Bihar Board Class 12th English Important Questions A Trick Summary Questions and Answers are the best resource for students which helps in revision.
A Trick Summary Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Write down a Summary of A Trick.
A Trick is a short story written by Prof. R.K. Sinha, the eminent English teacher of Patna University. In this story he writes about a trick played upon a young man by his friend and its impact on him as well as the narator himself. Like the writer, the narrator is a student of English literature. He and his friend, Mr. Varma, have appeared at an examination. There are a very few very brilliant students in the class, including these two. So the atmosphere is very competitive.
One day the narrator congratulates Mr. Varma, saying that he has topped in the examination. The latter is incredulous; but the same thing is repeated in such enthusiastic tones by some friends of the narrator that Mr. Varma is convinced of the truth. However, to as certain the truth he visits, along with his friend, Kamla, to Prof. Chatterjee’s house. The cryptic laughter of the professor is sufficient to make Mr. Varma understand that a trick has been played.
Naturally, Mr. Varma is very angry with the narrator. He sent the ward servant with a ship of paper to the narrator, asking him to return a few books that he had lent him. Now the narrator felt a little guilty for ruffling the sentiments of Mr. Varma. As he was trying to locate the books Mr. Varma himself entered the hostel room and asked forgiveness. Both the friends reqlized that the matter was being taken beyond its natural limit. The narrator renamed his self-control and went together with Mr. Varma to the mess.
Afterward the narrator continued to be haunted by an acute feeling of guilt which was increased when he saw dreams in which the Almighty sat in judgement over his misdeed and pronounced that he would have to be punished. So afraid did the narrator become that he thought that he might fail in the examination. But the result was different from the fear of the dreams — the narrator, in fact, topped.
The story has been written with mastery of detail. The carelessness of the young people, their competitiveness, and their jealousy have been admirably portrayed by Dr. Sinha. But more significant is the psychological treatment of the narrator, his acute feeling of guilt, and the magnanimity of Mr. Varma.