Bihar Board Class 9 English Book Solutions Chapter 2 Yayati

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Panorama English Book Class 9 Solutions Chapter 2 Yayati

If you are eager to know about the Bihar Board Solutions of Class 9 English Chapter 2 Yayati Questins and Answers you will find all of them here. You can identify the knowledge gap using these Bihar Board Class 9 English Solutions PDF and plan accordingly. Don’t worry about the accuracy as they are given after extensive research by people having subject knowledge alongside from the latest English Textbooks.

Bihar Board Class 9 English Yayati Text Book Questions and Answers

A. Work in small groups and discuss the following:

Yayati Class 9 Questions And Answers Bihar Board Chapter 2 Question 1.
Which is the golden period of life – childhood, youth or old age? Give reasons for your choice?
I consider youth as the golden period of life. This is the period when a man works for himself or for the country. In this stage, a person assumes the role of a lover. He is passionately in love with his beloved. He is sad when he is separated from his darling. He heaves sighs like the bellows of a furnace. He sings sorrowful songs composed in the praise of the beauty of his beloved. At this stage, he acts like a soldier. He has learnt many swearing terms. His beard is like that of a leopard. He saves the honour of his country at the risk of his life. He fights in the article. He tries to earn fame how so ever short-lived by jumping before the mouth of a firing cannon. So this is the age for doing something. For example, Alexander the great who died at the age of 32 only. Napolian, J. C. Bose, they all did at his youth.

Yayati Class 9 Bihar Board Chapter 2 Question 2.
Why does the man want to remain always young?
A man always wants to be young, because this is the age when one can enjoy this life in various ways. I consider youth as the golden period of life. This is the period when a man works for himself or for the country. In this stage, a person assumes the role of a lover. He is passionately in love with his beloved. He is sad when he is separated from his darling. He heaves sighs like the bellows of a furnace. He sings sorrowful songs composed in the praise of the beauty of his beloved. At this stage, he acts like a soldier. He has learnt many swearing terms. His beard is like that of a leopard. He saves the honour of his country at the risk of his life. He fights in the article. He tries to earn fame how so ever short-lived by jumping before the mouth of a firing cannon. So this is the age for doing something. For example, Alexander the great who died at the age of 32 only. Napolian, J.C. Bose, they all did at his youth.

B. 1.1. Answer the following questions briefly:

Yayati Question Answer Bihar Board Class 9 Chapter 2 Question 1.
Who was Emperor Yayati?
Emperor Yayati was one of the ancestors of the Pandavas.

Yayati Story In Hindi Class 9 Bihar Board Chapter 2 Question 2.
How did Yayati become old? Who cursed him?
Yayati became prematurely old for having wronged his wife Devayani, Sukracharya cursed him.

Yayati Class 9 In Hindi Bihar Board Chapter 2 Question 3.
Was Yayati devoid of sensual desires?
No, Yayati was not devoid of sensual desires.

Question 4.
What was the reply of his eldest son?
Yayati, eldest son replied that if he took upon himself his old age women and servants would mock at him. So he could not do so.

Question 5.
Why did he become angry?
He became angry as his three sons had declined to do as he wished.

B.1.2. Answer the following questions briefly:

Question 1.
What are the symptoms of an old man?
In the old age strength and beauty are destroyed. His face wrinkles, his hair becomes grey. He can’t ride on a horse or an elephant. His speech falters. He has to seek the help of others even to keep his body clean. These are the symptoms of an old man.

Question 2.
Who was Puru? Did he accept his father’s proposal?
Puru was the youngest son of Yayati. Yes, he gladly accepted his father’s proposal.

Question 3.
Sensual desire is everlasting. Whose thought is this?
This is Indian ancient thought. This is Yayati’s thought here.

Question 4.
Why did Yayati resume his old age?
When Yayati realised that sensual desire cannot be quenched he took back his old age and went to the forest to live a life of austere.

Question 5.
Do corn, gold, cattle and woman satisfy the desire of a man?
No, corn, gold, cattle and woman do not satisfy the desire of a man.

B. 1.3. Answer the following questions briefly:

Question 1.
What was Yayati famous for?
Yayati was famous as a ruler devoted to the welfare of his subjects.

Question 2.
Why did Yayati call his sons?
Yayati found himself suddenly an old man. But was still haunted by the desire for sensual enjoyment. So he called his five sons hoping that one of them would bear the burden of his old age and give his youth in return so that he might enjoy his life.

Question 3.
What did he say to them?
He piteously appealed to the affection of his sons and asked one of them to exchange his youth with his old age so that he might enjoy his life in the full vigour of youth.

Question 4.
Which son agreed to give Yayati his youth and take his old age?
Puru, the youngest son agreed to give Yayati his youth and take his old age.

Question 5.
Why did Yayati go to the garden of Kubera?
Yayati went to Kubera’s garden to get more sensual satisfaction with an apsara maiden because his desire could not be launched on the earth.

Long Answer Type Questions

C.1. Answer the following questions briefly:

Question 1.
Why did Yayati become prematurely old? Why did he dis¬like it?
Yayati became prematurely old by the curse of Sukracharya. his father-in-law, having wronged his wife, Devayani. Yayati disliked it because old age destroyed beauty and brought on miseries. He wanted to enjoy the desire of sensual enjoyment in the full vigour of youth. That was not possible in old age so he disliked it.

Question 2.
In order to enjoy the pleasures of youth, Yayati wished to take the youth of one of his sons. Was he right in doing so? Explain with the argument of your own.
Yayati became old due to curse. This was not good, that brought him miseries. Everyone has the right to enjoy his life vigorously. But wished to take the youth of one of his sons for his sake and send the son in miseries was not good in any way. As an old man, Yayati should accept as truth because no pleasure can quench the desire.

Question 3.
Write in your own words the responses of the first three sons to their father’s request.
When Yayati asked his sons to exchange their youth with his old age the eldest son said that the women and servants would mock at him. The second son declined the proposal by saying that old age destroys not only strength and beauty but also wisdom and he was not strong enough to do that. The third son opined that an old man can not ride a horse or an elephant. His speech is faltered his plight is helpless.

Question 4.
How did the fourth son respond to his father’s appeal? How would you have responded if you were the fourth son?
The fourth son begged to be forgiven, as this was a thing he could by no means consent to. An old man has to seek the help of others even to keep his body clean a most pitiful plight. No, much as he loved his father he could not do it. If I were the fourth son. I took pity on him. I would speak to him politely and did not use hard words at least…

Question 5.
Why did Puru agree to give his youth to his father and take his father’s old age in the bargain? Did he do the right thing?
Puru was fifth and last son of Yayati who had never yet opposed his father’s wishes. He moved by Filial love and agreed to give his youth to his father. He took his father’s old age in the bargain. He could not see his mighty father begging for anything and relieved him of the sorrow of old age and the cares of state, to be happy. Yes, as a son he did the right thing. It was his duty to protect his father.

Question 6.
Is it right for a father to make such a request to his sons as Yayati did?
No, it is not morally right for a father to make such a request to his sons as Yayati did. He should have accepted his old age gracefully and ruled his kingdom more and more wisely.

Question 7.
Were the four sons justified in refusing their father’s request? If yes, give reasons.
Yes, the four sons were fully justified in refusing their father’s request. I think every individual has the right. As enjoy his share of pleasure, who wants to become an old man in his full youth. None, the old age destroys beauty and brings on miseries and it is needless to describe the misery of vigorous youth sud¬denly plighted into old ages so the four sons rightly to refuse their father’s desires.

Question 8.
What lesson do you learn from this story?
The story Yayati tells us a very good lesson that youth is the best time of life. It is full of beauty, strength and sensual pleasures. This is the period when a young man can do for himself or for the welfare of the country. But it also tells us it is in vain efforts to quench desire by indulgence. Sensual desire is never quenched by indulgence, any more than fire is by putting ghee in it. No, the object of desire corn, gold, cattle and women nothing can ever satisfy the desires of man. So mental peace and balance are the only remedy which beyond likes and dislikes. Such is the state of Brahman.

Comprehension Based Questions with Answers

1. Emperor Yayati was one of the ancestors of the Pandavas. He had never known defeat. He followed the dictates of the Sastras, adored the gods and venerated his ancestors with intense devotion. He became famous as a ruler devoted to the welfare of his subjects. He became prematurely old by the curse of Sukracharya for having wronged his wife Devayani. In the words of the poet of the Mahabharata, “Yayati attained that old age which destroys beauty and brings on miseries.” It is needless to describe the misery of vigorous youth suddenly blighted into age, where the horrors of loss are accentuated by pangs of recollection.


  1. Name the lesson and its writer.
  2. Who was Yayati? Why was he famous for?
  3. How did he become old prematurely?
  4. According to the poet of the Mahabharata, what does the old age do?
  5. Why is it needless to describe the misery of vigorous youth?


  1. The name of the lesson is Yayati and the writer is C. Raj Gopala Chari.
  2. Yayati was an emperor and was one of the ancestors of the Pandavas. He became famous as a ruler devoted to the welfare of his subjects.
  3. He became prematurely old by the curse of Sukracharya . for having wronged his wife Devayani.
  4. According to the poet of the Mahabharata old age destroys beauty and brings on miseries.
  5. It is needless to describe the misery of vigorous youth suddenly blighted into age, where the horrors of loss are accentuated by pangs of recollection.

2. Yayati, who found himself suddenly an old man. was still haunted by the desire for sensual enjoyment. He had five beautiful sons, all virtuous and accomplished. Yayati called them and appealed piteously to their affection. ’’The curse of your grandfather Sukracharya has made me unexpectedly and prematurely old. I have not had my feel of the joys of life; for not knowing what was in store for me. I lived a life of restraint, denying myself even lawful pleasures. One of you ought to bear the burden of my old age and give his youth in return. He who agrees to this and bestows his youth on me will be the ruler of my kingdom. I desire to enjoy life in the full vigour of youth”.


  1. What was the desire of Yayati after becoming an old man?
  2. How many sons had Yayati?
  3. What did Yayati tell his sons?
  4. Find out the word from the passage which is an antonym to ‘ugly’.


  1. Yayati found himself suddenly an old man, was still haunted by the desire for sensual enjoyment.
  2. Yayati had five sons. They were beautiful, virtuous and accomplished.
  3. Yayati told his sons that curse of their grandfather Sukracharya had made him unexpectedly and prematurely old. He had not his feel of the joys of life and further said that one of them ought to bear the burden of his old age and give his youth in return. He who agreed to that would be the ruler of his kingdom.
  4. Beautiful.

3. He first asked his eldest son to do his bidding. That son replied: “O great king, women and servants will mock at me if 1 were to take upon myself your old age. I cannot do so. Ask of my younger brothers who are dearer to you than myself.”
When the second son was asked, he gently refused with the word; “Father, you ask me to take up old age which destroys not only strength and beauty but also as I see wisdom. I am not strong enough to do so.”
The third son replied: “An old man cannot ride a horse or an elephant. His speech will falter. What can 1 do in such a helpless plight? I cannot agree.”
The king grew angry when he saw that his three sons had declined to do as he wished. He hoped for better from his fourth son, to whom he said: “You should take up my old age. If you exchange your youth with me, I shall give it back to you after some time and take back the old age with which I have been cursed.”


  1. What was the reply of the eldest son? When he asked him his bidding.
  2. What did the second son reply?
  3. What did the third son reply?
  4. Why did the king grow angry with his sons?


  1. When the king asked his eldest son to do his bidding, he replied that women and servants would mock at him if he had been to take upon himself his old age. So he could not do and advised him to ask him youngest brothers who were dearer to him.
  2. The second Yon gently refused to take up old age because it destroys strength, beauty and wisdom.
  3. The third son replied that old age destroys strength to ride a horse or an elephant and to speak clearly.
  4. The king saw that his three sons had declined to do as he wished, he grew angry.

4. The fourth son begged to be forgiven, as this was a thing he could by no means consent to. An old man has to seek the help of others even to keep his body clean, a most pitiful plight. No, much as he loved his father, he could not do it. Yayati was struck with sorrow’ at the refusal of the four sons. He paused for some time and then supplicated his last son,’ who had never yet opposed his wishes; “You must save me. I have got this old age with its wrinkles, debility and grey hairs as a result of the curse of Sukaracharya. I cannot bear it. If you take upon yourself these infirmities, I shall enjoy life for just a while more and then give you back your youth and resume my old age and all its sorrows. Puru. do not refuse as your elder brothers have done.” Puru. the youngest son, moved by filial love, said: “Father, I gladly give you my youth and relieve you of the sorrow’s of old age and the cares of State. Be happy.” Hearing these words Yayati became a youth. Puru, who accepted the old age of his father, ruled the kingdom and acquired great renown.


  1. Why was Yayati struck with sorrow?
  2. What was the reply of the fourth.son?
  3. Why did the king get his old age?
  4. Who was Puru? Why did he accept his father’s proposal?
  5. What happened to Puru?


  1. Yayati was struck with sorrow at the refusal of the four sons.
  2. The fourth son replied that an old man had to seek the help of others even to keep his body clean. It looked a most pitiful plight so he begged not to accept the proposal.
  3. The king got this old age as a result of the curse of Sukracharya, his father-in-law.
  4. Puru was the fifth and last son of Yayati. who moved by filial love of his father he gladly accepted his father’s proposal.
  5. Puru became old but ruled the kingdom and acquired great renown.

5. Yayati enjoyed life for long and, not satisfied, went later to the garden of Kubera and spent many years with an apsara ‘maiden. After long years spent in vain efforts to quench desire by indulgence, the truth dawned on him. Returning to furu, he said: “Dear son, sensual desire is never quenched by indulgence, any more than fire is by pouring ghee in it. I had heard and read this, but till now I had not realised it. No object of desire corn, gold, cattle and women nothing can ever satisfy the desires of man. We can reach peace only by a mental pose beyond likes and dislikes. Such is the state of Brahman. Take back your youth and rule kingdom wisely and well.” With these words, Yayati took back his old age. Puru, who regained his youth, was made king by Yayati who retired to the forest. He spent his time there in austerities and in due course attained heaven.


  1. How long did Yayati enjoy his life?
  2. Why did he go to the garden of Kubera?
  3. When did the truth dawn on him?
  4. Why did he return to Puru?
  5. What did he say to his son Puru after returning to him?
  6. How can he get mental peace?
  7. Find out the word in the passage which means ‘get again’.


  1. Yayati enjoyed life for a long time.
  2. Yayati went to the garden of Kubera and spent many years with an apsara maiden.
  3. The truth dawned on him-after long years spent in vain efforts to quench by indulgence in an apsara maiden.
  4. After long years spent in vain efforts to quench desire by indulgence, he returned to Puru.
  5. He said to Puru. “Sensual desire is never quenched so take your youth back and rule the kingdom wisely and well.”
  6. He can get peace only by a mental pose beyond likes and dislikes. Such is the state of Brahman.
  7. Regained.

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