Bihar Board Class 12th English Important Questions Article Writing are the best resource for students which helps in revision.
Bihar Board Class 12th English Article Writing Important Questions
Question 1.
Write an article in favour of holding annual book fairs.
Like an exhibition a book fair is also a great promotional event, providing opportuinity to residents of a small town or city to have a direct view of the material they need and to make a balanced purchase of the old and the new. Especially, the book fairs help recent publications reach the readers without much delay.
Formerly, only metropolitan cities in India hosted book fairs because they had the required space and the transport facilities. The number of readers was there was also higher than in smaller towns. But recently book fairs are being I organised in many state capitals.
Over the last fifteen years or so book fairs have become an annual feature in Patna, eliciting very positive response not only from students and academics of patna but also from various cross-sections of the society from the nearby towns and villages. On Sundays or on holidays the number of visitors is unusually high and they can be seen returning with beaming, faces.
A very distinctive feature of the book fair is the opportunity to have interaction with famous writers over reading sessions. To hear these writers reciting their short stories or poems and express their opinion on literary issues is a pleasure which is a bonus for readers. This enhances comprehension, corrects literary taste and provides a new stimulus for reading. Secondly, housewives and children also get something for themselves in book fairs.
In a country like India where books are reverently treated an annual book fair has great educational value. Books, being more comprehensive and more durable than other mediums of instruction, really need some patronage which is provided by a book fair.
Question 2.
Moral and spiritual education to young men and women is also essential. Write an article on this topic in about 200 words.
A number of psychological and behavioral problems faced by the young men and women today is due to lack of moral and spiritual education. Whereas Harvard and Yale universities are inviting men from spiritual and religious centres of India, in our own country schools, colleges and universities are simply insensitive to this great need.
There is a certainly a need of professional courses and vocational training which have to be imported by educational institutions. But students must also learn about self and the principles of private and public conduct. They must have a knowledge of the great texts of religion.
They have to understand that whatever they aspire for can be possible only through the grace of God. They must be ambitious, but at the same time they have to learn the principle of contentment. While it is good to think seriously about career, it is no less important to know that the basic goal of life is self-realization which can be attained by purity, selflessness and concern for the underprivileged.
A way of life that is in harmony with social and national traditions is far more satisfactory than a senseless copying of foreign cultures. Such a moral and spiritual training can alone prepare youth power that will play a constructive role in the building of a powerful and prosperous nation.
Question 3.
Write an article for your school magazine justifying the need for education of girls in the country for national development.
(word limit: 200 words).
The development of India will never be complete if half of its population, that is, the female population remains in the grip of illiteracy and superstitions. Can we imagine an educated farmer trying to adopt scientific ways of farming when his wife can neither read nor write and is brought up in the traditional ways ? The women in cities are getting educated and are taking up jobs as teachers, administrators, lawyers, engineers etc. There is thus a further reason to give a uniform look to India and provide education to girls in – villages and small towns.
An educated girl will be mentally fully equipped to attend to her house hold duties also more efficiently. She has knowledge of child-rearing, first aid, hygienic living and the changing conditions of the world. She can thus become a partner of her husband in the real sense of the term .
She can share his anxieties in the world of profession and politics and give him a piece of advice or two. Education of girls will thus transform Indian homes and social lives-the women, equipped with modem knowledge, will make India a vibrant nation that can take firm steps to progress and modernity. Let us shed our pijudices against the girl child and give her the best of education in the interest of national development.
Question 4.
You have found that in many families the old people are badly neglected. Write an article in 200 words to be published in a newspaper, highlighting this problem and suggesting remedies.
No body would object to the fact that the world belongs to the young. But it would be very sad to neglect the old men and women who have shaped the youth with their blood and sweat.
And it is realy shocking these days to. see how the old members of the family are treated – they are left in the shabbiest of rooms, they are called out only at meal times, they are forced to watch such programmes on television which they do not like and nobody finds time to talk to them, which they love vety much. Actually, the old people are seen as a liability and as an article that is no longer of use. Such an attitude is utterly painful and shameful.
We cannot go back in time. But it is our duty to maintain a parents respectful attitude towards our parents and grand parents. They should not be left confined to their small rooms. They should be consulted in every important family affair and their advice should be needed. Children should be encouraged to take care of them, to be near them and to benefit from their experience.
In absence of sympathy and care the old people are today surviving on medicines. They feel terribly lovely and unwanted. It is a bad over for our family life-we have to bring back cheer to the faces of the old people and restore their position by taking interest in them and paying due respect to them.
Question 5.
For your school magazine write an article in about 200 words about the craze in young people for fast food which is a serious health hazard.
It is a cammon sight these days to see young boys and girls devouring platefuls of fast food in shopping complexes, restaurants and canteens.
In spite of warnings issued by physicians in health columns in newspapers and TV show the tendency to consume fast food is increasing. On the one hand the youth are attracted to health clubs and yoga and on the other they are ruining their health by eating all sorts of pizzas, hamburgers and spiced chicken curry.
An important reason is that the young people because of a busy schedule leave their homes early and have little time to eat a proper breakfast. A home made breakfast consisting of toast, chapatis, vegetables and a cup of milk would certainly keep them satisfied and be a natural diferrent against this
craze. Moreover, spices and roasting of food items generally creates a sort of addiction. There is thus need of self-discipline also the curb this. Unless this tendency is kept in check the young people will find that they have developed deficiencies in calcium and protein that could lead to serious deseases of bone and heart.
They should therefore be regular in their food habits. Parents must also be careful in cooking such things that could give a pleasure to the palates of the young people and, orient them towards home-made delicious.
Question 6.
Write for your school magazine an article in about 200 words suggesting the means of combating terrorism.
Planned attacks by terrorists on airports, schools, temples and government offices all over the world have made our life very grim. It is perhaps, the biggest problem of the new millennium which requires the utmost skill and tact, resources and force of army men as well as civilians to tackle it.
The major task is to provide detailed information to the civilians regarding the modus operandi of terrorists to that they could no longer remain helpless. A civilian cannot carry bombs and ammunition at all hours; but at least he can be alert, physically and mentally prepared to face such a challenge.
On a number of occasions sheer tact and courage are helpful. The second thing is to lay down a security network that could cover all the principal buildings and monuments in metropolitian cities. Terrorists aim to strike big; and their priqrity is to create a feeling of collapse of law and order. This they achieve easily when they attack an army unit, ambush military vans or target a building of a secretariat.
Special training to army men in which every information is monitored through international agencies will be also of great use. Many countries are using different kinds of gadgets for keeping watch over the activities of terrorists. There is an urgent need to procure such tools and upgrade our detective and warning systems.
Question 7.
Write an article in about 200 words on the role of civilians in disaster management which can be published in a newspaper.
In future the civilians will be playing a very big role in disaster management in every country particularly in India where the administrative resources are limited the civilians will be called upon to tackle many responsibilities in times of flash floods, earthquakes, terrorist attacks and other emergencies.
It is true that every person can to some extent manage his affairs in such emergencies. But when something big and terrible strikes a city there is a need to coordinate government efforts with collective efforts of the civilian population as well. It requires teamwork, familiarity with modem techniques and tools and
above all a little professional training. Thus it is very important to start short-duration a courses for common men. and women to operate communication times, provide first and to victims, make temporary shelters and maintain supply of food and water in times of crisis.
They should hold meetings regularly and maintain a stock of items needed by people in such crisis. If this programme is organised properly it will be a great assistance to the state and the central governments and also to the affected people of a locality. Younger people must certainly be provided specialized training in different areas for this purpose.
Question 8.
Write for your school magazine an article in about 200 words on the visit of a great musical personality in your school.
The visit of Amjad Ali Khan, the great sitar-player of India, to our school has had the effect of a quiet revolution. His graceful personality together with his soulful playing of sitar has given in glimpses of an aspect of life w’ith which we were not familiar at all.
In the first place when he folded his hands in a gentle, shy namaste before us from the dias we just bowed our heads in reverence. His presence naturally inspired respect. The simple, but artistically designed, Kurta and Pyjama never looked so appealing before. After bowing down to the sitar and remembering his guru in a very polite in vocation he remained seated for two hours, his fingers weaving fantascies of music and silence on the sitar.
The harmonious sounds lifted our spirit, the notes reaching a crescendo and remaining transfixed at that high point for a few seconds before gently subsiding to a lower pitch. For most of thus it was the first introduction to Indian classical music and the most memorable.
From elders to the youngest of children sat through this recital, spellbound and motionless. At the end of the function the great musician blessed us and spoke briefly on the importance of music in building up the great culture of India. Many of us at that very moment decided to learn more about classical, music and even learn to play Indian musical instruments.
Question 9.
Write an article in favour of liberalisation of economy ? about 200 words.
Now that man has overcome time and distance, no country can afford to live in isolation. A further result of this narrowing of distance has been the interlinking of economy of one nation with that of the other. And in such a situation only that country can make fast economic progress, which has well integrated itself to the global economy.
That is, there has to be a conscious effort behind it. India’s efforts in this direction started when Sri Narsimha Rao was the Prime Minister. He started what is known as the liberalisation, of economy.
The first important consequence of this venture was that leading multinationals made huge investments in automobiles, computers, telecommunications, electronics. Formerly there were certain sectors of economy over which there was control of public sector.
After liberalisation all these sectors were thrown open to competition. A wave of reforms swept through the country and industrial gaints of the world took advantage of this which brought benefits to common men of India. They could have industrial goods at a competitive price in the domestic market.
Many native industrialists could come up with new plans and strategies. Behind the multi-dimensional growth of Reliance, Bajaj, Mahindra and Mahindra is the support of schemes and policies intiated under liberalisation. The situation is such now that no political party can go against it and interfere with the process of growth and development.