Students who wish to prepare the Class 8 English can rely on the Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Chapter 1 I Wonder. Become perfect with the concepts of BSEB Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Chapter 1 I Wonder Questions and Answers score better grades in your exams. Detailed Solutions are provided to the concepts by experts keeping in mind the latest edition textbooks and syllabus.
BSEB Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Chapter 1 I Wonder
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Bihar Board Class 8 English I Wonder Text Book Questions and Answers
A. Warmer
I Wonder Poem Questions And Answers Bihar Board Class 8 Question 1.
There are many things that we wonder at. Tell your class some such things that you have often wondered at.
I often wonder how this world was made. How did our planet come into its existence. How so many creatures were formed. Who made ail of us. How is He ?
B. Let’s Comprehend
B. 1. Think and Tell
B. 1. 1. Answer these questions orally
I Wonder Poem Class 8 Bihar Board Question 1.
What things in the first stanza tell you that the poet is curious ?
’The colour of the grass, not seen wind, the making of birds nest and the trees in rest. These are the things in the first stanza that tell us that the poet is curious to know why they are so.
I Wonder Why Poem Questions And Answers Bihar Board Question 2.
Why do you think the speaker calls the cloud fluffy ?
The cloud moves in the sky swiftly. So, the speaker calls the cloud Huffy.
I Wonder Question Answer Bihar Board Question 3.
Does the wind have any colour ?
No, wind has no colour.
I Wonder Poem Meaning In Hindi Bihar Board Question 4.
Do you often ask your father about the things that you wonder at Does he answer your questions ? If he doesn’t, what do you do to satisfy your curiosity ?
I also ask my father about the things I wonder at. My father answers my questions. If he doesn’t know some question’s answer he tells me to ask it from others. To satisfy my curiosity I ask such questions from my teachers and other elderly persons.
B. 1. 2. Based on your reading of the poem say whether the following statements are ‘true’ or ‘false’
I Wonder Why The Grass Is Green Meaning In Hindi Bihar Board Question 1.
- The shape of moon is fixed
- The birds make their own nests.
- The rainbow is not always colorful.
- The stars do not give light.
- False
- True
- False
- False
B. 2. Think and Write
B. 2. 1. Think of Things and Ideas That you Associate With Rain.
I Wonder Poem In Hindi Bihar Board Class 8 Question 1.
Then create a web chart around the word ‘rain’.
B. 2. 2 Answer the following questions in not more than SO words.
I Wonder Class 8 Bihar Board Question 1.
Make a list of things that the poet is curious to know about.
The poet is curious to know about why the grass is green, why the wind is never seen. The poet wants to know, who taught the birds to build a nest. Why the trees take rest. Where goes the missing bit of moon. He also wants to know about the lights of stars, about lightning’s origin. How comes rainbow and the fluffy clouds, up in the sky
I Wonder Poem Question Answer Bihar Board Question 2.
Who do you think is the T in the poem a child or an adult ? Give reasons for your answer.
I think that, T in the poem is a child. He is not an adult. The questions that rises in his mind are the questions of a child’s curiosity. Adults don’t ever think of such questions. So, I agree to the point that the speaker, T of the poem is a child.
I Wonder Poem Class 8 Questions And Answers Bihar Board Question 3.
What opinion do you form about the speaker ?
In my opinion, the speaker is a child of high mental level. He is intelligent. His mind is full of queries and questions.
I Wonder Why The Grass Is Green Translate Into Hindi Bihar Board Question 4.
What does the question in the end suggest about the spaker’s attitude towards his dad ?
The question, coming in the end of the poem sug-gests that the boy is undecisive. He is not sure that his Dad knows the answers of his questions. And even if he knew it, it was doubleful that he would answer to all of his queries.
C. Word Study
I Wonder Poem Class 3 Questions And Answers Bihar Board Question 1.
What does the phrasal verb ‘blow out’ mean in the poem ? Look up a dictionary and list the meaning. Note down other meanings of the phrasal verb and use it in your own sentences conveying other meanings.
‘blow out’ in the poem means ‘to extinguish’ of to ‘ ‘put out fire’. Blow out: The fire was blown out by the strong wind. Some other meanings of the phrasal verb conveyed in sentences.
Blow out (to lose force)The fire blew itself out. Blow out (to defeat someone easily): One can’t blow out my courage. Blow out (flame put off by wind): The’candle blew out as he . opened the window.
I Wonder Poem Summary Bihar Board Question 2.
Look up a dictionary and list other phrasal verb that begin with ‘blow’, and use them in your own sentences.
Blow out (to come out with force): With the explosion, the high flames blew out from the gas go down/building.
To blow upon (to speak ill of): It is bad to blow upon your friends.
To blow one’s own trumpet (to praise oneself): He is master in blowing his own trumpet.
C. 1. 3. Fill in the blanks in the sentences given below with the suitable phrasal verbs given in the box.
- put out : to extinguish
- call out : to sumon
- set out : to begin a journey
- wipe out : to remove
- give up : to leave
a. The government is ready to …………. Polio.
b. He ……………. for Kolkata with his father.
c. …………… a doctor to examine the patient.
d. He had to smoking because he had breathing problem………..
e. …………. the lantern.
a. The government is ready to wipe out Polio.
b. He set out for Kolkata with his father.
c. Call out a doctor to examine the patient.
d. He had to give up smoking be cause he had breathing problems.
e. Put out the Panted.
D. Rhyme Time
Look at the following pairs of words:
nest – rest
These pairs of words, you will notice, end with similar sounds. Such pairs of words that end with a similar sound are called rhyming pairs or words.
I Wonder Why The Grass Is Green In Hindi Bihar Board Question 1.
Pick out the rhyming pairs from the poem and add one more to each pair. One has been done for you.
green – seen – been
Rhyming pairs from the poem – Added rhyming words
- nest – rest – chest – crest
- round – found – sound – mound
- out – about – shout – scout
- sky – high – cry – fry
- suppose – knows – prose – chose
E. Let’s Talk
I Wonder Why The Grass Is Green Ka Hindi Bihar Board Question 1.
Discuss the following in-groups or pairs and imagine : If the moon did not appear in sky, what would happen ?
Ravi : Without the moon in the sky, the nights will become absolute dark.
Kavita : Its so frightening to think of the nights,-with- out the moon. Then, children can’t be able to play in the night.
Mini : Yes, its great delight to play in the moonlit night.
Anu : People in villages, will badly suffer. They walk far off distances in villages only with the help of moon’s light in the nights.
F. Translation
I Wonder Why Questions And Answers Bihar Board Question 1.
Translate into your mother tongue any one of the stanzas of the poem that you have just read.
See’Hindi Translation of the poem.
Wonder (v)[वन्डर) = आश्चर्य करना । Wind (n) [विन्ड] = हवा। Build (v)[बिल्ड] = बनाना । Quite (adv) [क्वाइट] = पूरा । Round (adj) [राउन्ड] = गोल । Missing (adj)[मिसिंग = गायब । Bit (n) [बिट] – टुकड़ा । Lightning (n) |लाइटनिंग= बिजली । Flash (v)[फ्लैश] = चमकना । Fluffy (adj) [फ्लफी) = फुज्जीदार, हल्के-फुल्के । Supposé (v) [सपोज] = मानना ।
G. Activity
Class 8 English Chapter 1 Bihar Board Question 1.
Find in the grid the words related to weather. Words can appear horizontally, vertically or diagonally. One has been done for you.
Temperature, Cloud, Rainbow, Cloud, Weather, Hail, Light-ning, Forecast, Snow, Wind, Sunny, Umbrella, Rain.
I Wonder Summary in English
‘I WONDER’ is a wonderful poem. The following poem is based on the queriful mind of a child. The speaker of this poem is a child. He looks around him. And his mind is full of queries. His queries are many. Why the grass is green ? Why the wind is never seen ? There are many such questions in his mind. At last, the child assures himself that if his Dad had the answers of his question, he will surely let him know about them.
I Wonder Summary in Hindi
‘आई वन्डर’ एक आश्चर्यजनक, अनुभूत कविता है । प्रस्तुत कविता एक ‘बालक के कौतूहलपूर्ण मस्तिष्क से सम्बन्धित है। कविता का वक्ता एक बालक है। वह अपने चारों ओर देखता है और उसके मस्तिष्क में कई प्रश्न उमड़ने-घुमड़ने लगते हैं। उसके पास कई प्रश्न हैं। घास हरे रंग की क्यों है ? क्यों हवा दिखती नहीं ? ऐसे ही कई प्रश्न हैं उसके दिमाग में । अंत में, वह बच्चा स्वयं को आश्वस्त भी करता है, यकीन भी दिलाता है कि यदि उसके पिता के पास इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर होंगे, तो वे उसे जरूरी बताएँगे।
I Wonder Hindi Translation of The Chapter
Wonder (v)[वन्डर) = आश्चर्य करना । Wind (n) [विन्ड] = हवा। Build (v)[बिल्ड] = बनाना । Quite (adv) [क्वाइट] = पूरा । Round (adj) [राउन्ड] = गोल । Missing (adj)[मिसिंग = गायब । Bit (n) [बिट] – टुकड़ा । Lightning (n) |लाइटनिंग= बिजली । Flash (v)[फ्लैश] = चमकना । Fluffy (adj) [फ्लफी) = फुज्जीदार, हल्के-फुल्के । Supposé (v) [सपोज] = मानना ।
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