. Anger leads to destruction. [ ]
  5. Ivan and Gabriel did not become reconciled. [ ]


  1. True
  2. False
  3. False
  4. True
  5. False

B. 2. 2. Fill in the blanks

  1. Ivan and Gabriel were _______
  2. Ivan’s father was old and _______
  3. Ivan’s hen flew over the _______
  4. _______ went to inquires into the matter
  5. _______ started quarrelling
  6. At last, Ivan and Gabriel became _______


  1. neighbors
  2. wise
  3. fence
  4. Ivan’s daughter-in-law
  5. Gabriel, Ivan
  6. reconciled.

B. 2. 3. Arrange the following sentences in proper order so that they make a complete story

  1. Ivan was a rich farmer from Russia.
  2. She laid an egg in Gabriel’s house.
  3. Ivan uprooted Garbriel’s beard.
  4. Gabriel was his neighbour.
  5. One day Ivan’s hen flew across the fence.
  6. Ivan, Gabriel and their wives began to quarrel.
  7. Ivan and Gabriel became reconciled.
  8. Ivan’s father pacified Ivan and his neighbour.
  9. Gabriel went to court.


  1. Ivan was a rich farmer from Russia.
  2. She laid an egg in Gabriel’s house.
  3. Ivan uprooted Gabriel’s beard.
  4. Gabriel was his neighbour.
  5. One day Ivan’s hen flew across the fence.
  6. Ivan. Gabriel and their wives began to quarrel.
  7. Ivan and Gabriel became reconciled.
  8. Ivan’s father pacified Ivan and his neighbour.
  9. Gabriel went to court.

B. 2. 4. Answer the following questions in not more than 50 words.

Ivan’s Story Class 5 Bihar Board Class 7 Question 1.
“In anger you don’t know what you are saying and . doing”. Do you agree with the statement ? How does anger lead to destruction ?
Yes, I agree with the statement. In anger, people don’t know what they are saying and doing. In the following chapter, we saw that the good-lived peaceful neighbors Ivan and Gabriel fought badly along with their family members over an egg which costed very little. But they had to pay huge amount in the court’s prolonged bearing. Anger leads to destruction and leads to nowhere. So, we should leave anger aside.

Class 7 Bihar Board English Solution Question 2.
What type of man, in your opinion, was Ivan’s father ? What did he do to pacify Ivan and his neighbor?
In my opinion, Ivan’s father was a wise person. He was cool headed. He pacified Ivan and his neighbor Gabriel by making them understand that hatred leads to hatred. They had paid a lot for an. egg and now they should leave their quarrel aside. His advice worked and both neighbors lived happily since then.

Class 7 English Chapter 6 Question Answer Bihar Board Question 3.
If you were Ivan’s neighbor, what would you do to solve this quarrel ?
Being Ivan’s neighbor I would let them understand that hatred leads to hatred. They had paid a lot for a mean thing, an egg. So, they should leave their quarrel aside and live in peace once again.

C. Word study

C. 1. Correct the following words to make them meaningful.

Bihar Board Class 7 English Solutions Question 1.
(peice, forgate, uprated, fance, distraction.)

  1. peice = piece
  2. forgate = forget.
  3. uprated = uprooted
  4. fance = fence
  5. distraction = destruction.

C. 2. Match the words in ‘A’ with their meaning in ‘B’.

Class 7 English Chapter 6 Questions And Answers Bihar Board Question 1.

farmerhard working


laborioushard working

C .3. Find the sentences in which the following words have been used in the lesson. Then use these words in you own sentences.

English Chapter 6 Class 7 Bihar Board Question 1.
(neighbour, comfortable, hatred, wisdom, advice.

  1. neighbour = we should love our neighbours.
  2. comfortable = Ivan and Gabriel lived a comfort-able life. .
  3. hatred = Hatred leads to hatred.
  4. wisdom = His wisdom was praised by one and all.
  5. advice = one should follow good advice.

D. Grammar

Look at the following sentences:

(a) Ivan was a farmer who lived in a village in Russia.
(b) He had three sons who were laborious.
(c) You lose your patience and wisdom.

All the three sentences given above have two separate sentence structures. Sentence (a) consists of ‘Ivan was a farmer’ and ‘who lived in a village in Russia’. The second part is dependent on the first. Similarly, sentence (b) consists of’He had three sons’ and ‘who were laborious’. The second is again dependent on the first, Sentence (c) also has two separate sen-tence structures : ‘You lose your patience’ and (you lose your) wisdom’.

Both these structures are independent. Sentences (a) and (b), therefore, consists of a principal clause and a subordi-nate clause. A principal clause is that which has independent identity whereas a subordinate clause depends on the principal clause. Sentence ‘C’ consists of two independent clauses- one of them is principal clause and another is co-ordinate clause. Here, ‘You lose your patience’ is the principal clause. Now, read the sentences given below and identify principal clause, subordinate clause and co-ordinate clauses.

  1. I don’t know where, she lives.
  2. An old man had four sons who were lazy.
  3. Ramu was poor but honest.
  4. I can’t forget you as long as I live.
  5. He is handsome and laborious.


  1. don’t know – principal clause.Where – Co-ordinate clause. Where she lives – subordinate clause,
  2. An old man had four sons – principal clause who – co-ordinate clause.’who were lazy – subordinate clause.
  3. Ramu was poor – principal clause but-co-ordinate clause but (Ramu was) honest – subordinate clause.
  4. I can’t forget you – principal clause as long as – co-ordinate clause.
  5. He is handsome – principal clause and-co-ordinate clause and (He is) laborious – subordinate clause.

E. Let’s Talk

E. 1. Discuss the following in small groups and then with the whole class.

English Class 7 Chapter 6 Bihar Board Question 1.
(a) Hatred breeds hatred.
(b) Anger leads to destruction.
(a) Hatred breeds hatred: Hatred is a very bad thing. It leads to hatred, anger and destruction. We have seen in our history that many countries fought with other countries only due to hatred of race and colour. And the war took none anywhere but it lead to all over destruction, killing lakhs of people and injuring crores Of people. So, hatred breeds only hatred and it should be aban-doned.

(b) Anger leads to destruction: Anger is too bad. An angry person loses his head. He has no control over self. He can’t judge between good and bad. Anger destroys his peace of mind. In anger, he can even commit Crime which can destroy his further life. Many quarrels and wars have been started due to anger and it leaded to major destruction. So, people should think over a dispute cool headed and leave anger aside. Anger is our worst enemy and we should control it

F. Composition

Class 7 Chapter 6 English Bihar Board Question 1.
Write a paragraph on any one of the topics listed in E.1 . for discussion in 60-80 words.
Anger leads to destruction:
Anger is too bad. An angry person loses his head. He has no control over self. He can’t judge between good and bad. Anger destroys his peace of mind. In anger, he can even commit Crime which can destroy his further life. Many quarrels and wars have been started due to anger and it leaded to major destruction. So, people should think over a dispute cool headed and leave anger aside. Anger is our worst enemy and we should control it

G. Translation

Translate the following paragraph in Hindi your mother tongue:

Bihar Board Class 7 English Book Solution Question 1.
Ivan had some hens. One day a hen flew across the fence. She laid an egg in Gabriel’s house. Ivan’s daughter-in-law went to his house to inquire into the matter. Gabriel’s mother replied rudely. It led to a quarrel. Soon, Ivan, GabrieFand their wives started quarrelling. Their neighbours had to intervene to pacify them.
इवान के पास कुछ मुर्गियाँ थीं । एक दिन एक मुर्गी बाड़े के उस पार उड़ गयी । उसने गैब्रियल के घर में एक अंडा दिया। इवान की बहू उसके घर मामले की पूछताछ करने गयी। गैब्रियल की माँ ने रूखा जवाब दिया । इससे झगड़ा बढ़ गया । शीघ्र ही, इवान, गैब्रियल और उनकी पत्नियाँ आपस में लड़ने लगीं। उनके पड़ोसियों को झगड़ा शांत कराने के लिए बीच में आना पड़ा।

H. Activity

Language Game

Write a word in are notebook. Write another word with the last letter of that word. Write as many words as you can.
Ex. work → kite → eat → toy →

Complete this activity by writing at least twenty words.
Man → Nose → Egg → Gun → Near → Run → Nun → Naughty → Year → Road → Done → Elephant → Tiger → Ransom → Mother → Ride → Era → Angry → Yellow → Water → Right → Tight.

Ivan Summary in English

Ivan was a rich farmer. He lived in Russia. Gabriel was his neighbour. One day Ivan’s one of the hens flew across the fence and laid an egg in Gabriel’s house. Ivan’s daughter-in- law went to inquire to the Gabriel’s house for the egg. Gabriel’s mother replied her rudely. A strong quarrel started on this issue between both the neighbours. Both of the neighbours went to the court. The hearing prolonged which made both of. them financially mined. Ivan’s old father was a wise person.

He convinced both Ivan and Gabriel to forget their quarrel. He told them that haired leads to destruction. So, they should leave their hatred. His advice worked. Then both the neighbors left their hatred and began to live in peace. Since, then, they lived happily and without any quarrel.

Ivan Summary in Hindi

 इवान एक अमीर किसान था। वह रूस देश में रहता था। गैब्रियल : उसका पड़ोसी था। एक दिन इवान की एक मुर्गी उसके बाड़े के उस पार उड़ गई। उसने गैब्रियल के घर में जाकर एक अंडा दे दिया। इवान की बहू उस अंडे के बारे में पूछताछ करने के लिए गैब्रियल के घर में गयी । गैब्रियल की माँ ने उसे बड़े कठोर शब्दों में रूखा उत्तर दे दिया। इसी बात पर दोनों पड़ोसियों के बीच झगड़ा बढ़ गया। वे दोनों ही अदालत पहुँच गये। अदालत में बहस लम्बी चली। दोनों पड़ोसी आर्थिक रूप से तबाह हो गये ।

इवान के पिता बूढ़े और बुद्धिमान थे। उन्होंने इवान और गैब्रियल दोनों को अपने पास बुलाकर समझाया कि नफरत लोगों को तबाह कर देता है। उन्होंने दोनों को प्यार से समझाया कि नफरत तो नफरत को ही बढ़ावा देती है और इसका अंत विनाश छोडकर और कुछ नहीं होता। अत: नफरत को छोड़ देना ही उचित है। “एक अंडे की कीमत ही क्या होती है ? और देखो झगड़े ने तुम दोनों को कितना बड़ा नुकसान दे दिया।” बात दोनों को समझ में आ गयी। अब वे फिर से शांतिपूर्वक और प्रेम से रहने लगे।

Ivan Glossary

Sick [सिक = बीमार | Fence [फेन्स) = घेरा, चहारदीवारी । Inquire [एन्क्वायर] = पूछना, Pacify [पैसिफाई] = शांत करना । Uproot [अपरूट] = उखाड़ना । Hatred हैट्रेड] = घृणा, नफरत । Rudely [यूडली) = रूखाई से। Forgive [फॉरगिव] = क्षमा करना । Tense |टेन्स] = , तनाव-भरा । Quarrel [क्वैरेल] = झगड़ा, लड़ाई। Neighbourhood

[नेवरहुड] = पड़ोस । Situation [सिचुएशन] = स्थिति । Issues [इश्यूज] = मुद्दे, बातें । Leads [लीड्स] = बढ़ाता है। Arrect [अफेक्ट] = असर/प्रभाव – डालता है। Locality [लोकलिटि] = क्षेत्र । Resolved [रिजॉल्वड) = सुलझ

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