Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Measure for Measure

Students who wish to prepare the Class 8 English can rely on the Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Measure for Measure. Become perfect with the concepts of BSEB Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Measure for Measure Questions and Answers score better grades in your exams. Detailed Solutions are provided to the concepts by experts keeping in mind the latest edition textbooks and syllabus.

BSEB Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Measure for Measure

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Bihar Board Class 8 English Measure for Measure Text Book Questions and Answers

A. Warmer

Measure For Measure Class 8 Bihar Board Chapter 8 Question 1.
Have you ever met or seen a person who may be excellent in certain things, but is asked to do things in which he/she has no experience ? How did he/she perform ? Were you amused/annoyed to see his/her performance Tell your classmates the lesson that you learnt from this experience.
Yes, my father is excellent in teaching. He is a teacher in a school. He has no experience of cooking. Once, my mother was sick. My father started cooking and spoiling things. We were amused to see his bad performance in cooking.

B. 1. Think And Tell

Measure For Measure Class 8 Questions And Answers Bihar Board Chapter 8 Question 1.
Why did the king make Raja Verma the chief minister ?
The king was impressed by his art. So he made him the chief minister of his state.

Class 8 English Chapter 6 Measure For Measure Bihar Board  Question 2.
Whom did the elders approach to get rid of the chief minister ?
The elders approached to Tenali Raman.

Measure For Measure Questions And Answers Bihar Board Chapter 8 Question 3.
Why did Tenali Raman appoint a carpenter as a cook ?
To realise the king his mistake, to appoint an artist as chief minister.

Class 8 English Measure For Measure Chhattisgarh State Board Solutions Question 4.
When did the king realise his mistake ?
When the king ate badly cooked food by a carpenter he realised his mistake.

B. 2. Think and Write

B. 2. 1 Write ‘T’ for true arid ‘F’ for false statement.

Bihar Board Solution Class 8 English Chapter 8 Question 1.

  1. The king was fond of games.
  2. Tenali Raman was a’ wise man.
  3. The carpepter made very delicious food for the guests.
  4. Only the king and the queen were invited for lunch.
  5. All the guests ate the dishes with much interest.


  1. False
  2. True
  3. False
  4. False
  5. False

B. 2. 2. The following sentences of this story are in order. Arrange them in proper order.

Class 8 English Chapter 8 Summary Bihar Board Chapter 8  Question 1.

  1. The king was very pleased with the artist when his portrait was ready.
  2. The king rewarded Raja Varma with the chief ministership.
  3. Apart from this Raja Varma drew images of famous character from Puranas, men and women.
  4. Krishna Deva Raya was known for his patronage of poets, scholars and fine arts.
  5. Overwhelmed by joy Krishna Deva Raya called the artist and asked him what he wanted.
  6. He invited a famous artist to draw’a portrait.


  1. Krishna Deva Raya was known for his patronage of poets, scholars and fine arts.
  2. He invited a famous artist to draw a portrait.
  3. The king was very pleased with the artist when his portrait was ready.
  4. Apart from this Raja Varma drew images of famous character from Puranas, men and women.
  5. Overwhelmed by joy Krishna Deva Raya called the artist and asked him what he wanted.
  6. The king rewarded Raja Varma with the Chief minister ship.

B. 2. 3. Answer the following in about 30 words

Class 8 English Chapter 8Bihar Board Chapter 8 Question 1.
What was Krishna Deva Raya known for ?
The king Krishna Deva Raya was fond of fine arts. He was widely known for his patronage of poets and scholars.

Question 2.
Why was the king very pleased with the artist when he saw his portrait ?
The artist Raja Verma had made an excellent portrait of the king. The portrait looked very alive. So, the king was very pleased with the artist when he saw his portrait.

Question 3.
Who rewarded Raja Varma and how ?
The king rewarded Raja Varma for making his live portrait. As a reward he made him the Chief Minister of his state.

Question 4.
How was the food cooked by the carpenter ?
The cook had prepared very bad food. The food was very hot and spicy.

B. 2. 4. Answer the following Questions in about 70 words.

Question 1.
What does the title “Measure and Measure” mean ? Do you like the title ? Give reasons in support of your answer.
I think that the title ‘Measure for Measure’ means to do as alike as one does. I do like the title. If Tenali Raman hadn’t presented the same example before the king as he had done, the king would not be able to realise his mistake.

Question 2.
Did Raja Varma really feel happy to remain an artist ? Give reason for your answer.
Raja Varma felt very happy to remain only an artist. The reason for the statement is that at last, he had self said to Tenali Raman that he was happy to be once more only an artist.

Question 3.
What made the people unhappy with Raja Varma’s administration ? List them and also write what they wanted the king to do.
Raja Varma was no doubt a good artist but proved to be a bad administrator. He had no experience of the job of an administrator. His bad decisions and bad management put the state into disorder. The people wanted the king to remove the unexpierenced and inept chief minister from his port.

Question 4.
Could Raja Varma, in yoiir opinion, have grown into a good administrator ? Give reasons.
Yes, Raja Varma could have grown into a good administrator. If he had got some good advisors to help him for the purpose.

Question 5.
What was wrong with the king rewarding Raja Varma as the chief minister ? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Yes, the king was wrong in rewarding the artist Raja Verma as the chief minister. Experience is needed for any job. Raja Varma had no experience in this regard. So, he should not have been rewarded with the Chief Ministership.

C. Word study

C. 1. Rearrange the letters in following groups to make meaningful words.

One has been done for you.

Pypah – happy

Question 1.
(sitrat, pencarter, siminter, nemow, leepop)
sitrat – Artist
pencarter – Carpenter
siminter – Minister
newmow – Women
leepop – People

C. 2. Correct the spellings of the following words

Question 1.
(Equaly, overwhalmed, inapt, majastry, resined)
Incorrect spelling – Correct spelling
Equaly – Equally
Overwhalmed – Overwhelmed
In pat t – Inept
Majasty – Majesty
Resined – Resigned

C. 3. Look at the following words from the story

disorder, ‘unhappy’.

Words ‘disorder’ and ‘unhappy’, begin with the prefixes ‘dis-‘ and ‘un-‘. In English prefixes ‘dis-‘, ‘un’, ‘in-‘ ‘if, ‘im-‘, and ‘mis-‘ are used to make words which just the opposite of the actual word (antonyms).

Write the antonym of the following words by adding appropriate prefixes before them:

Question 1.
(literate, measurable, mobile, satisfy,relevant, manage, pleasant, organize,eligible, regular)
Words – Antonyms (opposite words)

Literate – Illiterate
Measurable – Unmeasurable
Mobile – Unmobile
Satisfy – Dissatisfy
Relevant – Unrelevant
Manage – Mismanage
Pleasant – Unpleasant
Organize Disorganize
Eligible – Uneligible
Regular – Irregular

C. 4. Match the words given under ‘A’ with their meanings given under ‘B’. One has been done for you. [1. image (e) picture]

Question 1.
Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Measure for Measure 1
Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Measure for Measure 2

D. Grammar

D. 1. Present Perfect Tense

We use the present perfect tense to show that an action or state started in the past- and continues to the present; e.g. Abhinav has been in Kolkata since 2001.

Forms of the present perfect tense:

I/we/You/they + have + past participle
We have seen the Golghar.
I have received your, letter.
Have you read this novel ?
He/She/It + has = past participle.
She has bought a new watch.
My English has improved a lot have/has + adverb + past participle.
I have never eaten Dosa.
She has always had a bicycle.

The difference between the simple present and the present perfect is that the simple present refers only to the present time, but the present perfect connects the past to the present (usually with for, since, always, never, etc.).

Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Measure for Measure 3

In many situations, with a present time expression (today, this week, etc.) we may use either the present perfect or the simple past. For example :

  1. (a) Ankit has eaten four mangoes today.
    (b) Ankit ate four mangoes today.
  2. (a) We have learned five new words today.
    (b) We learned five new words today.
  3. (a) Ani has been absent twice this month.
    (b) Ani was absent four times last month.

In sentences 1 (a) and 2 (a), the number may not be final. In sentences 1 (b) and 2 (b). the number may be final. In sen-tence 3 (a), the month is not finished. There is a possibility that Ani may be absent more times this month. In sentence 3 (b), last month is finished and the number four is final.

Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Measure for Measure 4

Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Measure for Measure 5

D. 1. 1. Fill in the blanks with the missing word (not every sentence needs a word).

Example : Anwesha has been in Delhi for two years.

  1. Have you ______ Aamir Khan’s new movie ?
  2. I have ______ many poems.
  3. She ______ been sick ______ Monday.
  4. Ayesha and Anwesha ______ known each other for many years.
  5. ______ the train ______ at the platform ?


  1. seen
  2. read
  3. has, since
  4. have been
  5. has, arrived.

D. 1. 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets to form the present perfect tense.

Example : Saumya has got (get) a letter from her mother.

  1. Anu _____ (send) a gift to her friend.
  2. We _____ (see) Tajmahal
  3. I _____ (read) your letter.
  4. Namita _____ (never, work) as a driver.
  5. Alok _____ (recently, pass) from college.
  6. I _____ (teach) in many schools.


  1. has sent
  2. have seen
  3. have read
  4. has never worked
  5. has recetantly passed
  6. have teached.

D. 1. 3. Fill in the blanks with the present perfect or simple past to complete each dialogue.

A. Have you ever studied Urdu ?
B. Yes, I studied Urdu in high school.

A. I like Urdu a lot. Do you ?
B. No. 1 never studied Urdu.

Question 1.
A Have you ever ________ to Sikkim?
B. No, I never have. But I would like to go there some day.

A ________ you ever ________ to Delhi ?
B. Yes I ________ there two year ago.
A. Have you ever been to Sikkim.
B. No, I never have. But I would like to go there some day.

A. Have you ever been to Delhi ?
B. Yes, I have been there two years ago.

Question 2.
A Have you ever broken your leg or arm ?
B. Yes, I ______ my arm when I was ten years old. I was climbing a tree when U.. (fail.).
C. Which arm ________ you ________ ?
D. I broke my left arm.
A. Have you ever broken your leg or arm ?
B. Yes, I broke my arm when I was ten years old. I was climbing a tree when I fell down.
C. Which arm did you break ?
D. I broke my left arm.

Question 3.
A ________ you ever ________ an English movie ?
B. No, I haven’t But I ________ seen many Bengali movies.
C. I ________ never ________ a Bengali movie.
A. Have you ever seen an English movie ?
B. No, I haven’t. But I have seen many Bengali movies.
C. I have never seen a Bengali movie.

Question 4.
A. you ever ________ to the district library ?
B. Yes, I ________ gone there many times. Last week I ________ tehre on Saturday and checked out a novel by Tagore. I have never ________ Tagore’s book in English.
C. ________ you ever” ________ his books in translation ?
D. Yes, In high school I ________ two of his novels in
A. Have you ever gone to the district library ?
B. Yes, I have gone there many times. Last week I had been there on Saturday and checked out a novel by Tagore. I have never read Tagore’s book in English.
C. Have you ever read his books in translation ?
D. Yes, In high school I read two of his novels in Hindi.

Question 5.
A. Have your parents ever come here to visit you ?
B. No, they never came. But last year my brother came to visit me for a week.
A. Have your parents ever come here to visit you ?
B. No, they never came. But last year my brother came to visit me for a week.

D. 2. The Past Perfect Tense

The past perfect is used to show the relationship of one past event to a later past event or time. The past perfect tense is formed with had + past participle; e.g.

He had traveled by ship before.
The winter had been very mild.
The radio had been invented in 1912.
The past perfect continuous is formed with had + been + verb-ing; e.g.
He had been travelling for three days.
The children had been studying English for six years.

Comparative statement and Question word order

STATEMENT : The train had left the station.
YES/NO Question : Had the train left the station ?
WH-Question : When had the train left the station ?

Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Measure for Measure 6

Bihar Board Class 8 English Book Solutions Chapter 8 Measure for Measure 7

1. yet, already, just for + time period, and never……….. before are often used with the past perfect to help show the time relationship of one past time or event to another.

2. the past perfect can be used with before and after, but it is not necessary because the time relationship is clear,
e.g. Before the Titanic hit the iceberg, the captain tried to turn the ship around.
Before the Titanic hit the iceberg, the captain had tried to turn the ship around.

3. Either the past perfect or the simple past can be used with because when the cause and result are close in time. How-ever, if the cause and result are not close in time, usually the past perfect is used for the cause, e.g.,
I couldn’t call you because I (had) lost your phone number. There were not enough lifeboats because several had been removed.

(The past perfect is used when we look back from a time in the past. The present perfect is used when we look back from the present time.)

D. 2. 1. Fill in the blanks with the past perfect of the verb in brackets.

Example : Poor emigrants on the ship had left (leave) behind a way of life’.

  1. By 1912, the Wright brothers had ______ (already, made) a successful flight.
  2. The Titanic- had ______ (originally, have) 32 life boats.
  3. The captain of the Titanic didn’t pay attention to the warnings he ______ (receive).
  4. Passengers heard a noise but didn’t understand what ______ (happen).
  5. By 1912, the radio ______ (passive : already, in-vent).
  6. I failed the test because I ______ (be) absent for two weeks.
  7. The story of the Titanic was not new to me because I ______ (see) the movie.
  8. I didn’t recognize her because she ______ (cut) her hair.


  1. all ready made
  2. originally
  3. had received
  4. had happened
  5. had been already invented
  6. had been absent
  7. had seen
  8. had cut.

D. 2. 2. The sentence below tell you which action happened first. Connect these sentences with by the time and already.
First: My brother and sister ate lunch.
Second : I came home from school.
By the time I came home from school, my brother and sister had already eaten lunch.

  1. First: Anu saw the movie.
    Second : Her brother saw the movie.
  2. First: He fell asleep on the sofa.
    Second : The TV serial was over.
  3. First: The building burned down.
    Second : The first fighters arrived.
  4. First: I saw the movie Titanic.
    Second : I read about the Titanic in my textbook.


  1. By-the time Anu saw the movie, her brother had allready seen the movie,
  2. By the time he fell asleep on the sofa the TV serial had already been over.
  3. By the time the fire fighters arrived the building had already been burned down.
  4. By the time 1 saw the movie Titanic I had already read about the Titanic in my text book.

(iii) Combine the two sentences.
Example : First: They made a big mistake.
Second : They realised it later.
They realised that they had made a big mistake.

  1. First: I left my umbrella at school.
    Second : I realised this later.
  2. First: You studied Urdu when you were in Hyderabad. Second : 1. didn’t know this.
  3. First : You lived in Nepal w’hen you w’ere a child.
    Second : I didn’t know’this.


  1. I released that I had left my Umbrella at school.
  2. I didn’t knew that you had studied Urdu when you were in Hyderabad.
  3. I didn’t knew that you lived in Nepal when you were a child.

(iv) Tell if the following had already happened yet when you came to this school.”
Example : finish secondary examination.
When 1 came to this school. I had already finished secondary examination.


When I came to this school. I hadn’t finished secondary examination yet.

  1. buy an English dictionary.
  2. study English.
  3. know a lot about this school.

1. When I came to this school, I had already bought an English dictionary.
When I came to this school. I hadn’t bought an English dictionary.

2. When 1 came to this school, 1 had already studied English.
When I came to this school, I hadn’t studied English.

3. When I came to this school, I had already known a lot about this school.
When I came to this school, I hadn’t known a lot about this school.

D. Let’s Talk

Work in groups

Question 1.
Discuss why the carpenter made a mess of the food he cooked.
Rohan : The carpenter did not know cooking.
Juli : To be a good carpenter is one thing and to be a good cook is another thing.
Anju : Yes, you both are right. The carpenter did not know cooking and made a mess of the food he cooked.

F. Translation

Translate the following passage into English.

Question 1.
पुण्यजीत एक कला प्रेमी राजा थे। वे विद्वानों एवं कवियों का आदर करते थे। वे अपनी उदारता के लिए प्रसिद्ध थे। वे उदारता में कभी-कभी भूलकर बैठते थे। एक बार उन्होंने एक गीतकार को मंत्री बना दिया । गीतकार एक अच्छा प्रशासक नहीं हो सका। लोग दु:खी हो गये। बाद में राजा को भी अपनी भूल का एहसास हुआ। अतः हमें सोच-समझकर निर्णय लेना चाहिए।
Punyajeet was an art-lover king. He used to respect the scholars and poets. He was famous for his kindness. Due to his kind behaviour, sometimes he used to do mistakes. Once, he had appointed a singer as a minister. The singer couldn’t be a good administrator. People became unhappy. Later, the king too realized his mistake. So, we should take any of our decision attentively.

F. Composition

Question 1.
Write a short paragraph on the importance of wisdom.
Importance of Wisdom Wisdom is a great quality. Only human beings possess this quality. The one who possess wisdom is praised by one and all. Tenali Raman had got wisdom. Within him. So, only he could make the king realise his mistake. In our world, many people are honoured even after many years of their death. We praise them, honour them for their wisdom.

G. Activity

Read one story of Tenali Rama’s or Birbal’s or Mulla Nasiruddin’s wisdom and humour and tell it to the class.
Birbal Out Wits The Cheat In Emperor Akbar’s court, there was a wise minister. His name was Birbal. Akbar trusted Birbal to solve any of the state’s problem. Once a villager came to the emperor’s court. He compained that he had sold his well to a villager Gopal. But Gopal didn’t pay him for the water of the well.

The village asked for justice. He demanded that Gopal should pay for water. Birbal applied his wit. He knew that the villager was a cheat. He said to the villager that since his water was in Gopal’s well, so he should pay to Gopal for the water. The villager became afraid for paying. He asked the emperor to forgive him. Thus, Barbal applied his wit and outwitted the cheater villager.

(Tell this story to the class yourself)

Measure for Measure Summary in English

Sikkim is a tiny mountainous state. It is the least populated state of India. In 1975, Sikkim became the 22nd state of India. It has only 540, 493 inhabitants and a total area of 7,096 square kilometres.

The word ‘Sikkim’ means ‘new housed or ‘new palace’. Gangtok is the capital of Sikkim. The Tibetan name for Sikkim is ‘Denjong’ which means the ‘valley of rice’. It is a very beautiful place for tourism. It is rich and flora and fauna. Nepali is the main language of Sikkim. Here people mostly follow ‘Buddhism’. So, they mostly celebrate the festivals of buddhist. Christmas, Diwali and Dussehra are also celebrated by the people of Sikkim.

Measure for Measure Summary in Hindi

राजा कृष्णदेव राय कला प्रेमी थे और कवियों व कलाकारों को खूब मदद दिया करते थे। एक बार, एक चित्रकार राजा वर्मा ने उनकी शानदार तस्वीर बना दी। उसकी कला से खुश होकर राजा ने उसे राज्य का मुख्यमंत्री बना दिया ।

राजा वर्मा को तो शासन के बारे में कुछ भी जानकारी थी नहीं। लोग उससे नाखुश रहने लगे। वे नये और गैरअनुभवी मुख्यमंत्री से राज्य को छुटकारा दिलाने के लिए कुछ उपाय करने का निवेदन लेकर तेनाली राम के पास आये । तेनाली राम ने उन्हें आश्वस्त किया कि वह इस समस्या का समाधान जल्द ही निकाल लेगा।

कुछ सप्ताह के बाद, तेनाली राम के निमंत्रण पर, राजा अपनी रानियों और कुछ दरबारियों के साथ तेनाली राम के घर पर.दोपहर का भोजन खाने के लिए आए । खाना बहुत ही तीखा बना था। राजा गुस्सा हो गया।

तेनाली राम ने राजा को बताया कि उसे एक बहुत ही शानदार बढ़ई मिला जिसे उसने रसोईए की नौकरी पर लगा दिया और खाना उसी ने बनाया है।

राजा ने हँसकर तेनाली राम का मजाक उड़ाया कि उसने एक बढ़ई को रसोईया बना दिया। तब तेनाली राम ने बड़े विनीत होकर राजा से कहा, “यदि एक कलाकार मुख्यमंत्री बन सकता है तो एक बढ़ई, रसोईया क्यों नहीं बन सकता?”

राजा को अपनी गलती का अहसास हो गया । कलाकार राजा वर्मा को. तेनाली राम के घर में घटित घटना की जानकारी हुई। उसने अपने पद से इस्तीफा दे दिया। बाद में, उसने तेनाली राम से कहा कि वह फिर से मात्र कलाकार बनकर बड़ा ही खुश है।

Measure for Measure Hindi Translation of The Chapter

Patronage (n) [पैट्रोनेज] = मदद, संरक्षण | Scholar (n)[स्कॉलर) = विद्वान । Equally (adv) [इक्वली] = बराबर रूप से | Fond of (phr) [फॉन्ड ऑफ] = शौकीन होना किसी चीज का । Brilliant (adj) [ब्रिलिएन्ट) = तेज, प्रतिभाशाली । Portrait (n) [पोट्रेट] = तस्वीर । Majestic (n) [मैजेस्टिक] = महाराजा । To come alive (phr) [टू कम अलाइव] = बिल्कुल सजीव-सा लगना | Apart from (phr) [अपार्ट फ्रॉम = किसी चीज से बिल्कुल अलग ।

Image (n) [इमेज] = आकृति । Skill (n) [स्किल] = कला, चतुराई | Overwhelmed (v) [ओवरव्हेल्म्ड] = अभिभूत होकर । Generous (adj) [जेनरस] = उदार, दानी। Impulse (n) [इम्पल्स] = प्रभाव | Reward (n) [रिवार्ड) = इनाम । Spur of a generous impulse (phr) [स्पर ऑफ अजेनरस इम्पल्स) = कुछ कर बैठना अचानक से परिणाम की परवाह किये बिना। Chief minister ship (n) [चीफ मिनिस्टरशिप] = मुख्यमंत्री का पद । though (adv)[दो] = यद्यपि । Whatsoever (pron) [वाटसोएवर] = जो कुछ भी । Dare (v) [डेअर) = दु:स्साहस करना । Administration (n) [एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन] = प्रशासन । Elders (adj) [एल्डर्स) = बड़े, बुजुर्ग व्यक्ति । Invited (v) [इनवाइटेड] = निमंत्रित किया । Courtier (n) [कोर्टिअर] = दरबारी । Meanwhile (adv) [मीनवाइल] = इसी बीच । Grand (adj) [ग्रैन्ड] = शानदार ।

Feast (n) [फीस्ट] = भोज । Order (n) [ऑर्डर] = आदेश | Morsel (n) [मॉर्शल] = कौर (भोजन का निवाला)। Again and again (phr) [अगेन एण्ड अगेन] = बार-बार | Tasting (v) [टेस्टिंग] = स्वाद लेना। Realised (v) [रिअलाइज्ड] = महसूस किया। Unbearably (adv) [अनबीअरेबली] = असह्य रूप से। Hot (adj) [हॉट] = (यहाँ) तीखा । Suffer (v) [सफर] = कष्ट सहना । Horrible (adj) [हॉरिबल] = बहुत खराब । Usual (adj) [यूजुअल] = सामान्य रूप से।

Humble (adj) [हम्बल]= नम्र, विनीत । Forgiveness (n)[फॉरगिवनेस] = क्षमा । Excellent (adj) [एक्सेलेन्ट] = शानदार | Loudly (adv) [लाउडली] = जोरों से । Sense (n) [सेन्स] = समझ, होना । Employed to (v) [एम्प्लॉयड टू] = काम पर लगना, नौकरी करना । Funny (adj) [फनी] = मजाकिया । Idea (n) [आइडिया) = विचार । Lord (n) [लॉर्ड] = महाराज | Atonce (phr) [एट वन्स] = अचानक । Realise (v) [रिअलाइज] = महसूस करना । Embarrassment (n) [एम्बरासमेन्ट] = अप्रिय स्थिति । Post (n) [पोस्ट] = पद। Awkward (adj) [ऑकवर्ड) = अप्रिय, खराब । Incident (n) [इन्सिडेन्ट] = घटना । Resigned (v) [रिजाइन्ड] = त्यागपत्र दे दिया। Remain (v) (रिमेन] = बने रहना । Artist (n) [आर्टिस्ट] = कलाकार ।।

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