Critical Appreciation of The Poem The Daffodils

Bihar Board Class 12th English Important Questions Critical Appreciation of The Poem The Daffodils are the best resource for students which helps in revision.

Critical Appreciation of The Poem The Daffodils

Question 1.
Show your appreciation of The Daffodils.
A flower necessarily captures our attention by its colour, symmetry and fragrance. And when there is a cluster of flowers we are bound to be overwhelmed by an indescribable feeling of ecsatasy. Wordsworth shares such a marvelous moment with us.

As was his habit he was wandering alone somewhere in Lake District when he came by a rare sight — thousands of daffodils dancing under the impact of breeze by the side of a pond. Daffodils are ordinary small yellow flowers; but their being in such abundance and in such a festive mood made a deep impression on Wordsworth’s consciousness.

The memory of these daffodils became a means of restoring the poet’s cheerfulness and energy. The poem is an exploration of the meaning of Nature. It has a bounty to offer to careful eyes and mind; things are not so apart and separate as they seem, they are integral to our consciousness and being.